Kidnapping of Jamaican businessman in Trinidad reportedly orchestrated
It is being reported in Trinidad and Tobago that the kid­nap­ping of Ja­maican busi­ness­man Yohan Chin is be­lieved to be linked to the nar­cot­ic em­pires of slain busi­ness­man Shel­don Sukhdeo and an­oth­er busi­ness­man in South Trinidad who sells lux­u­ry ve­hi­cles.

According to the Trinidad Guardian, some of these ve­hi­cles are be­lieved to have been used to bring co­caine in­to the twin island republic from Venezuela.

The Trinidad Guardian says its po­lice sources have revealed that the authorities are pursuing information that Mr. Chin’s kid­nap­ping was or­ches­trat­ed by drug king­pins who are pos­ing as le­git­i­mate lux­u­ry car deal­ers.

The newspaper reported Thursday that Venezue­lan law en­force­ment on Wednesday seized a large quantity of cocaine that they be­lieved was be­ing trans­port­ed to Trinidad and Tobago.

The co­caine was be­ing trans­port­ed in lux­u­ry ve­hi­cles which had secret com­part­ments.

Following Mr. Chin’s kidnapping on Sunday, his business partner said a de­mand was made for Mr. Chin’s Porche Panam­era, his part­ner’s black Mer­cedes Benz and a piece of land to be sold and US$6 million paid in ex­change for his life.


  1. Yu know se a same so dem police raid buju hotel room ??? Jus wah day dem have one a dem a cus out a customer service rep because dema se too much N::::: on di channel they paying for….dem jus different

  2. 6 million US?! No man dem more than bright. Jamaicans how many times do we have to warn you. Dont go to Trinidad. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Chiney or a cookie, dem still see you as a Jamaican and they hate Jamaicans.. also dem crime rate tun up. Please go elsewhere or stay home smh

  3. Mr chin u very Mixx up n greedy, all drug dealers fi dead, uno too friggin craven use car dealership as cover up. Uno nug call Jamaica name in a dat, mek who kidnap him hand down justice. Him too greedy n mix up, why so many businessmen mix up in drugs wen they really don’t have to. Nah sorry fi no drug dealer dem mash up people family n life.

  4. This one is very twisty!
    1. never knew LUXURY CARS are imported from Venezuela, I mean at this monent in its up side down state.

    2. the porsche panamera that the kidnappers are asking for, is it in jamaica or trinidad?

    3. if its surrendered as part of the ransome, what are the kidnappers going to do with it? I mean with the vin #, GPS,black box, and other highly sophisticated security system the car possess etc. wouldn’t that be the smoking gun for law enforcement authorities, I’m kinda lost on this one, more to it I think.

  5. Please fix your title.
    The alleged ‘ businessman’ me chin from Jamaica is a known drug dealer who befriended the Trinidad underworld to bring his shipments of drugs by means of his business’ vehicles and wealth.
    Unfortunately, one of his snake ‘ business friends in Trinidad betrayed him as well as some of his own trusted colleagues .
    No justification for his kidnapping.
    I hope he is released safely and unharmed .
    Every life is precious .
    The underworld in Trinidad stretches from Jamaica’ Guyana the whole Caribbean Soukth America … all the Chinese involved and cannot be trusted . Venezuela is a key offender with their cartels doing regular hits and kid mappings in Trinidad because of the closeness of both countries and the smuggling of cocaine , arms and ammunition and women

  6. Dirty Trinidad not Tobago doe mix up mi country inna unnu bangarangs. From it name chin him nuh belongs to Jamaica him only a duh business deh deh. Jamaica naaa claim dat suh dus say business man tonks.

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