1. I hear him asking one of his son what was his name again,an who was his mother so i dont think he will care about this he is areal dead beat

  2. A man with multiple children with different baby mamas can’t be a father to all those children physically, Mentally, emotionally and financially. There will be few that get the attention. Because its not possible to have quality time with all of them the way a father should, a few will be left out. Very sad! The mothers are to be blame as well. They just want to say I have a child for so and so because he’s an entertainer, not thinking of the conceqences.

  3. Morni g met, ele gat so many kids but he acts as if sushauna daughter haley is his only child sad. That the only child he takes care of financialy and spends time with look at his instagram page… his big daughter put up “worst dad ever today u must feel like shit!”

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