Dear Met,

I have a relative who the state took away her two kids but after a long hard fight, she got them back recently. The problem is that she’s taken up weed smoking and hanging out with young wutliss yutes 12yrs and 14yrs her junior!

It hurt the entire family to know that she left her kids in an abandoned building and went to have s*x and smoke weed with a 17yo cruff under a bridge!Our options are to report her to the state ,forcibly take the kids and give their father’s family to raise or just leave her alone because we can’t manage the kids ourselves. We can’t get through to her and we are fed up and need to act like now.What do you suggest as a better way to deal with this family crisis?


  1. How old are the kids and how many kids are there? The behavior of this female suggest it is more than weed smoking. She is a crackhead and the kids should be taken away from her pronto! How can a mother leaves her kids in a abandon building?

    You guys definitely should report her to the state to have those kids place in foster care. Not ideal and have their own set risks, but is a much better option that the current situation.

    1. Foster care is when there’s zero options. Putting children in foster care just because they exist is cold!

  2. Tell her if she doesn’t straighten up you’ll have to report her again, with that said being in the foster care might not be any better. You have to put the kids best interest first.

  3. the system can be a dangerous place and not all foster homes are great. Is the fathers family decent? Those kids need to be removed from
    Her care asap. Why isn’t your family able to manage taking them in?

  4. Why not meet with the father’s family (hope is the right father) find out if they are interested; if so then they approach the famiy court on an emergency basis.

    Talking to a drug addict nymphomaniac is a waste of time. Girl have mental issues.

  5. Lady nuh dweet bout a weed smoking nuh duh dat tuh weed no. Yuh cuzzo have diff prablem.

  6. You cannot reason with a crack head. If you think the father is any better and willing and don’t have a wife or gf who is going to harm those children then consider sending them to him but do it legally through the courts so your crackhead cousin doesn’t cause any problems later.

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