

Hey Kids,

As a teacher, I know it is my duty to be there for you, my loving children. I love and care for you.

Please forgive me for not being there right now. With the help of God Almighty I hope to reunite with you soon.

This is my message to you my children. Never forget to show respect to others. Be honest, stay in school, do unto others the things you would like others do unto you, and stay away from crime and violence.

Show love, even to the ones who might hate you, and honour your mother and father forever.

Coming from your dad,



Dear Readers,

On this blessed Father’s Day, I take with grace and joy the advantage of this opportunity granted to me (us) by God to send my love and appreciation to God and all fathers.

It is with this understanding and knowledge of God’s love that I urge every father, parent and individual to identify ourselves with true family values and with sincere commitment honouring them as we do family also.

Sadly, it is from my prison cell that I am writing to all. Nevertheless, it is both in and with love for all that my few words originated, hoping that they will be of inspiration to those who read.

I implore all Jamaicans not to take family, fathers and fatherhood, or love for granted. But rather, learn and understand all, while being committed to all, unselfishly and genuinely.

In closing, I must extend my love to my beloved children. It is sad and regrettable that I am unable to be with you. Nevertheless, always remember that I love you. I am also urging you to be well-behaved, study hard, and always do good to all, as you would like all to do to you.

Love always



To my daughter and other children of Jamaica:

As a father, let me commend my daughter for being a role model to others. She is 25 years old and is focused on school and is not ready for children.

I am really feeling proud of her. She will be graduating from the university in August.

I thank her for staying focused while I am away, and for her decision to make me a proud father. I wish her all the best.

And to the rest of the children in Jamaica, I send love for my daughter and for all of you. As a father, I love all children. My message to all of you is to stay focused and do not have children in your teen years or if you can’t finance them.

Always remember a child needs a lifetime of care. Make sure you can afford it before you have one, you can get pregnant for a man and never see him again and you can’t afford it; what will happen? You and the child will suffer financially.

Always think about your future and make your parents proud. Special honour and thanks to all the children who make their parents proud.

From Gary



There are things I would like to impart to my son – things that money can’t buy. These include values that will last for a lifetime.

I would like my child to know that my love is forever, and even though I am far away, the times we share will last in my memory forever.

On this Father’s Day, I want my son to know that Daddy’s love will be forever and that he’s always on my mind. God bless you in everything you do.

Looking forward to the day when we will be united.

Love you son,



Good day,

Father’s Day allows one to reflect on the virtues of good parental values and to celebrate in an appreciative way the relationship between father and child.

I am a father of four and locked away behind bars at the St Catherine Adult Correctional Centre, but still remain closely knit to my children. My three daughters and my son are my pride and joy.

They are the reason I look to a new day and put out all the effort in my transformation, because I want to afford them better.

I must change my existing circumstances. My children are my motivation and to be an example to them I must most certainly set an example.

For Fathers’ Day, I reflect on the love I have for my children and pledge my all to their well-being upon my release.

Yours truly,



For five very special persons in my life:

Today I am happy to be celebrating this special day. This could not have been possible had it not been for you guys.

Even though these walls may create distance, please know that you are always close in my heart.

Continue to make me happy and remember that your Daddy loves you. Neither time nor distance can break the bond that keeps us together as a family.

Children, you give me the strength and determination to go on. Don’t you ever worry; I will be home with you before you could ever know it.

Yours truly,



Dear Children,

A pleasant good day. I am writing this letter to both of you.

Sometimes I feel so ashamed for the mistakes I have made and for the part I did not fulfil in your lives.

I wish I could get back that chance to play my part of being the father that I should be.

I am so grateful for your mother, for the faith she has in taking care of both of you, sharing her love with both of you equally. It is like I’m there.

I love both of you non-stop, without end.

I am happy for the non-violent men both of you have grown up to be and hope you two don’t change. Crime does not pay.

I hope both of you accept me as your father no matter what.

Thanks. Love always.,



Hey Kids,

I would love to use this opportunity to express to my three children – two boys and a girl – how I feel about them. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the persons who are presently playing the role of father in their lives now that I am physically absent.

Being a father, in my view, is much more than being the male that engaged in an activity that resulted in the conception of children. Fathers are supposed to be protectors, provide the first and most influential male role model in the child’s life, and an example of what a man should be like – both for his sons and his daughters.

Consequently, the sons can have a model of the type of man to become, while a daughter can have an example of the type of man she should aspire to become involved with.

To my first son, love you very much and I want you to know that despite my absence right now, I am constantly thinking about you, feeling proud of you, enquiring about you and, most importantly, praying for you.

Continue to work hard at your school so that you can achieve your dreams and never forget to pray to Allah (God).

To my second son, I have a special love for you, particularly because of the fact that you have a medical condition which has rendered you with a disability.

Notwithstanding the fact that your mother chose to abandon you after I left you in her care, I want you to know that Allah (God) will protect you and provide for you in a way that is best. I encourage you to forget her and look forward to better days.

To my daughter, you are my only daughter and, consequently, you have a special place in my heart. I love you very much and want you to continue to be a smart little girl that is obedient and God-fearing. Daddy will always love you and will be back home soon ‘insha-Allah’ (if Allah wills).

I would like to conclude by saying a wholehearted thank you to my mother, my father, my sister and my wife for all that they have been doing on my behalf for my children, particularly in my absence.

You are all in my prayers and I am eternally grateful for all of your contributions.

May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon you all.

Yours truly,



  1. My advice to these men on Fathers Day 2015 is to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” – 1 Corinthians 16:13

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