Dear Editor,

I once believed that I lived in a very beautiful community nestled in the hills of Manchester, near the birthplace of the Right Honourable Norman Manley, Comfort District. But over the last couple of years what used to beautiful has become a nightmare. We are now plagued daily with a very offensive smell of pig feces coming from a very prominent family within the community.

Reports have been made to the Department of Health but to no avail, weekly inspectors come and pass the meats that are killed every Friday at Mr. Gordon’s Pig Farm. The community accepts it and support his business, as every week meat is killed and sold in his supermarket. The fact that he helps the various families within the community no one dare speak out against it. While I applaud his good deed at giving back, I am disgusted at the fact that daily we have to live with this stench while he lives on top of the hill away from it.

In wake of what is happening with the unknown nature of this coronavirus, I am imploring that something needs be done about this stench. That he be made to clean his facility so that we can all breath healthy and feel great about where we live.

Please we need some attention


  1. Unfortunately, what can be done in all honesty? Perhaps reaching out to the ministry of agriculture or Rada may provide some information of farming techniques to reduce the odour. Perhaps they could help them outside of that I am not sure what other recourse you have.

  2. Is that hog shit farm legally designated? That is the first thing to find out. If not, prominent Gordon or not, it need to get lock down for public health issues. With Covid-19 now in play, NOW is the perfect time to make a stink about the stink.

    Or it can catch fire too :cool

  3. Pig farming should not be allowed in residential communities. When the sun hit that feces/urine, it has an overwhelming odor. When I was a child growing up in Jamaica, we had a neighbor with about 4 to 6 pigs and in was a nightmare. We could not eat our dinner during the evening hours. She was reported to the health department, a she went a cussing campaign, about her neighbors who made the report.. This could not happen in any upscale community in Manchester or Kingston/St. Andrew.

    1. In which upscale community… any where in the world you know of any hog pen?

      I grew up in the country and hog pens are usually “roun a back” at least a 3 mins walk from the main house…and sun gawn dung long before dinner serve.

      When unu set out fi extra up de thing :nohope:

  4. You a talk bout dat me live a Duhaney Park and the milk pup smell weh come from the cheese factory a kill we fi years and a whole heap a complaint mek so good luck wid the pig shit

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