1. The hair dresser Weh sew in ️️di hair inna ️️di last pic need ️fi go have a meeting wid ️️di Pm and tell her how to get it together ….

  2. The second picture looks nice! she’s gangster suh shi not going to luk like summa dem wat wear makeup everyday but for her to get polish like that for the first time she did a good job!

  3. If Kartel neva gone to prison Shorty would still be looking like the first picture glad how everyting work out sometimes in life good things comes out of a bad situation!

  4. More time yuh deh wid ah man you inna house siddun looking stupid having babies an not thinking about yourself anna dat did reach Shorty but now shi realize that there is life after Kartel and it feels good its like a magic moment!!

  5. She is a very poor example of what any woman with self worth, self respect and integrity should be. This man who claims her as his wife was busy sleeping around with so many nasty girls including all the females who were part of gaza, they all claim him and he did the same in the song and she sat there and took all of it just to be known as the baby mother of kartel. She has no self worth and i hope no woman out there will or stop looking to her as a good example. Anything kartel does in the bedroom with women he wrote about it the following day and women still support him so i guess its safe o say black jamaica women are really the ratchets of the caribbean.

    1. So how black jamaican women drop in your argument? Is it only black jamaican women listen to Kartel? So the Chinese, Indians and Whites don’t listen or support Kartel’s music? Believe it or not, not all of Kartel’s baby mothers are black Jamaican.

      1. what does indian and white and chines have to do with my argument. the fact is she is a jamaican black woman without self worth and i am sorry but the harsh reality is always a bitter medicine. jamaican black women fall under the most nastiest and leud of the caribbean, its all over youtube. don’t blame me, blame your damn self for not having any integrity and know how to conduct yourselves in public, then want to get offended when people show you what you really are. i am not talking about his multiple baby momas as he only claimed her publicly so she will be the one under scrutiny as its obvious the others have moved on.

        1. Chinese,White,and Indian drop in the argument simply because black Jamaicand are not the only skining out at parties. So because Shorty is a black jamaican she represents how all black Jamaicans carry themselves? Maybe she represents some of those in the ghetto communities but not all. Don’t use the behavior of some sketels on YouTube to taint all black Jamaicans. Youtube also shows several black Jamaican women who are successful in many fields. By the way, you don’t even know me for you to be assuming that I conduct myself in such manner. Dont get me wrong I’m not supporting some of these sketel’s behavior. However there is the good,the bad and the ugly of every country so don’t dismiss the good by paying attention to the ugly ones. Not all of us are like that.

  6. I don’t know why this post went to a entire race and behavior, we has women of color love judge one another and it makes no sense, do you know the white people judge us everyday so why would you then turn and judge your own color of people regardless what country they come from… I’m from central American and my skin color is black and do I conduct myself in that manner know so why wouldn’t think someone would take offense to your comment… smdh

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