The Region: Gangsters, politicians, cocaine and bankers
By Horace Campbell Reprinted from the Trinidad & Tobago Review
Edward Seaga
The arrest of Christopher “Dudus” Coke in a road block in Jamaica on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 opens the possibility once and for all to reveal the full extent of the corruption of the politics of Jamaica and the Caribbean by the rulers in collaboration with the intelligence, commercial and banking infrastructures of the United States
From the streets of West Kingston to the hills of Port of Spain, Trinidad to Guyana and down to Brazil, gunmen (called warlords) allied and integrated into the international banking system had taken over communities and acted as do-gooders when the neo-liberal forces downgraded local government services.
From the garrison community of Tivoli gardens, Christopher Coke was hailed as a force more powerful than politicians. Such was the power of Coke (called the ‘Pres’ by his supporters and the media) that the prime minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding, tried to block his extradition to the United States. For a short period from August 2009 to May 2010, the Jamaican government protected Coke and hired a US law firm to lobby against his extradition. The US government intensified pressures against the Jamaican middle classes, threatening them with the withdrawal of their visas. This pressure and public opinion forced the government of Jamaica to issue a warrant for the arrest of Coke on 17 May 2010.
After the warrant was issued, the military and police forces entered the garrison stronghold of Coke to capture him. After the shooting stopped, 73 persons in Tivoli, three members of the occupation forces and ‘accountant’ Keith Clarke were killed and large numbers injured. Coke was in hiding because he feared ending up like his father, Jim Brown, who had been the don of Tivoli and had died mysteriously in a fire while he was incarcerated in Jamaica awaiting extradition to the United States. Although the western media has spun this story to exclude the US intelligence agencies as well as Israeli mobsters, the tales of Christopher Coke reveal the reality that peace and reconstruction in the Caribbean is inseparable from demilitarisation and exposure of the US banking and intelligence services.
Continued on page 2


      1. There is a book called Born fi dead and a follow up that he Blinds made illegal by Laurie Gunst please read. This man is the devil!!!!!

      2. Afternoon Mumma and crew 😀
        So far, a must read indeed. Going off to page two, but I think the exclusiin of the Isrealies is due to caution…to prevent the message from coming across like hitler’s accusation of Jews and their domination of the world banks.

  1. Quite so Met,it is a pity some time di long story mek ppl nuh read! Lalibela dem soon forward still cuz this is an eye-opener read!!Always hear dem a sey Seaga never easy but dis rt here???sighhhh! Reading is fundamental fi real though!!looking forward to a non-tribalist discussion cuz the 2 sides did some dirty deeds!

    1. It hard to have conversations on real issues because sure as the day is long it will turn into a tribal argument…

      1. And it is not. It is about the people who have allowed politics to really take presidence over their lives…the power is in the people..dem jus nuh know that or feel that way

        1. I would loveeee to know the truth, so we can approach the issues in the right way. All the yapping about parties the puppet masters are glad for because it is a great tool for distraction over the years.

  2. Mi present pan this one Oooo! Mi know him Eddie a di badest of them all, him nuh fraid a nuh gal, nor nuh boy, nuh weh! Lol,Put fun and joke aside, this is very real.

  3. Seaga was the worst thing to ever happen to Jamaica. Jamaica would have never ever been this violent if wasn’t for his quest for power in which he was willing to do anything to gain it. I read other articles which pointed out that Manley’s gov stopped a shipment of 500 guns in Mobay at one point. Assassination attempts by JDF members etc. Seaga wanted power and became a puppet of the US. He used Tivoli to enforce and disrupt the society – poor Kingston, being at the heart of it never actually recovered. I know guys who were at the top with them in 1980s and if you hear these guys talk about money you would think they were billionaires. 100k US being like nothing to them because di money was just coming in like crazy (CIA allowed it). Seaga started it and was willing, so Manley had to strengthen up to because his areas would have been sitting ducks. It’s honestly sad to think about and it’s unforgivable. This is why PJ was able to win for years – because di old people like my granny and grandpa neva figive him and the JLP party. The country has been staggering ever since him bring in the guns etc. But the young these days do not understand this history and they don’t realize many of these connections remain. They don’t know many of the failures to boost our economy was done through the failed leadership of JLP. When crime tun up who ago really invest ? The Chinese are the only ones showing big interests to spend billions. THe young just see trouble and don’t know the root of the issue and it’s heart breaking. But I know nuff a these young gal and ambitious thugs naw read nuttin so dem neva ago know anything. BTw another element of JLP power was intense neo-liberal policies which means the numbers was more important than the people – so many older Jamaicans remember how Seaga threatened to hire foreign nurses because Jamaican nurses wanted more pay etc during the 80s. He followed everything the US told him and as many of you know when American business principles in charge we get Bush lol. JLP today still have these economic principles so when people talk about good job wid dem cut cut in government – dem nuh realize seh anything dem have ago get cut too. What is funny is that development politics have largely moved on from IMF style cuts to look good on paper while people suffer. But I digress. In 2009 with bruce in power was the most corrupt year in Jamaica’s history and 2015 was the least corrupt year. This is why Obama showed up because he realized Sista P was trying. US embassy and international observers reported how corrupt JLP was and I hope dem improve this round. What’s funny is that Bruce bring in American observers to look at the corruption in in Jamaica in 2007 yet his period was the worst. (I read a piece of that report and it found roughly 30 of Ja’s budget is dark – meaning no form of accounting done for it)

      1. So is this persons saying we must vote pnp cause seaga was wicked pp?…….talk about drifting a little too far from topic.

        1. A dem things here why me have fi a ponder when people talk about certains things. Always an ulterior motive. Remember propaganda comes from truth and myths.

        2. A dem things here we have fi a ponder when people talk about certains things. Always an ulterior motive. Remember propaganda comes from truth and myths.

  4. So bammy u mean fi tell me that Blinds really hire a man with no agriculture experience and pose him up as Ja govt agrifulture expert???all di while running a drugs like wow as is being alleged???

  5. All the chronicles of the JLP is it not written up top, I won’t dispute the fact that both are corrupted, but read on, this is the reasons why I would not give my vote to them, because I know fi them level of wickedness nuh normal, Eddie wresle with satan just for power, my fingers would a numb up before I make a x beside the bell, I pray we moved forward pass all this, and we see a new growth in politics. Andrew Holness, be warned, stay clear of Eddie, remember now, u can’t say yuh never hear.

  6. The part whey mi neva know a how Israelis did involved ina jamaica business..I wonder if Seaga have all dem money deh same way

  7. Yardie, this is the reason why you would call a person like me die hard, I am from the hard core ghetto, we were living in peace, I never even knew that my area was ghetto to be honest, I have a strong labor party affiliation, so why would I hold on to this party?, I know the level of evil that Eddie do to our people, I see the violence in the streets, I see the evils that they did night and day, I still have nightmare, I can’t support them, I prefer pray that God rise up some new people within the PNP to govern the Jamaica, but I refused to support the JLP, as I know what ever Jamaica facing right now, they are the ones that dig the pit that Jamaica in right now, and that is why when I hear the young people lick out hard about the PNPs I just shake my head,, and I say it is a pity they don’t know or understand the depth of wickedness the JLP is capable of, and just watch again, cause it is going to unravel right before the eyes of this new generation, only God going to help we, because evil is alive and present. Eddie nuh dead.

  8. I think I’ve been scarred by a childhood memory of Blinds boxing a police superintendent n ripping a box from the cop’s grasp.i later found out that is called a ballot box! St.Annes high school 1989 upper bond street west kingston,hannah town!!

  9. Met Zeekes come in long after, Michael and Castro did have form alliance, because Eddie and the Cia lock Jamaica down tighter than a sardine tin, PNP had send men to Cuba and train them as Brigadistas,as the JLP and the CIA was planning to assassinate Manley, facts . Zeekes not in to the movements, him just come, back then, the fight was real,we were fighting for our country, I am in tears right now when I remember some of the things we had to do, to save Jamaica, and the young don’t even know the quarter of the story, appreciate Manley Legacy, that was a man of integrity, that really and truly loved all of Jamaica, not a JLP or PNP thing.

    1. I agree it’s sad what wi poor Likkle country go through n for what. All now wi can’t see nothing. Gods words r always true man when they drift away from God is the wickedest thing. Money is truly the root of all evil.

  10. Manley truly loved the people,it was some of his badmind ministers around him who wanted to overthrow him that made it bad for the country!! Look pon all di communist dem who rebrand demselves n a come talk bout frigging integrity!!!wtf? Hush bammy

  11. All mi gwine seh is Blinds container load reach a Miami every two months….for years. That’s the extent of my knowledge of his drug trade. Most politicians were doing it then.

  12. Yes, Yardie, a particular animal in the party, that coveted Manley for his position, at the time, he served well in his ministry, actually he was D best, so he went unnoticed, but this corrupted individual was a snake, a Judas,that was hungry for power, not to the extent as Eddie, but he was viscous, want Manleys position, he did some real undermine things against the leader, even making a deal with the CIA, I really can’t discuss politics with the young people, because it is so much that we would have to educate them on, as they’re looking at a now situation, even though I would try to tell them more, they keep on calling us die hearted dutty PNP, them didn’t stop to asked us why are you so die hearted for this particular party, then we would tell them, we weren’t die hearted just for us, we were die hearted for all of Jamaica. And they would learn more about the individuals they’re putting in power to govern their life, some of these people as pleaded and sold their souls to satan.

  13. This US system still continues today as a power control for each country, it is either obey what they say or be destroyed… Yes Eddie par wide the Fed’s, and did much with the guns and violence, however the nowadays PNP them too theif, they only look out for themselves and rob up the country money… Both parties have terrible faults in many ways…

  14. I read something yesterday that alleged seaga sat in the Jamaican parliment illegally! He was born is Boston n claimed to be a naturalized Jamaican citizen prior to being sworn in but our laws didn’t yet allowed that so dem saying it did wrong.

  15. Bammy u know the tings my girl.a whole generation grow up and no know the half a wha gwan inna jamaica.we were that close to a full scale civil war a jamaica a just cause manley wasn’t a war Lord like blinds.the man starve the country fe meck sure say manley loose the election. As long as me live me naw feget the trauma, when u go shop nothing no in deh fe buy, every glass case empty, no rice no sugar no flour.the man make sure pay off gk fe meck the food stay dung a whaf and rotten, and spread propaganda say jamaica a turn communist. Who Unoo think assinate songster? And even then when dem get out songster who a one a fe dem own, shearer was the dutty pm so by right a him should a get the pm role….did he get it. Dat man meck all the great bob affie run leff him born land like a refugee. This generation Unoo have a lot fe give thanks fah cause Unoo come get it while it good.

      1. I eish people would use the Anonymous freedom of yhe internet and site to give full details, call names and site things rather than the contineous “riddle me dis, and ruddle me that” “stories”. Is full time we know the facts rather than hearsay shop plaza arguments.
        Wha onu fraid off after all these decades if a truth? Onu no muss use real names but me can’t find truth in riddles. Chou!

  16. Afta him win the election way him did come Wid the deliverance is near punch line, bout a week afta if a so long me say some breed a food start flood the place. A from dem time deh the Farrin food teck root inna ja.afta dat word start leak out say a dat did gwan cause dem did affie win by any means. Reagan make sure him give him all him own helicopter. Then dem run in Wid a ting call ganja eradication program, dem go round and spray out all a the weed, but it not only destroy the weed it start kill out all a the coconut tree dem.that was when coke was introduced to the island.

  17. On page two: I can’t understand why the rastafarians never did anything to counter much of what took place over the decades.

  18. Kmt. Conversation turn oneside politics already. Pages 1-7 and a page 1 alone have interest? Kmt.
    Me gone read and no bother comment pon dah post yah.

  19. Manley never stand a chance, cause all him did a fight fah was fe the poor get a slice a the cake. When him come out and say it no right fe one r two set a family inna jamaica control all a the land over caymanas and helshire so him come in Wid the land lease ting the rich ppl dem start teck it to him wicked. Every turn him meck him was face Wid obstacle. Then dem treated him say if him continue dem a go move out a the country Wid dem money, so him tell dem who wha go can go cause 5 flight a day leave jamaican. that’s why to this day jlp was always bout the wealthy.

  20. Manley never stand a chance, cause all him did a fight fah was fe the poor get a slice a the cake. When him come out and say it no right fe one r two set a family inna jamaica control all a the land over caymanas and helshire so him come in Wid the land lease ting the rich ppl dem start teck it to him wicked. Every turn him meck him was face Wid obstacle. Then dem treated him say if him continue dem a go move out a the country Wid dem money, so him tell dem who wha go can go cause 5 flight a day leave jamaican. that’s why to this day jlp was always bout the wealthy.

  21. Yes Kingston 13, when them released the milk ,it yellow and thick like plank, the rice and flour full a weable,Jamaica nuh experience no kind of violence like that ever again, them pay the soldiers to violate the women them, them strip some a we naked, step up pan we, line we up like animals, drive we and leff we ina all bush,we have to find our way back home, every day we have have rag over our face, cause a pure tar gas them tar gas we, and we the young women stand up on dem like Nanny cause the man them fraid, because them a kill them like fly, so we as woman had to be brave, we keep meetings, we knew what was happening, certain youths were targeted, Cuba was a safe haven for us, we were trained militants to war, it’s so much that was going on, Bob get caught up, in it, he too was targeted by the CIA, those were the days when milk did married to salt fish, lwad a weak, then uno really asked why we are die hearted. Lol, is crash program work used to feed a family of 10, Michael Manley tried everything possible to help poor people, free school lunch, it is too much to mention. Youth service, everything has Michael Manley name written on it, them cudda change them and call them 20 different name, Manley print is what makes Jamaica today.

    1. Why the hell was milk being imported?
      Guess we still no learn that we have to produce we basic needs. Rice use to grow a Jamaica…i think a kitson town because slaves were carried to the new world exclusively for that…europeans were new to rice.

  22. @ pp dem time deh rasta affie a hide, cause it was like open season fe dem.police use to just round dem up and trim dem and beat dem bad.rasta go through judgement. And it’s not bout no politic side we just a meck u ovas how De ting did set from dem time deh.every night from it reach seven, u see the helicopter oboe Wid bright light a shine a ground.every road had to be block when it touch night.old car and fridge and whatever u can find u affie a lock off u road entrance cause once it touch night is a different ball game.we were the generation dat grew up under curfew.

    1. But from Bustamante did put out death warrant pan dem why dem didn’t use “baldheads” to infiltrate government?

  23. Hiya PP I hear yuh so ok let us deal wid some facts n we own experiences! Do u recall the days BTW the transition jlp to pnp where dem married up the food?? Scarcity is one thing but imagine u had to buy something u didn’t want just to get the food that u need oo!!
    Do u remember some of the married food combos Bammy,kgn13?? I think tin milk n saltfish. I also remember pnp would burn labourites outta dem house but labourites were shooting up tenemant yards!!
    My mom told me my dad abandon her n us 3kids claiming he was going outta south for guns n reinforcements! The labourites were shooting up hannah town,regent street n dad just took off n we sought refuge in the church at the borderline top of the hill!! Picture my mom running,pushing the pram with my Lil sis n bullets whizzing by! My dad return with two guns 3yrs LATER n my mom went to the toilet n Make 1 big scoop n doused him with a paintbucket a 2day piss!! Never saw him again till another 3yrs!

    1. Me was a toddler in those times and sheltered at best. But your experience is the ones I want to hear about and the ones me respect the most than the standard tribal argiment dem you hear over n over and some corn wid nuff propaganda.

  24. Unnuh know say Jamaica shoulda rich? I mean billionaire rich .
    Who remember in the nineties when every night on the news it was,6000kilos found,20,000 kilos found..Every single day.
    I used to kick ball at a little place and every day the boat dem would load up in the evenings heading north..
    Where all those money went?

          1. Met,e soon come back. But i do think america banks dem breed a money de. I did find fault with the area pon the Isrealies. Soon come

  25. Boy no one can be objective. If someone wrote about Manley being the devil I guess everyone would believe. You all don’t know your history. Cause it write on paper means it is correct. Michael Manley was a disaster for Jamaica. Who called state of emergency in 76 to lock up opponents. And kill and run whey all laborites. The Jlp took up guns because of the carnage of 76 and Manley veering towards communism. Who wanted to live under communist rule???people say Cia supplied guns but didn’t the Cubans supplied guns too??? Everyone acting like it was one sided war. Ask the people of rema and south about pnp gunmen killing every night. Remember evening
    Tide home or green bay. Check facts

    1. Me have to agree wid you. I guess we may need an even amount of people to give us a view from both dide of the fence…cause bawl blood is just pnp n jlp people see and not the deeds of the pippet masters that head the political sysyems.

      1. I agree….dobt pretend it was 1 side.cause pnp wouldnt have so much gangs to this day….it was mutual combat.likes was giving away in both sides.

  26. Met if you did born in that time, or maybe you was a young baby, then you would understand why we are die hards, it’s our experience that we undergo under Blindnaga regimes, it was dread, every day, is just war and blood shed, all women had to know how to handle a gun, when the Junglist tek it to the Rema man them ,and of course it was the Rema people that started the first tribal war,poor little country people them better try nuh get lost and tun up Collismith drive,because all a 100 Rema man run out and cut that person to shreds,and if a strange relative come up the drive, mek sure him family nuh live pass 7 street, or else that just dead. We live in the worst possible time under that government, even though Michael was the Priminister, Eddie and the US government squeezed out the life out of we, cake soap married to rice, it was awful.

  27. The anti rasta movement was made national by our first prime minister.–compensate-Rastas_46925
    The christians etc bought into it. I have friends who grew up in trench and said he was running behind bop etc and his parents saw him beating a drum (one he made out of pan – likkle pickney thing) – him get some rass lick him neva touch another drum.Dem sort out rasta like second class citizens.
    @phantom – party is important because these problems still linger so understanding their root cause is important – who did Holness send fah ? di f**king Prime Minister who lose him JOb over f**king Dudus and Seaga (the god father of crime). These people need to totally discredited but good luck doing that. Enough idiot people in Jamaica which means these awful leaders will always be praised and worshipped.
    You know how many people waan see Jamaica but won’t touch it because of crime ? What is the economic cost of our image being tarred by crime ? The cost to communities – how many killed over the past 20 years ? 20 to 30 thousand people ? how many families got hurt ? How many geniuses didn’t develop because of being stifled in garrisons ? How many young women got raped, forced into all manner of evil (drug dealing etc) because of gang culture they introduced to JA ? Somebody haffi get blame for it so history can be told. The cost of creating and politicising gang culture demands we put the blame where it belongs. Many Jamaicans have moved on from this period but this period is still holding back the country so it’s amazing to look at solving crime without dismantling garrisons-dons etc. We can’t rebuild without getting rid of the false leaders, if Bruce will stand up to the US gov – who inna Jamaica can try change the situation with these guys around ?
    Basic corruption outline

  28. @ purple rasta. You really a talk bout come Wid facts. Me naw go inna no blame game but a who did start evening tide fire. Me sure a neva pnp, so wha u a say.the two side was at war but the green side was a more violent side and that’s a fact.when rema man dem did a lick out say a garden man alone did a eat food.a never pnp go over deh go wet up seven, don’t a did the infamous Jim do it.and don’t a did blinds go dung a garden afta it happen a drink and and play domino pon the corn a and a tell dem fe meck by gone be by gone.the fuss set a sixpance drop a road a who did have dem.the fact a the matt a is the two side did wrong but blinds was a bigger war machine than manley.the world know say Cuba have the best health personnel inna the world yet when Cuban doc cone yah fe help poor ppl a who did give dem 24 hour fe leave.

  29. A Rema mi come from, I was waiting for this, that was a propaganda, spread by Edward, bout Jamaica was going to become communist, We and Cuba are neighbors, and Michael admired Castro visa versa, but it was never his intention for us to become a communist country, is the children of Rema start the war between the adults, right at mr. Stanley shop we start it, from 1976, every pickney weh come a shop shop from pass 7 street get beat up, till it was bottle and stones, until it because out of control, and the men them get involved, it was a riot, so of course him did have to call state of emergency, the Junglist overpowered them yes, but I swear is the Rema man dem start it, then them guh fi the Tivoli man them, and them still lose,Evening Tide? A laborites burn dung Evening tide, tek back that, I want you to tell me something good, that Blinds do for Jamaica, just one thing, not 2 just one. Lol, and see if mi nuh tie u out fi eat grass, not even Tivoli was good, Eddie built a underground prison dung a train line fi kill people and confiscate them body, don’t mentioned the furnace off Collismith drive, weh ever a blaze, nuh tell me bout my place, talk facts, cause I can school you all night long.

    1. But Cuba was a declared socialist country back then……….cuba has never fully declared communism…their stance may look like that after the embargo thing but manley declared his socialist views like castro’s…it was socialism they did not want and dem use communism fi mek it look bad…

      1. Communism never came to fruition…it’s still in theory.
        I would like to know what threat Jamaica faced for Seaga to carryout their deeds. I already know the waterways are of great importance to the US.

  30. History is written by the victor.
    As some1 who grew up in the 1990 era why should I continue to vote along tribal lines when no one has ever mentioned or taught me of the ills of the 80s. It is not in any text book or readily accessible literature. I would appreciate a truth commission to decide for myself what I want to believe. Living in 2000 must I still vote P because my grandmother says I should or should I use the little text book knowledge I have read a manifesto and listen to a debate to make my choice? Generation Now will vote on perceived information and not something that happened 20 + years ago. So if we don’t have information then we cannot make informed choices.

  31. PP you want facts, you wondering why we are die hearted, we are simple stating why we are, we are still scared, we are still traumatized by our experience, and remember experience teaches wisdom, put it like this, I rather not vote then, than mark my x for the people that almost start a revolution in my country, you guys were not even born, so it’s who feels it, knows it all, we lived that pain and night mare. It’s like if Nanny or Sam Sharp was still around, and we would try to tell them to accept the white people now because time change and they are no longer our slave masters, do you honestly believe that they would accept our word for it, no matter how it looks to us now, as we weren’t living in the time of buckra massa, so come on now, our fear is always going to be in our head. So I would love to see a better Jamaica, but the younger generation will have to ensure that, cause my fingers nah budge. Lol

    1. Sketelbam, me or nobody can tek you or anyone life experiences from them. That is concrete and must be off limits and respected…no matter how me come off I hold that in truth.
      It’s hard for the generation now to choose wisley given the constant negatives from the generations before.
      Question: how much responsibility should the general public assign to themselves in letting these men obtain a level of power that carry us to the edge of absolute destruction?

    2. We scared now to with all people young baby a dead cause sanitary procedures are not being kept,me scared when a PM cannot express one self are explain certain things to the nation cause them feel like them bigga dan dat me scared now to when people in power 20years Later is still not being held accountable of certains and and not being asked to step down instead they are shifted to another are to collect more tax payer money.

  32. @ cold fire the mistake your generation has made is that Unoo doh respect elders, Unoo no spend the time and hold a reasoning with the elders so Unoo naw go know the not everything u a go learn from Google. Fe every elder who pass away is like a library has just being close. The preveliges that ppl teck fe granted now a nuff blood spill fe reach were it’s at now.

  33. Coldfire, that is why I say, I will step a side and let this now generation do their thing, we are living for the future, so it was a hard lesson that we learned, and we are still traumatized up to this very day. It’s a new day, a new horizon, go out there do your thing, and try to push for a better Jamaica, we came a far way, without the political violence, so I see that is one step heading into the right direction. I am not here to dictate, or decide who votes for who, I just told my history, so neither can anyone one tell me what to decide.

  34. Rema me come from unnu think Eddie easy.All now some ppl nuh know d half weh rema ppl go through.A six months me out a skl fah likkle most me dunce..thats why when ppl stick to one party and seh dem nah vote fi JLP ppl fi lowe dem. I prefer dont vote than give them my vote.Eddie built those monsters and cant control the.Somebody weh know cam tell unnu bout the great 4 yr war and May 8,those days were very tragic.Rema was JLP stronghold and the way how Seaga and him tivoli posse do rema the ppl dem switch…trust me not even go pon Spanish Town rd wid the hatred weh me have fi dem.Election time him wuk all d ppl dem and when dem go fi dem money Seaga run them..dem kill woman nuh figet nuh know how him cant dead yet…Eddie ago suffer memba me tell u…

  35. Shouldn’t history be based on facts rather than how we interpet them thru our green or orange eyes???I strongly disagree,i oppose the notion that history must be written by the victors. When that happens we have one man’s terrorist being a next man’s heroes! I love the discussion thus far MET cuz everyone is speaking their own truth.
    Can we elevate it even higher n bring it to the highest level of reasoning!!?That can only happen when we are prepared to make concessions by looking within our own minds. I for one concede that seaga built H.E.A.R.T skills centre,he played a leading role in our culture/arts/folklore/music and was hailed as a economic genius of the 20th century and worldclass finance many forget that Blinds lived among the ppl Ina di ghetto fi years eating out di same pot/studying n understanding ghetto ppl n he has a masters degree in anthro 4 dat!
    However good ppl jus know dat Blinds was a borderline obeah man so nobody nuh run een n tell mi crap bout pocomania n revivalist! He was ruthless using father n son Cokes to unleash helL on Jamaica n when he couldn’t control them, ppl alleged he saw to their demise!plus that’s what the article say too read it!! He ruled with a one Don iron fist n told di labourites to lock dung the country tighter than a sardine can cuz tivoli ppl was pegged dung! Remember the tourism mecca of mobay had zilch to do with the Adams incursion in 2001 but blinds say everywhere fi shut down!! I will next concede Manley’s glaring flaws!

  36. Met u affie Memba say dem time deh a just radio and the one little tv station we did have, and everything we were told was spin by the American .dem time all we heard about Cuba was how ppl a starve and if u have two vehicle Castro teck one and everybody affie a cut sugar cane even the doctor and how Castro was evil. So that’s why when dem hold on pon De food dat work just like how blinds plan was str8 propaganda at its finest.

    1. The loyalist keeping them alive. Andrew Holness is the only outsider to infiltrate these two dynasties.

        1. Oh, I’m watching alright. But, he being one born in the 70s and getting a leg in is groundbreaking.

  37. Well said Bammy n coldfire may I suggest to u something which is more than a cliche. U have to be the change that u want to see.if we know not our past we are doomed to repeat it’s failures! Most of all Sins of the father oo!!!!!

  38. @Met, i have been saying that forever. Jamaica need a fresh start, new minds, new direction..The history dread!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

    1. Mi see P.J did a ask fi apology and compensation from slavery but dem really need fi tek it to the powers that were responsible for the bloodshed back in the days ..It is a damn shame

  39. No both parties could not be dismantled in those times Met, now is when this can happen, the young people need to take a stand, all Pernel Charles, a weh him ago, kmt, the box weh Eddie gi him and deaf him ina fi him ears, bout hearing aid a work fine, Lol no sah! all Bruce get fi him yeye juck out by Edwud, and mi sure know say it is a fact, Eddie and him boys them beat them regularly when them oppose him facts.

    1. ________________________________________ mi seh di way how God deal wid Eddy mi nuh think him did know di day would come whey him wudda need help fi sidung n tan up..Manley gone rest peacefully long time

  40. My two cents, I think some may be mixing up some of our political history. Manley did his ish in the 70s and he was the one who was trying to implement communism/ socialism he was the one was was marrying food/ rationing food (Please ask parents if they not young, or grandparents). It was during this time the rich Jamaicans fled to Miami. Now Ms America neva wanted that, they could not have another communism county in the Caribbean esp so close to them. Now the CIA knowing how power hungry Sega was, went to him to take out Manley, they provided the guns/drugs (because Manley was heavily armed as well0. Hence the very very bloody 1980s election. Now Sega being power hungry fcked up JA with the guns and drugs, ppl never liked that then they reverted back to Manley. Then pnp started having their internal conflicts few years later. Those years saw the rise of PJ and fall and rise again of PJ. But because of how wicked Sega was during his 80s reign as PM,JA became a PNP county, and we had to deal with the thief of a PM known as PJ who bled the country dry during his 12yrs as Prime Minister.

    1. Thanks. I don’t know why people pretting up the Brigadista which was a damn hit squad. Seaga henchmen weren’t professionals but more hoodlums. Manley’s were Cuban military trained killers.

      1. Not all hudlums. Nuff a blinds shooter dem trained by Israeli real talk.Blinds did all waan fi start dem owna intelligence agency behind dem training and resource

      2. Nuuf a blinds shooter dem Israeli trained. Blinds dem did all want start dem owna intelligence agency behind dem training and resource

  41. One of the main flaw of Manley was that he was a notorious “Gallist”.U may say that his fi him own biz so it don’t concern us,well let me show u how.The thing abt gallis is that thier ego will accept sorting out nuff women all if a smaddie wife or bonafide.But mek u ever sort out dem ooman!!!
    This country was almost brought to its knee when the governing party was in turmoil cuz dk Duncan go sort out Beverley Manley!! Michael so enraged nearly kill him!!Met u can check this fact but did u know guns were drawn n threats made BTW Manley n dk Duncan!! That’s why Beverly Anderson Manley don’t stand a chance with me!!
    Michael in responce to Seaga overruning the corporate area with guns,was stockpiling his own!All the time Manley was publicly proclaiming Peace,some of jamaica’s most famous gunslingers were his rt hand!! Google feathermop,burry boy! It did dread oo,Manley tell all lie pon national TV that selassie gave him the rod of correction!!Manley campaign pon rastafri image/livity n backs n was swept into power on rasta revolutionary uprising. This was an explosion of rasta vibrations sweeping no just the country but the world due to Nesta marley!!

    1. Manley did good looking so woman did a go flock to him even if him neva waa be gallist..That man was very sexy

    2. Google nah go tell you the true deeds a dem man de. You have to get it from those they actually moved with. I did, so i know for a fact some people be lying about things that aren’t privy to many many people.

  42. Happy to see a constructive discussion, tired of the attention seeking illiterates stories ( although some a dem make mi laaf)
    I was born in a JLP garrison, but Michael Manley was the only hope Jamaica had, and when he died, so did the country. He had the vision, he was fearful of what we are today. He warned about the freeness mentality and the infatuation with foreign things. Michael and Marcus warned us, none of them wanted any personal gain, they just wanted Jamaicans to progress. Now 99% of the educated Jamaican flee the island, cannot get better. Seaga was a greedy dog, I wonder how he feels today? PJ wasn’t any better either.

  43. Many Many ppl n not just pnp will always remember the fact that labourites tried to kill Bob Marley at his peace concert.All the evidence n police report substantiate the assasination attempt.Marley did a song about it too.

  44. Ok, I want most of the young people to take a keen notice, most all of us was linked to strong JLP strong hold, as to me I won’t even utter, how strong my ties was to the JLP, but yet still we hated that regime, and u guys thinks it’s for no reason, think again, Ali, I agree with you on somethings, but the marrying of food items was a sabotage for the US governments, who held our food at the ports , it was no secret that Manley was a Socialist, back then we refer to ourselves as Socialist, Yardie let me make a correction, the gun was not drawn because DK slept with Beverley, I say it already, gun was drawn by DK in defense of Michael for other reasons, Manley did start to deal with white woman, and Duncan knew his business, so he did not think Michael would upset about her like that, it was a hard betrayal none the less, but it was not enough to cause a rift where, when it came down to the point where Michael needed DK in a very crucial time, him was there and he made his presence felt, gun draw yes, cause the boss call fi him soldier, and him was there in a minute. I am not asking any one about that, I am telling you exactly what happened.

  45. We are not petting up the Brigasta PP, it was necessary for the training, as our own soldiers were planning the assination of the Priminister, he knew that, so he had to equipped the people to fight in combat if it came down to it, so you think it was only men that went, a lot of women went too, you guys think this is a joke thing, you weren’t even born most of you, it kill or be killed. PJ bring down the party, he had the trust of the people, earned through Manley, but him is a devil, so I don’t blame the younger people to feel this way, because of the green lizard and the rattle snake.

  46. Seaga will not die yet. The devil is not done with him. The devil do not give anything away for free. From I was growing up I hear ppl seh Seaga have DeLawrence and how him can disappear and change into things. Met do you remember you had up that passage about “Deliverance from Evil”? It was then I knew how evil Seaga really was. The US is full of Propaganda. It keeps the people in fear. Same way they said Hitler had concentration camps. They had concentration camps too. They sent soldiers into Nicaragua to kill off the Mayans. Seaga was planted here for one reason and that was to destroy Jamaica. Retribution going to kill him and Holness needs not to ever take advice from him. Why is it that young people are not front runners in politics? Yet they are quick to speak on the leadership of the MPs. Mi live a Farm in the 80s and Tivoli man dem use to terrorize we. A Rema man dem use to come protect we dung deh. R.I.P Brooksy. If we should really take a good look at some of the houses in Greenwich farm and even southside, you can tell that they use to be nice and that good people lived there until the powers to be turned them into garrisons. I would never vote JLP because I know my history and Im an 80s baby. Same way nuff Jamaicans can tell bout US history dem fi know Ja history to.

  47. Met I did tell you long time say if we was to talk about Eddie it would tek days upon days, yes, see someone come talk about the disappearing acts of blinds, is D lawerence him deal into, that man is demon possess, poor Mitsy did fraid a him like a puss, him daughter cuss bad word more than the ghetto pickney them back in the days, evil a seeep through every part of the man body.

  48. Facts about the history of Jamaica aren’t hidden agenda to bash JLP. This is why we can’t hold people accountable in Jamaica because everybody suspicious of valid criticism. Good luck with this mentality. JLP kissed the devil and f**k the country.No point in talking about Manley training in cuba when that wasn’t causing 800 murders per year and creation of garrisons. People need to look at the facts and quit trying to defend their sides. Obviously both sides fought, but we are talking about who sell out Jamaica. The US regret dealing with Cuba like that, it was a waste of time the way they handled cuba. Why Jamaica had to suffer ? Why Seaga joined forces with a foreign government that wanted to overthrow his leader ? Only poor logic could bring anyone to defend Seaga. Years upon years this guy boosted crimes in the country – dissing our police and JDFs for Tivoli thugs. He never did anything to change the culture of violence in the country and he attacked anyone who tried to root out Dudus. Look how many PNP top man got knock by PNP, yet nobody from Tivoli ever got touch.

  49. Good article Metty :2thumbup Well unno done knoe seh mi haffi get di last post in moretime :ngakak But big and serus doe Merika is di root of Jamaica’s corruption. Dem bias gainst Cuba and even doe it nuh concert dem…dem scared seh Manley woulda follow inna Fidel footstep. Manley did love Jamaica and want nuttn but di best. Who memba Jose Marti and dem school deh weh survive purely pon agriculture??? But no, wicked dutty Merika get dem puppet Seaga inna power and is dereso di violence start breed. But we can rise from the past and move forward. It’s no longer a PNP or JLP thing…is how can we save Jamaica?? Holness mustn’t tek dis victory as a JLP victory even though he represents that party. He must see this as an opportunity to steer Jamaica back on track. He obviously can’t do it by himself. it’s going to take actions from every Jamaican, even those in the diaspora. Mi own property dung deh and mi woulda love mi ashes scatter deh…suh mi have hope fi Jamaica. Sweet sweet Jamaica.

  50. I am glad I do not worship, pledge alligence, or loyalty to either PNP or JLP. I refuse to be a die hard. both Seaga and Manley ruined Jamaica. seaga with crime and Manley with signing our first IMF deal. Both men left us the legacy of greedy politicians that continue to bleed our country. NONE of their hands are clean.
    Every time I see the political rallies for both parties, my stomach churns. Why would people leave there home to support these politicians is a mystery to me?

  51. @Yardie,PP,sket, Mi dear I just crawl out of mother the other day. So some things for me was all new. Like my grand parents told me that the people didn’t like Seaga he was white n prefer PJ becuz him black. they spoke about the 80’s election how it bloody. But it was never in detail like this. And Uncle Google don’t offer these missing pieces to the puzzle. @Met I am so down hearted. I don’t know what to believe.Yet it kinda a add up.

    1. Lolol…girl me glad me can read and distinguish truth from fiction to an extent beause me hear toooo much “truth”. I can recall life from 78 on up 😀 and the time my grandmother pass dead bodies in early 80 just fi mek sure she come back a country wid me patties, cremo milk and pineapple box drinks, while me home a listen radio on veranda in me ‘papa’ lap and a cry fi me grammy come home. My mum was a conductress from around 74 to 78 and daddy was in Canada by 79.

  52. Michael was introduced to this by the US, at the time he thought it was going to help the country and the people, he didn’t know that they were going to use it as a rope to struggle him and Jamaica, the deal was not what they proposed to him in the first place, Eddie is an American, not a Jamaican, and they used him against us, the people, watch the said documentary, listen to what he is saying, he was all about us building our own economy, planting in our backyard, and relying on ourselves improving, and producing our own stuff, when we made our first tin milk, the people bawl seh it too watery,and them want corn flakes and bully beef,those things we never produce, and when the rice and flour spoil, because the food caan clear, because Eddie shut dung Jamaica tighter than sardine tin, the rich people migrated yes, but why, Manley never did a talk fi dem language, he was for the very, very poor, the rich people pack up and leave, because they could no longer pay the poor man little and nothing, there was no jobs, but Michael provided jobs for the poor people, by the form of the impact program, every one collected a check just to sweep the streets of their community , alot of people went to high school just on that, they could depend on it to feed their children, the said Heart program was established by Eddie, but that idea was derived from the Youth service program implented by one and only Michael, that why I say everything has his hand print,free health, free every thing.

  53. @totem Manley had no choice ppl were dying like flies in Ja. US sanctioned Ja, England had their hands tie because of foreign policies. He had to sign the IMF deal. Like you not understanding Seaga was planted in Ja for those reasons. Manley cried tears for Ja when he saw how the US sanctioned us. Cuba was not communist but because Russia was aiding them and the US and Russia were enemies propaganda start spread. The news is did this man. Israel has some of the most wickedest ppl unuh can stay dere from Cain and Abel time. But chru APEC is one of the richest groups the US affi back them. The people need to take back Jamaica. Seeing that social media is a big thing now. If the now govt elect a f**k up get the ppl together and protest in the streets for days. A government is nothing without it’s people.

  54. Fellow ones, read and re-read the article and pay keen attention. I have been saying this forever, Edward Seaga and Bustamante never meant the Jamaican people any good. Out of greed Seaga betraying Jamaica. His betrayal is the principal reason why is so violent. His betrayal is why Jamaican economy is still so devastated. Facts, if you disagree, come to me with facts and I will slaughter you with a plethora of facts.
    Michael Manley represented hope for Jamaica and unlike his father, he was able to secure the affection of the masses. Armed with charisma and vision of hope, he won two consecutive elections. Black people were no longer pariahs and Rastafarians were no longer pariahs. Michal expanded the freedom for all Jamaicans and in cahoots with the CIA, Edward Seaga blighted our reality, from then until now.
    If Manley had his way, Jamaica and the world for that matter would be a better place today. Patrice Lumumba had to go and likewise Michael had to go; all bellwether pan-Africanist and patriotic leaders have been corrupted of silenced.
    Because of Bustamante, Pinnacle was destroyed. Because of Bustamante, havoc visited the Rastafarians from the Coral Gardens area of St James. Because of Bustamante, books written by the likes of MLK, Malcolm X, Franz Fannon, et al were band from Jamaica. This man was an opportunist and a dunce–it is quite plausible that he was also a homosexual.
    Again, read and re-read. I have always been weary of the political party that created Jamaica’s first two garrison communities. This lead to the destruction of our society’s fabric Democracy does not exist in Jamaica. Individuals barter and buy/sell votes. Tether to facts and continue to opine..

  55. Sketelbam, you are correct, as a Fabian Socialist, Manley was targeted from day one. Manley’s dismissal of one Henry Kissinger, was well warranted and I will forever applaud him for such–thanks Beverly Manley!
    Purple Dread, Communism, what are you talking about. Manley stated that he does not believe in Communism period and Seaga stated that he does not have a problem with Communism and that he just does not want it for Jamaica. Jamaica was never going to go communist. That was al Seaga and CIA contrived and peddled propaganda.
    As with Angola, the US backed the wrong horse and the Cubans championed justice. America supported S. Africa attempts to expand Apartheid into Angola and the Cubans repelled. The same was going in in Jamaica , America was on the wrong side of history again. Seaga was and is the ultimate con man–facts.

  56. sketel bam, anyweh u deh inna di world, big up uself mi gal. u know di tings dem
    @ kgn13 and lol :sungkem
    rip Joshua, that man was truly ahead of his time

  57. External power and Edward Seaga destroyed Jamaica. No leader and government can survive economic and social destruction. First they destabilised the economy, which triggered fear, then they introduced drugs and guns. When references were compounded with hyper-propaganda, civil unrest was realized.

  58. Relative to Manley and his approach, there was a degree of what I call ideological naivete. After assessing the condition of Jamaica–primarily relating to the citizenry, Manley contended that there was a need for social reforms.
    The masses were under educated and couldn’t afford to educate themselves; hence, Michael implemented free education. Most did not go to the doctor, clinics, et al as they could not afford it; hence Michael implemented free health care. Women–when they were able to find employment–were significantly underpaid; hence, Michael implemented equal pay for both sexes. The impoverished masses and a growing middle class weren’t able to afford housing; hence Michael, formed the NHT–and accordingly, loans that were not available prior, were now available for the masses to be able to mortgage their housing. Then you have the agrarian reform that made is so those who rusticated in rural communities could gain access to farm land for the first time. I could go on and about the many benefits that the citizenry got from Manley’s Democratic Socialist reforms.
    Before M. Manley, black people were literally marginalized in Jamaica, they were shunned in the major cities and towns–at that time, employment was a mythical thing for them. Manley changed all of that. With the Bastard Act, children who were born out of wedlock were legitimized. Before Michael, there was no maternity leave for women.
    Jamaica’s economic base–white and brown skinned people–were displeased with Manley’s measures, as it was them who had to mitigate their exploitation of the masses and better share the resources that should be available to all Jamaicans–in an egalitarian regard. Hence, they protested in a few tangible ways. From a budgetary perspective, the country was able to absorb the cost of the outlined changes, et al. Certain sacrifices or short term lifestyle changes were required and the power base did not have the stomach for such. The masses were elated and as such Michael won two consecutive terms–then all hell broke loose per se.
    The world was Juxtaposed in Cold War related paradoxes and scuffles, Manley knowing that America’s brand of Capitalism was not conducive for prosperity in Jamaica, elected not to align with any of the two powers. With the hopes that along with other non-aligned nations, Jamaica would not get engulfed in the global politics of the day. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Individuals in within Jamaica began to intimate and even directly state that Manley intended to go the Communist route with Jamaica. Given the fact that Manley was a Fabian Socialist, rife poverty in Jamaica, an under educated Jamaican electorate and the aforementioned global politics, the hegemonic power at the time and this time, took notice and activated agents to survey what was going on Jamaica and if deemed necessary, they advised to do whatever it took for Jamaica to ensure that Jamaica did not go Communist–and that is exactly what they did.
    Mind you, there was not one shred not one scintilla of evidence that would point toward a dichotomy between Jamaica and the US–along with noting that pointed toward a paradigm shift to Communism. Manley had fundamental concerns relating to the business as usual by the industrialized nations of the world; however, he did not see Jamaica not working and partnering with them. Here is the truth, Manley did not envisioned that fellow Jamaicans, seeking personal gain, would have become derelict in their patriotism and under the auspice of stopping Manley, betray their very country–note that these were PNP and JLP individuals.
    The apparatuses that were used to undermine Manley’s government mostly functioned in a surreptitious regard and as such, he did not see them coming and there wasn’t much that he could have done–plausible deniability ruled the day. The modus operandi was to crush Manley and in doing so, Jamaica got crushed along with Michael. I am conflicted with my aforementioned notion of Michael’s ideological naivete. I contend that Michael was not naive, it was his love for his people that caused him to refute the status quo and I love and respect him for that. I honestly believe that contingent on seeking better for the masses, there was no other choice–other than dialing back on a few rhetorics that is.
    Segue to Manley’s 3rd term, the times were different, the Cold War was on its waning years, Manley’s core beliefs did not change. However, armed with knowledge of what transpired in the 70s, Michael knew that the people–inclusive of himself–no longer had the stomach to go up against the hegemonic power. Hence, he sought to take the path of less resistance–whilst remaining steadfast in his efforts for the common man. He really never changed–that’s for the birds. Not being able to realize the requisite changes that he desired, Michael, died brokenhearted and a broken man. yet still, he still lingered hopes for a better Jamaica in the next generations.

  59. Michael Manley was foolish to think the usa would let Jamaica become communist. Yes Cuba is a communist country . Jamaica people fall in love with Manley because of freeness. Yes the masses were being marginalized, but telling people bout what you have you should give half is garbage it only sound good to the man with no money but wait till you work and get yours then see how many people you willing to give half. The first m16 found in Jamaica was on halgley park road when police kill a pnp gunman. People talk about Tivoli and don’t mention jungle and welch and the evils he did in jungle. Both sides are wrong to allow violence to get out of control. Stop putting the blame on seaga alone manley was equally responsible. Through all these years Jamaica still has the same poverty level as the 70s. What is belive manley should have done is free up quality education to allow people to maximize their potential not freenees and hand out. Every politician follow that same freeness after manley did it so successful. People be fair. I have spoken to elders who lived in pnp and jlp areas and they all suffered underthe gun

  60. Purple Dread, that’s all the facts you have. Lol freeness? When 3/4 of Jamaica was in darkness, when only little light you could see for miles was the lights on the hills were the rich white people lived, people most likely in the rural parishes only light was peeny wallie in a bottle, some of them never know what toilets looked like, when them wash our then mental slave masters dutty clothes,and I doubt they even knew what it was, has they weren’t privileged to go in there, Manley allow the rural areas to have lights and running water,I see you mentioned education, lick you with Jamal, some people scarcely see the school, and schools were being built in the labour party time, through Edwin Allen, the fool that they used, because he was much qualified than Bustamante, he had the brain to lead the party, but a little people did not get a chance to go school, as they couldn’t afford, as them mother have to wash backra massa and him wife and pickney clothes, and them daddy have to guh tie out hog and goat,in a sun hot, till him black like charcoal, and only could provide yam and butter for their children. You could a deal, no equal blame not going to happen round here, we are going to point the blame where it rightly belongs, if freeness is what you called equality and justice for a massive of people, please don’t try to twist this thing and make it look bad, because we know the good that man did for the masses, you talk about work, and sharing with the poor,and that upset you, @Lalibela put it out there quite eloquently all the good that he did? People was working but couldn’t find their families, and this one man come on the scene and changed the whole dynamic of the thing,and all you can say is that people loved him because of freeness, or is freedom you wanted to say, because is must that. What is the point of working if you can’t feed your family and send your children to school? Come with something substantial, this is not Portia or PJ we are talking about, the is the man , that if we should really take the scale off our eyes we would realize that he actually took the mental shackles off us, with the major reforms that he brought us, it incurred the warth of our slave masters not only in Jamaica, but other parts of the world. Then you have a nerve to come here to talk about freeness, and blame should go both ways, kmt, farm workers were given the opportunity to go abroad to work, so they were better able to provide for their children. I am not tired to defend this man honor, cause him did tek we out of darkness, both mentally and physically. Lol

  61. Purple Dread, you keep on saying what Manley should have done, tell me what Eddie should have done? Manley came and set everything up including education, did we utilize these programs that he made free for us, in all honesty, the answer is no, you can bring the horse to the water you can’t force him to drink. All these was out there for free, because one man saw our needs and made it possible, what we did with it as a people, is not his fault, he made sure it was available, libraries in most areas, so we can borrow books to read for free, cho! Nuh guh deh wid Michael Manley, every body else a chump change to this man, them cant even light a candle near him, nuh mek mi cry, like I have done many times, when I hear the lies and propaganda being associated with his name, and I know that man had a heart for all the people, not just some, but all.

  62. Greatful for this discussion. We generation now respect our elders (for the most part) but our elders cannot send us to higher learning (not such) and say “choose this because me say such” We want discussions or reasons @ ignore 13. We predicting gloom and doom for Jamaica based on wether we orange or green. This may be true but I would rather have made a choice in that than to let others choose for me. Voting is a privilege that we take for granted in Jamaica. If all of what this discussion is alluding to that Seaga, Manley, Busta Golding Simpson Holness are all evil people that should be killed why didn’t my elders do something about it? Someone has to lead and it will be the person that people believe are visible and “honest”. I will be the change I want to see. I will not vote for a party because their previous leader was manna from the sky I will choose a leader that is here today. The facts are shown and we owe Manley and all past leaders gratitude for the good they have done. In 2016 what next? We do we go from here. @Met please let take a look at the manifestos of 2016 and have this discussion so that those not so bright like me can understand the jar gobs used and see why people made the choice they made. Ps low voter turnout was not only because elders stayed away, many young people were too lazy to go vote.

    1. Coldfire, you ready it wrong, we don’t owe Seaga and Bustamante anything. How could we possibly owe a man who turned Jamaicans into outcasts; whilst destroying their communities? How can we owe a man who sold out Jamaica for political gain; whilst destroying an entire community only to replace it with a political garrison?
      Then you have a man in in Michael Manley who sought to elevate the lives of each and every Jamaican only to be derailed by Edward Seaga and the CIA. Please don’t put them in the same grouping as they are not one in the same.

    1. As KD Knight would say, the man is pathologically mendacious. The notion of peace/peaceful is being stretched so thinly so much so that it is not recognizable. LOL, Seaga is something else.

  63. Purple Dread as Sletelbam stated, please substantiate your salacious claims with facts or cease and desist. Who was there a bigger proponent for education than Michael Manley? Please check his track record; while noting that Seaga out of his own mouth told Mutty Perkins that he did not get around to even look at education.
    If not for Manley, we would not have the electricity grid that we have; it is dated as it was build in the seventies after Manley forced the bauxite companies to build it. Prior to that juncture, bauxite was exported and processed into alumina and ultimately aluminum. In an effort to build up our own infrastructure, Manley told them to they should make the alumina in Jamaica. They balked and stated that Jamaica did not have the requisite infrastructure; to which Manley told them to build it. Said companies protested and left, only to come back begging. Trust me, if Manley had his way, we would be processing aluminum in Jamaica today.
    Compare that to Seaga’s cash crop rubbish–the covert cocaine operations that he and the Israeli mobster partook in. We haven’t mentioned that the made it so that the approximately $30 million that Manley secured, the US made that disappear at the last minute–with the aim of crippling Jamaica. Whilst the US gave Seaga approximately $600 million after he came into power.
    Corruption and illicit money made Seaga look good; whilst, Manley was a marginalized by Seaga and the greatest of hegemonic power the world has ever seen–and all due to lies and propaganda.

  64. Purple Dread, let me re-write as my other post disappeared. As stated by Sketelbam, please substantiate your salacious claims with fact or cease desist. Manley has a legacy of making education available to the masses like never before; whilst Edward Seaga in his own words, told Mutty Perkins that he did not get around to education in his two terms as Prime Minister.
    If not for Manley, most Jamaicans would still not have electricity today. In an effort to build up Jamaica’s industries, he forced the bauxite companies to process bauxite into alumina in Jamaica and that forced them to build the requisite electric grid to support such. Whilst Seaga, his cocaine cowboys and Israeli mobsters, peddled cocaine and fronted like they were building what they called a Cash Crop farm industry.
    Brethren, please subscribe to unadulterated facts and stop spewing you ignorance. Under Manley, all tangible freedoms were enlarged; the very antithesis to Communism. How and when Manley was going to subscribe to Communism? The man detested Communism; whilst Seaga only oppose Communism for Jamaica.
    Facts brethren, pure unadulterated facts.

    1. Just one question me a ask pon this post.
      Lalibella, Seaga NEVER do anything for Jamaica, only micheal manley? I care not for the politics… me a talk bout social issues. Me done.

  65. The zest for power is such a terrible thing and both Manley and Seaga should have been held accountable for all the atrocities they have done. From my read none is better than the other. @ Ali its the same propaganda the US spread in Grenada which led to Prime minister Bishop being killed by his own cabinet ministers and in turn gave the US reason to invade Grenada. Grenada was never a communist or becoming a communist country.

  66. Bless up PP,Bammy,Lalibela, purple touch,kgn13,coldfire n all the participants on thispost.Met u sure can pick a winner cuz u called it from post#2 lol!
    The word is love…JMG family!

  67. PhantomPhoenix, at times, social and political issues one in the same; hence, there are times when you will not be able to avoid politics–don’t succumb to it, just know that they are often times one in the same.
    As far as I am concern, Edward Seaga’s legacy is one of deception, betrayal and disingenuousness. Lying that Jamaica was going to go Communist, working against Jamaica and in cahoots with the CIA, expelling Jamaican citizens to build Tivoli Gardens, turning Jamaica into a cocaine hub, et al, are some of the principal reasons why Jamaica is where she is today.
    I won’t argue with facts, just present them. At the same time, what good could he have done that would be enough to outweigh his man negatives? Building garrisons and taking care of those people, in return for support; whilst turning a blind eye to what Jim Brown was doing, represents destruction.
    The man is/was licentious and extremely nefarious. Jamaica was just a part of his anthropological experiment; an experiment that went very wrong and we are paying dearly for it.

  68. @ pp just fe clear up the brigidester argument way u say dem was hit squad, nothing like dat my girl, it was the same propaganda at work.dem never just go Cuba go learn how fe deal Wid we pon enuh, dem go learn a trade , but because castor set him ting a way we’re every Cuba from dem reach a certain age did have fe go through some form a we pon training, so weather lawyer doctor are Indian chief u did have to have some form a we pon training, and that was done for the anticipation of the American invasion.and if u check the levels a similar ting gwan inna some countries. So it wasn’t like dem did go Cuba fe the soke purpose fe learn fe fire gun…..who did Memba are hear the name colonel Leslie Lloyd?

    1. Strongly disagree with you. Not even going to dive into it; you can use this forum to legitamize all the “front men/women” by names…I know personally and intimately ones in the shadows and nah tek back me original comment.

  69. No him was a brigidear up a camp then him join the politic ting him was one a blinds top dog him control the the street man dem Wid the know how fe deal Wid anything weapon related. Was much feared back then.

  70. Colonel Leslie Lloyd that run out at Port Royal, another wicked serpent, him and Karl Samuda was 2 red neck, when them a campaign, as MP, them man deh a fire shot at the people, spray paint people, tear up placards and burn our Manley pictures, I would never want this new generation too go through those desolations.

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