As you guys know the Observer ran a story on Kevin Robinson who is physically disabled and unable to take care of himself . I will try to come up with some projects in a few weeks for him to be able to help himself because he does need a start . But for today, he needs financial help until the project get started. Please call him at 876-421-1882 , he will give you directions on how to send money to him.


  1. I would love to help Kevin, I would also love to purchase some of his art once he gets his supplies together.

  2. Kudos!!!God Bless u Shani for raising awareness about Kevin.GOD will work you through you and the bloggers to help fulfil Kevin’s purpose!!

    1. Yes he got a wheel chair…still not mobile. Poor nutrition contributed to the demise of the legs…He needs to start eating properly and get physical therapy..Hopefully we can get the art thing off the ground and the money will help to make a difference in his life

      1. His story is truly heart-wrenching because it could easily happen to anyone. I would gladly help him in whatever way I can. At times like this I wish I was home and able to visit him and give him a hug. His love for his grandmother is also very endearing. I don’t think anyone has loved her in all her life as he had, I don’t even think I love my own mother as much as he does his grandmother. His spirit and love is something we could all learn from.

        1. Ive never heard anything like his…and how his mother just up and left him …now his grandmother is sick I pray she gets well ..I promised to ask for a sponsor for him but just to aid him in getting the art supplies and I could post them for sale on here. He needs a sense of belonging so bad

  3. Met judging from his poems that uve been putting up it is so true that all he needs is a sense of belonging.He really expresses he can positively contribute to society and is like he is trying to make amends for missing out on most of his more meaningful life! I guess he just wants to have a sense of purpose n show his life still have meaning to share with others. His sick granny can only do so much as she said in the previous article.The least we can give starts with sparing a thought n a prayer for kevin n his granny!

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