Hey pinky please hmid
I wanna know if I’m being a bad friend. My closest friend has had constant boyfriend troubles with her current boyfriend and every time she explains their situation to me I’m always there to listen and even give her advice. However , when it comes to my problems it’s like they’re not important. Every time I wanna talk she’s always busy and always have some kind of excuse.
For eg. A friend of mine persuaded me to do some fr*aky stuff with an older man (I’m 19 and he’s in his 30s ). We had a thre\*esome etc while it was fun I kind of felt used. So now I went to this girl to find out if I was being extra or if my feelings were valid. Would u believe this girl reply to my message bout “sigh” then change the subject. Swear to God all now mi hurt 😢. There have been many other instances.
I’m going to college soon so I’m cutting ties with all the toxic ppl in my life. I’m wondering if I should cut her off. I don’t want to but it’s like doesn’t value our friendship.
She’s always going places without me and leaving me out yet she always confide in me.
Ps I’ve explained this to her but there’s always an excuse. She’s my bestie and I really love her but I don’t want to waste my time on a friendship that’s going nowhere. Pleeeeaaaassseeeee post pinky. I need some advice.
Your so called friend is a user sender,it’s best cut all ties with her and focus on your studies.
Friendships are kinda like relationships. They need to be nurtured and they should, over time, grow. You should be creating memories and strengthening your bond. Your relationship seems one-sided, as if she’s YOUR BEST FRIEND but you’re not hers. Sometimes all we need from a friend, is a listening ear. If she can’t provide you with that, then it doesn’t make any sense. Cut ties. Don’t malice her, but stop making yourself so readily available to her. Over time, you’ll stop feeling bad about not being at her beckon call and the friendship will subside. We don’t give to receive …… But in this case …. I feel you’re being used or at least being taken for granted. Who knows, maybe after seeing the changes in you, she’ll realize what a bad friend she has been and decide to change and be a better friend. We have to tell/show ppl how we want to be treated, otherwise, they’ll treat us how THEY WANT TO. Maybe she’ll change. But if she doesn’t ….. Don’t allow her to run any guilt trips on you. Sum ppl luv do dat an mek dem self look like di victim. Stand your ground. As much as you seem to value your friendship with her ….. It needs to be reciprocated.
Friend. Boyfriend. Husband. Boss. Family members …… NUH MATTER WHAT THE RELATIONSHIP IS …… NUH GIVE NOOOOOBODY MORE DAN DEM A GIVE YUH. It may sound selfish but that’s the only way we will survive ina this cold world of users and advantage-takers.
Yes, cut her off. Any friend who cannot find time for you does not truly value you. When you value someone you will make the time for them.
Baby girl that person is indeed an associate more than a friend, trust me when you get your education and move up you won’t even remember users like her trust me cut all ties to the fuckery that will hold you back. And sometimes KEEP YUH BIZNIZ TO YUH SELF so people like her won’t come back and use it as Ammo against you. Have a safe weekend.