1. Sender, First, I commend your bravery for seeking advice or rather input from this very informative blog. You ARE brave. And trust me: life will go on ..whatever you decide.

    To answer your question, what you are feeling is VERY normal. I feel at this stage, you are responding to trauma. Your mind, body (maybe even) and spirit are reacting to not just bad news but something traumatic . What distinguishes what happened to you as trauma is possibly because you’ve tried for years to carry a child full term for this man.

    I think you should do yourself a favor and not just seek counseling, but specifically, counseling designed to help you deal with trauma.

    Now to the gritty stuff…I was once with a guy who subjected me to the same and just like your husband, he gave a half-ass-lying response. One day, a light bulb just went off, I was depressed , feeling worthless and less of a woman… sis, I left that man. This was a few years ago.
    Over time, I realized that he was manipulative , narcissistic, and psychotic.
    He truly cared zero for me while carrying on his grandiose exploits …one of which brought a blessed child into this world (nevertheless) .

    But I sat that day that the light bulb went off and thought about the shame, the ridicule, the hurt and pain…. and decided to end the train ride.

    Sis , to be honest you alone can and will decide if/when enough is enough. I pray that you’ll have strength on that journey because it’s truly one you take alone. ..

    My prayers are with you and your situation. (Forgot to mention, you husband ah one real bombohole. Eh hem. The end.) :thumbup

  2. Have you ever tried fucking another man??.. Maybe ano u an him fi create… Nuh worry bout wah happened already he probably would have did it either way… I know the thought won’t leave ur mind but with time healing will come. Go sleep with someone else …it might sounds harsh cause dem seh oh yuh husband an such but mi naaa tell nuh body fi leff dem man suh dem ppl deh who a tell yuh dat nuh good… As mi seh fuck somebody else and see what happens.

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