Pamela Watson, an accountant residing in Florida who has been charged with defrauding the IRS of over 3.4 million, some of which helped to make payments on this lavish Florida property.










  1. For 2mil I was expecting more, not even a pool. She must have bought this when houses did a sell well high. Laaks, Pamela leff from her jacuzzi soaker tub and haffi a teck group shower now anna shit eena public..not a rass I couldn’t dweet. How di hell you head come to dat reality.

  2. Obviously she loves space. She must be having a hard time now…as everyone is in her personal space. The good thing is that she is used to gated communities, so it should not take her a hard time to settle in.

  3. Before she brought the $2M House, she use to live at this property, so it was a big step up for her in 2005:

    She still own the house shown above, even though she was trying to claim Homestead Exemption on the old house and apparently the new house at the same time (said she was living in two homes at the same time tosave on property taxes). When the property Appraiser found out about the Homestead Fraud in 2010, she was asked to pay back the Property Tax savings for 4-years (2006 – 2009), with penalty/Interest and that total tax liability was over $29,139! Public records show she hasn’t paid that $29K Homestead Lien to date.

    So a lot of things start go wrong for her in 2010, starting with the foreclossure proceeding against the $2M House in Davie. That is when she step up the IRS & her Clients Tax Fraud game. I’m sure there are other things that we don’t know about and will come to the surface as this case drags out.

    1. di only ting i like in that house a di tall windows..and they are in our kitchen and this house nowhere near 2m

      1. It doan worth 2mil man, she got fleeced, but when you a come from some place tings will frighten you. Also when you black and a guh in some a deze white neighbourhoods who fi tell if dem nah raise price pon you sky high fi try keep you out.

        @Anony, thanks fiddi background info, JMG bloggers never disappoint!

    2. NO STAR I AGREE 2 MIL TOO MUCH . but honestly easy money u really dont have time to shop u just buy and buy. my thing is this u efff a change from uncle sam literally and u buy a rass house like that right pon him land that u dont own …..she made him lol at her fi see how easy it is to get back the money. now if it was a criminal like me . uncle sam would have to search fi it . cause u nah get me do the time and then you win on that and also get back ur money.

    1. You need a conk. She had social ambitions and to move up in the upper echelons of society, shi couldn’t do her fundraisers and hobnobbing in that humble home. She had to look the part!

      I always wonder bout deze ppl living deze double lives, the weight of that shit must be a heavy ass burden.

  4. Back then house prices were heavily inflated. All the people who bought homes in 2005 bought with interest only so instead of paying a $14,000 mortage, she only paid on the interest which could have been a mere $4000 on that house. After the 5 years when it amortized and the house prices fell and they were left upsided down, that’s when they all went into foreclosure as they couldn’t afford to pay the actual mortgage. Most lost their homes, some refinanced under the Obama stimulus package, but it would have been tough for her to sell unless in short sale and then to repurchase would have been difficult since the mortgage loan credit criteria had changed.

    Chances are, she had taken the equity out of the smaller house to purchase the bigger one but she got duped because the house is overpriced.

    Furthermore, she’s been begging to go to prison for a while with claiming homestead on both homes. For an older woman, I can’t begin she had no qualms about taking all those risks with the federal government.

  5. Yes, she did so much for the community but with ill-gotten gains. She ripped off those who trusted her and used the money to fund her lifestyle and her so-called charity work. Talk about robbing Peter to play (not pay) Paul. But here again is a cautionary tale about seeking status and material lifestyle at any cost. She now has a heavy price to pay for the home above and all the other things – including her status in society – that her stealing from other people allowed her to acquire. Pure GREED.

  6. “Watson’s brother-in-law, Maurice Gray, was in court and had volunteered to put up the Broward County home he and his wife own to help secure a bond for Watson if the judge had agreed to release her.

    Prosecutors apologized for revealing the information to Gray in the courtroom but told the judge that Gray is one of Watson’s victims. Watson filed fraudulent returns using Gray’s information for tax years 2010 and 2011 and she diverted $8,944 from those returns to her accounts without his knowledge, Murad said.”

  7. Pamella Watson might have been associated with another swingle, which saw “investors” losing all their funds….stay tune……

      1. From what I’m hearing through the grapevine (yet to be confirmed) is that she might have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from her various Income Tax clients, claiming she was going to invest their funds in a “Payday Loan Business” and these clients end up losing all the money invested (not sure they knew where the money went). The clients that lost their money were either Jamaicans, like herself or other people from the Caribbean. Because she did the Income Tax Returns for those individuals, she knew their income levels and the ones with high incomes, became the target of her scam.

  8. Mind how you hall focusing on di prisse oh di home. Ounnu migta hopen a damn can of worms an ‘caus smaddy or too fi luuze dem licen!

  9. She is a creep.. She has been for years.. she should of got 20 years..when she gets out she will scam more people in some other kind of scam.. All smiles in front of your face, but when you turn your back she looks for a way to F**k you over!!

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