1. He is/was the criminal that got caught so him is the labeled criminal, but all of them are…whole a dem a wicked !!

  2. Yes Danhai was supposed to turn in himself from the Dudus debacle. But PNP in power so him good. There will be no repercussions kmt

    1. Huh? Did you read what you just wrote. During the 2010 Dudus extradition battle, many “people of interest” was asked to turn themselves in (a humble request that no one has to comply with). 99% of those who turn themselves in, were questioned and released. To my knowledge, he is not wanted for any crime, so stop being malicious due to your political leanings.

  3. Danhai is a PNP gangster. When they are in power he lives freely in Jamaica. When the JLP is in power he resides in Miami. Tief, murderer, gun runner, drug smuggler but connected. Suh Jamaica run long time.

  4. Michael Abrahams with individuals like you making such massive leaps, any random individual could be easily implicated in any crime. Knowing that most Jamaicans either don’t care about or don’t know how to interpret facts, why would you make such a statement?
    Nothing more than adding fuel to the fire. As Edward Seaga stated the other day, the JLP does not have what it takes to compete in the upcoming elections and as such, JLP surrogates are popping up left and right, accusing the PNP of all manner of outlandish crap. The JLP is looking for sympathy votes; hence, intimating that the PNP was behind yesterday’s event goes a long way as it relates to help the JLP with their propaganda.
    Yesterday you all were saying that the PNP was working with the CIA and today, the ones have found a way to change the narrative by injecting the name of Mr. Williams–accusing him of being an active enforcer without one shred of evidence. I feel bad for these sheepish and gullible people.
    If I am not mistaken, the JLP are the ones who are behind the 8 ball. These aspersions/innuendos/slanders are reckless at best and the ones need to stop. Please stop with the bush league politics and campaign on the requisite merits. What are you intimating, are you saying that Dhanai Williams had something to do with yesterday’s shootings?

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