A woman who reportedly found a memory card with a video of her lover and another woman having sex and used it to blackmail the woman faced the court on a charge of extortion.
The 30-year-old woman of a Kingston 4 address is alleged to have demanded $8,000 from the complainant in order not to show the video to the complainant’s companion or members of the community.
On Friday when she appeared in court before Magistrate Simone Wolfe-Reece, she pleaded not guilty and the matter was rescheduled for mention on April 14.
According to the complainant’s statement, in June of last year while she was having relationship problems with the father of her child she went to a party and met the accused woman’s “babyfather” and ended up having an affair with him.
In November of last year the complainant said she reconciled with her partner and told her lover that she was ending the affair.
However, she said shortly after she started receiving “nasty texts” from her lover relating to their sexual encounters.
On January 25, the complainant said she got a call from the accused woman’s partner telling her that his “baby mother” was cleaning the house and found a memory chip containing a video of them having sex.
According to the complainant, he told her that he had asked a friend to video her performing oral sex on him on one occasion when they had stopped by his brother’s house to have sex.
“Same way you hurt me, me ago hurt you”, the man reportedly informed the complainant
The complainant said that four days later she received another call from the man telling her that his “babymother” was going to show the video to her partner or put it on the Internet if she did not pay her some money.
Sometime after, the complainant said she saw the accused woman and confronted her about the situation and the accused woman told her that she was cleaning the house and found the memory chip and insisted that she was going to show it to the complainant’s companion.
The complainant said shortly after she received a call from the accused telling her to visit her to discuss the matter and when she went, the accused demanded $8,000 for her not to show the video to her partner, but the complainant did not comply.
Days later, the complainant said she was approached by three of her friends on separate occasions and they told her that the accused had informed them that she had a video of her and the accused woman’s “baby father” having sex and that she was going to show it to the complainant’s partner’s
The complainant subsequently reported the matter and the accused was arrested and charged.


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