-Almost all Jamaican artiste went into music without a dream so they never work towards success.
They never see their own success, it is something that comes upon them and because they did not plan on it, they mishandle their ‘big breaks’.

-As soon as they get their first car from their earnings they think they have reached the pinnacle
The first money they get that is big enough they begin disrespecting the person who brought them into the game and forget the nights when they were hungry.

-They become trapped between ”waste men” and their careers
Men who weren’t their friends before suddenly want to be their friends and in wanting to impress them they stay feeding the entourage in order to ‘prove a point’.

-They are ungrateful
Check every artiste that has ever ‘made it’ if they are still on friendly terms with their mentors
-They support everyone else except their families.
Women will get the bulk of these artistes money every single time.

-They have too many mouths to feed

Too many households to maintain

-They have poor or no management skills
They spend without thinking, never saving but trying to impress the unimpressed.

-They get frightened over the first ‘big’ money
The first big pay check all regulars turn general no more humility and that causes them not to make good music anymore.

Money sweet , so as soon as the next artiste get a bus instead a focus pan di music dem start watch other artistes. If the next artiste is different from the rest, obstacles are put in place for that artiste to have it difficult

-People are tired of yall
You are on the internet 24/7, people see you and your posts everyday and while talking to the fans is great, seeing you everyday may not make them want to pay to see you. Uno jus too common, there is no mystery, people figure uno out and see uno dirty colors and some a dem fi stay hidden.

-Dancehall is getting wack
The beats/riddim are no longer original , they are being taken from hip hop so there is little to no originality for music that is older than hip hop

-Your songs are no longer about life
The songs are all the same , just a different play on words, the songs are not about the struggles and issue anymore. They are about s*x in different ways on different days. There is nothing to keep the fans interest anymore.

-Jamaican artistes become groupies to foreign artistes
It is possible to love music from other cultures but for Jamaican artistes who are established, it look some kinda way to see you ass kissing a foreign artiste on social media in front of the fans. It brings down the worth and value of the artiste by cheapening their success.


  1. Some very great points are being made here. Reminds me of a conversation I had last Wednesday at the barbershop. I will update you on this soon.

  2. A person’s ego can be and usually is their downfall, people need to understand how too keep their ego in check…

    A Dat Mi Seh

  3. Serious ting! Nuff a dem too hype, competitive, and disrespect to those who did help them to reach the top. Tek for example Gully Bop. He went from 0 to 100, and then do a backward slide from 100 back to 0 – and all now him teeth still nuh fix yet!!!

  4. I think its the zinc fence & card board box mentality, the never see come see, new coon, frighten-friday mentality, its more like a mental disease with the poor and average black people, the “nothing to something” mentality they believe is the artificially assesed value in the form of materialism and no self value, interestingly I was having this very same conversation with someone about a month or so ago about this very said topic about black people and the ego issues around materialism, black people have no self value, they believe that their value is assesed base on the car they drive, house they live in, name brand that they wear etc. and it corrupt their mindset because they don’t know their self worth, even in JA all the established brands that been around from time, D&G j ray & nephew, craven A, just to name a few, couldn’t exist today without the black jamaican consumer, simply put, the black jamaican consumer made them and still those society people behind those brands wouldn’t approve of their sons or daughters marrying a black jamaican, WHAT DOES THIS POST HAS TO DO WITH THE TOPIC? decipher from it and figure it out.

  5. Good mawning metters and blessed day to one and all. This topic is such an important one that shines a light on how people act and treat others.I agree with everything dat is written. I also want to go one step further relating to sound owners. They also think they are larger than life. You have some sound men who reach to the top or trophy worthy due to dedicated fans than come out and support dem, but they will never hail these same people or see as anything. Dats why when dem sound flop and dem a talk bout people bad mind dem, its their own dutty attitude what get them there. I don’t feel sorry one bit for nuff of these individuals or groups. Certain sound or artist I see on a flyer cannot get my hard earned money to go support dem. The only way me wid do it is when dem in an arena and man ago burn dem skin and lef dem embarrassed. Black people fi learn fi humble demself cause di music ting a slowly tek whe outa dem hands and into other hands.

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