
JMG Skin Care (New born)
Researches say our bodies begin to show signs aging in our twenties but I am of the opinion we start aging as soon as we are out the womb. Skin care should start with mothers implementing a skincare routine for their newborns and should extend for years until that child is able to care for his/herself.

After your baby is able to take a full bath which should happen within three weeks of birth. Some babies are born with naturally soft and plum skin while some have dry scaly skin.
For newborns with normal skin; give a mild temperature bath be sure to use a very mild body wash and if you do use soap add a small amount of mineral oil to the water. For skin, moisture is key and soap contains lye which dries out the skin.
Do not keep your new born in the water beyond 7 minutes. After bath place the infant on a towel and use a dry but soft wash-cloth to dry under the neck , behind the knees , under the arms and any creases other on the body.Petroleum /argan oil/olive oil /mineral oil or emu oil should be used for your baby’s skin . Apply oils while the baby’s skin is damp and if you choose to use petroleum pat your infant’s skin dry not only the creases.

If your newborn’s skin is scaly, give a bath where the water is warm to touch. Use your finger-tips to apply a small amount of mineral oil directly to the baby’s skin before lathering. (Be sure to use liquid soap instead of bar soap) . In a few weeks ,your baby’s skin will become subtle with a lot more more moisture . Do not change the routine.
With the skin being the largest organ, it is important pay close attention to the things your baby eats. Some babies have baby eczema which disappears quicker when their diet is changed. Dairy products should be avoided, dairy milk should be substituted with rice milk /almond milk/ or lactose free milk. Eczema gets very dry and itchy, moisture is key. Keep your infant’s body moist and hydrated with timely feedings and introduce water to their diet as soon as possible.



  1. Thanks…for the tip met…i have a newborn grandson and his skin was a little dry..i started using olive oil on him and I see a big difference…

  2. I wish if known this when I had my baby. She has horrible eczema. I’ve spent so much on dermatologist visits. Now I use a more natural approach but maybe it could have been prevented.

    1. Yes no dairy a di first start and it goes away shortly after u cut it out…the milk is bad my nephew get eczema if di milk touch his skin so u imagine how it do him when its ingested

  3. Hi all, I have eczema and have kept it at bay by using these simply techniques my mom introduce me to from I was a child. First, get an allergy test. Stay away from dairy and eggs – two of the biggest contributors. Stay away from harsh chemicals – including most of the laundry detergents on the market. If you must use them make sure you rinse the clothes at least twice. Dust mites – also another contributing factor, so change the sheets and pillow/case frequently wash them in hot water. Wear clothes made from cotton as much as possible (it’s a natural fiber and it allows the skin to breathe) as sweat can cause contact dermatitis (another form of eczema). For babies, grind oatmeal and sprinkle (roughly half a cup) in bath water before submerging the infant in the water (also good for adults). Always make sure the water is lukewarm and apply olive oil right after coming out of the water, then you dry the baby or your skin. No need to reapply oils after that but you can if you choose.
    Only use hydrocortizone cream (the most often prescribed treatment) only if the you have no choice or the case is severe). It can be extremely harmful – causing tinning of the skin among others.

    This has worked for me for 30+ years and I believe it can work for you, too.

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