Met Kasi is in London .. finally! Lol. She’s finally getting flight privileges lol & she’s strategically posting stuff like gurl u know u well frighten & wana post every move u making but she playing cool & somewhat discrete lmao. Celebrity status!

40 thoughts on “KASI YOU MADE IT

  1. This is not a surprise Sender, she’s been saying it for months that she would be there. Did she post a pic yet, I will wait until she post a pic, this video was posted on Twitter but she didn’t show herself, she has since deleted the video.

  2. Here we go again, sending in her own story because nobody is paying any attention to what she’s doing, didn’t even realized that World championships have started. Your groupies on here says you’re going to take the place by storm, don’t let them down, KMT.

  3. Yuh nuh hear shi seh she’s a GOAT Tier and her friend Ann-Marie Vaz nuh stop call her the GOAT Tier. She must know what she use to tie the “GOAT”. I’m suprised that she’s not posting any pic, I guess because people called her out for being hype and frighten, so she doesn’t want to come across as a frighten Friday but I know she’s dying to post every little detail. She posted a short video but she’s not in it and she posted a few comments but went off the air I guess Bolt shut it down and limit her online activity.

    1. She is being discreet because she has nothing to prove except enjoy her vacation and be with Usain as he runs his final race. And I doubt very much whether Usain has time to be screening her online activity and giving his girlfriend specific instructions. Clearly he has way more important things to focus on.

      No, my guess is that Kasi will post fewer pictures and chats which are always a source of mocking entertainment for you sad lonely women so please, if it makes you all happy continue to check her Twitter every 5 seconds. She, on the other hand, will continue to live the high life in London town and probably haven’t given any of you a second thought.

  4. We will see her at the races, I hope she has the decency to cover those awful looking implants that is too big for her frame.

  5. yes i realized that she made it to london, happy for her. she posting snaps with bolt’s mom and thing

  6. A kasi ghost inna london cause mi nuh See har. Kasi whey yaw hide fah dash out look like yuh frighten.

  7. I’m rooting fi you Kasi, I wanna see you get engage rite dere. You will be among di new breed a
    wives who can stumuck anyting and tek any treatmemt from money a run

  8. Yeah she’s posted a few vids on snap & one was of Bolt’s mommy with a mascot not with her. Bolt’s mom nah go pose up with her in no pic lol. She feel big ya now that she’s finally overseas at an event !!

    1. That is where you are wrong. Kasi like Usain’s parents have VIP passes. There are pictures on the net and IG pages of Kasi and Usain’s mother posing and looking totally at ease with one another. Word out that the Bolt family including Kasi were polite and accommodating to everyone who wanted a souvenir picture of anything or anyone related to Bolt.

  9. Well she did say on a post her… that he’s going to propose at the end of his last race infront of the world to see n leave with a bang so let’s see…. Mrs Bolt dwl

  10. Mi want know who coulda stop me from post pics with me and my man.Kasi yuh fi post fi di betta, I sure would. If yuh nuh post dem chat and if yuh post dem chat suh please yuh damn self gal.

  11. Wait on the proposal at the end of London 2017…. im happy she getting a ring and a pre nup… make the stageship official.
    PS hurry up n breed Kasi the Legend is very hopeful for kids.

    1. I think you may have a point. I noticed that a few British tabloids have new articles about her. This is strange because no one is talking about her at the moment, so why is there fresh news about her? And she isn’t posting anything online which is also strange as she is sometimes quite active. The silence is almost as if everyone is sitting and waiting for something big to happen – a proposal perhaps?

      The relay is next Saturday night, regardless of whether they win and I hope they do, if Usain proposes and she accepts it will be a showstopper night in that stadium and a grand finale on his amazing career. This is all very exciting. I would be very happy for Kasi. And I hope the ring is big.

  12. Gzzz, why are people hating on d girl? She’s a pretty girl and nothing nuh wrong with her. Stay pretty girl.

  13. Omg what’s the big deal who tf cares?
    Kasi is such a cliche .. poor thing fighting for dear life to fit in that photo .. wifey n she kotching wayyyy over at the end. Lol
    Until bolt proposes everything Gabriela up top chatting as anonymous is null and void .. mi seh what a way yuh find yuhself a report fi Kasi over here yet she isn’t thinking about pink wall.. bish Kasi probably sent all the stories to daily mail and patiently waiting on it to Be published!

  14. These people sick, first kasci woman who have three sum with she n bolt over her saying no prenup, now the bitch is back saying pre nup, like seriously bitch mek up ur mind. Look here go live ur life kasci woman and stop being so f ucking concern, is like wen bolt n kasci f uking u there n wen bolt withdraw him dick in ur mouth. Why u all up in there business, u could never be a real n a true friends. U know what real friends that are loyal would do, let the noise makers talk without saying a thing. So u really nit kasci fren u bad mind to be spilling the girl business wether it fake or real. Somethings u shut the f uck up about, such as pre nups, engagement etc, u just as f ucking evil, badmind like kasci haters, dont know wat kind a frenn u be. Uno gal fi stop red eye off men riches else God a go kill uno off, envy is a sin. U n ur fren kasci need to go seek employmemt n stop lust after bolt money, the love of money is the root of all evil. Nuh worry i hope u fren kasci get engaged fi ur purpose because it look like kasci is ur gal n she a live her life according to ur fantasies. Just hope God nuh tek home kasci before the wedding or in childs birth since u tell bolt fi breed her n u contorl when bolt fu ck kasci. This gal upsess wid bolt n kasci life rass mad bitch a talk like a she a bolt n she a control bolt. What if kasi nuh get proposed to end of london 2017, will u please kill urself for us so u can get a early entrance into hell.

  15. Wish Bolt well in whatever he chooses to do after track. Still, have prayers from him. Hope we get to see more maturity from him. What was funny and a party in your twenties is not so cute after thirty and after kids. But I like others don’t get all the hoopla. Numerous athletes have proposed to their girlfriend publically and you never saw those girls or their friends advertising it like in this situation or like someone needs validation. You take Mo Farah (the refugee runner who found a home in Britain) who is still the King of long distance running in the world as he proved this week, yet he has a wife and kids and from the beginning, you never saw these types of things. It’s not just Mo. At the Olympics last year an American long jumper who either won gold or silver proposed to his gorgeous girlfriend it was covered by NBC but was not all up in any tabloids, she was never up on social media & etc. Don’t know much about Ms. Bennett, but hope if he does choose her for marriage, she will be the type of women and can help lead him to continued greatness and the type of mother that can lead kids by example.

  16. Kasi dem go call yuh a jinx now cus Usain reach in 3rd place. Yuh betta lay low off social media for a while my girl.

  17. And annmarie vaz she nuh stop full up kasi head an mek har feEl big…all a dat get to har head..vaz onetime beating stick is sooooo anoying

  18. Dwl, in life something have to humble us. Usain is a great runner but there is a but, him very much out a order wen him ready. This is his humbling moment, God knows us n he makes no mistake when things happen in our lives. Well usain will end his carrer in humility. Better him end his career in humility than on high n be too proud. He is still one of the greatest no matter wat, even if someone is greater than him, he set the record first, just like how asafah will always be remembered for the 1st jamaican to do the time he did. U still in history book usain. Dutty kasi wid har salt up self lol.

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