Met did you hear two weeks before the New Year come, out side Sky Hall Rochelle glama girl beat carb louse up bad swell her up and send her home, then New Year eve out side of Boom party in Manhattan Peaches Daughter beat are up drag off her wig kick kick it up put it in the rubbish bruise up are face and deal with are wicked, the security guards help her by parting the fight she better thank God for them, it’s about time this mouth bad gyal carb louse get cool down she leave her 6 pickney them every night by them self and in dancehall going around and making trouble with everyone, knowing dam well she’s not straight in the country before for go and sort out are waste life she on the internet cursing out people that doing big things in there life, the vidoe is going around in alot of groups the red arrow pointing at crab louse getting a fine bus ass, carb louse dancehall beating stick abay
WOW, The year just started and already the SLACKNESS start. Where’s the peace in these people hearts.
What a shame lol them beat her up lol and she have so much mouth on the internet
Carb can’t fight she only full a chat
She got what she deserve shape bad bitch! She too disgusting kmt big big New Year on the mic at boom party telling ppl fi suck dem madda
Where’s the video?
Two beaten she one get fi di new years a 2 diff pawty…if a me like she mi ease offa pawty fi a good while.
the beat up must have started before the video cuz it was one tug n war none wanted to fight dem look like hamsters waiting for a treadmill how them big n tired.them a back back up a fix up clothes a put on back coat lol. crab a troublemaker n a post bout links n all a r friends tek whe them self only little miss muffet a part mi naa part anybody gang my friend mi throw on some lick u have to beat both of us. it just sad!as the new year start big rass fight in the cold wid yuh rass out a door both a dem a warmonger n none can rhatid fight took a whole army n mi nuh see nuh serious fighter. all big g struggler so call links nena fabulous where were? u terri whe u d deh? links mi backside u need to par alone. krab u cant give yuh self trouble n have no backative all unu do a chat ppl n trouble ppl n when trouble come u alone how unu feel.who laughing now it pays to be humble! krab u shell soft like them cook yuh lol u need to walk sideways from yuh team this yearthis woman shame tree bruk dung
The video in alot of group Dora and fat shelly from Bronx sending it around so all to see Dwl
Attached the video or direct us where to go to see it?
I don’t understand why Peaches never fight her war herself
is this still over Ray Ray you two big old man clown
The man home with his wife peaches where was your bleach pout young boy you need fi go find him give him a beating after him
Thief your money Crab want a man
Just got back and see this foolish Russell I think you have a hand in sending this story girl stop calling yourself glama girl please nothing about you that is glama you stay reall bad you don’t buy liquor you come in take a picture and be nosey please promoters look at you picturesi if Demus is that there bitch you die of thirst bum bitch please Demus do something for this bum bitch is toooo embarrassing Ok NOW PEACHES YOU NEED HELP TO BEAT CRAB YOU TOOO FUNNY WHY YOUR DAUGHTER OLD ASS PEACHES WHERE WAS YOUR DAUGHTER WHEN THE YOUNG BOY WAS BEATING YOU CRAB DON’T HAVE MAN BUT WHERE WAS YOURS PEACHES CRAB HOLD YOUR HEAD UP THIS TUG A WAR HAD NO WINNERS WHAT WAS THESE OLD ASS MAN CLOWNS WAS FIGHTING OVER AGAIN
Crab you love fi trouble people too much
and you can’t fight from Jamaica dem beat you
stay home with your kids
Keisha mi can not believe that
You mek Rushell beat you up that big nuff
gal ass always look like she has on pampers
Stay real real bad And now Peaches and her family beat you over
old fuck Keisha something wrong a when you become New York beating stick