1. I do sympathize with this mother and has a parent of 2 kids under 8 i would be going crazy if i was in her situation. However they are 3 issues that stand out to me in this.

    1. As a parent there is no way i could be at home and my child is on trip and not back at the assigned time. I would be in linstead waiting on my child and not at home waiting on a call. That is on her she could have done better to prevent her daughter from experiencing that incident of her traveling home alone.

    2. Teachers should have a better system in place to check off when kids are picked up. Apparently this system failed.

    3. According to another version there was a lot of students on this trip and not enough teachers. If the kids to student ratio (e.g. 10:1 instead of 20:1 or more)is so high, then they should have asked for parent volunteers to go on the trip to help. Let the parents know if they dont get a certain amount of volunteers then the trip cannot happen.

    This experience for this child could have been prevented, the mother could have done better, the teachers should have got more help and have a better accountability of student pick up.


  2. I don’t know the situation why she wouldn’t be at the school waiting that’s where I would have been.

    But I do feel her pain. My child was only four when the school bus dropped my child at the wrong house. The excuse was it was a different driver nothing more. I really know what she’s feeling and it’s so sad.

  3. I felt really bad for her to a point… her daughter is 10 years old and there is not a routine put in place in case she gets lost or something like this happened? She did say that the child knows her numbers etc… wouldn’t you have taught your child to go into a business place or in public in or an open environment ask somebody for a call? Instead of going into a vehicle by herself then later asking a stranger to walk with her…. Now don’t get me wrong the school is at fault a 100% but as parents we have to teach our kids what to do or say in cases like this…. 10pm and you’re at home waiting on your child??? Ole a 5 hours you siddung and a wait…. no sah knowing me if I can’t get anybody the same car weh she seh have in gas would be on the road either going to the school or going to said zoo they travelled to… but each person is different….. I’m glad she came home safely tho but parents we gotta do better…

    P.s I wonder why they didn’t just take the child straight to the school instead

  4. OMG! What a sad situation, however, sure I would have gone to the school to see what had happened to the school bus, I’m sure there should have been other parents waiting on their children to come back too. Yes, this could NEVER happen here in England, heads would roll. kmt, but I’m glad that the outcome was not what anybody would want to hear and your baby girl is ok and not to traumatised.

  5. My daughter went to the same zoo in St Elizabeth the same day from Kingston. I made sure I was at her school long b4 6:30 pm (the time they said they were returning).The teachers and school dealt with drop off wrong. Does your child class have a WhatsApp group. I was on WhatsApp the whole time with my daughters teacher. The parents were informed on every move the bus made.I knew when the bus left the zoo , when it was in Old Harbour and when it was down the road from the school.
    It was wrong for them to leave her in the town. She should have been taken back to the school.
    But Mommy wasn’t there a pickup protocol.If not the school is slack.
    Anyway Glory to God your precious baby came home safely.

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