This is a lesson…lisa u mass up South East St Ann….a PNP mi say and because of you I didnt vote….you didn’t do shit….the roads are the same…the only thing me see that change that you paint your office and fix the wall at the gate. Look on Barrett Hall road…you get safe seat n don’t do shit in it….look how much ppl vote showa….never never happen yet in South East St Ann…..I hope u work or leave….
tina_styler@lisahannamp I can’t understand the People’s of St. Ann’s them say you ain’t doing nothing and you haven’t done anything significantly and you still retain your seat??? And the councillor giving you 280 miss calls.. Was really hoping you lost your seat because you’re not for the people on that platform…you don’t know struggles or hard life someone’s with experience should get that seat..
shortbossxoHave any of you people ever actually visited places like Moneague, Golden Grove, Barrett Hall and Golden Grove? Be honest with yourselves. The roads are in a deplorable state and even up to yesterday sections of the moneague road had a pothole so big they had to put caution tape around it. Don’t let Lisa fopl you she is a stuck up diva that poses on FB to give the illusion that she is actually working. Lisa you are a beautiful woman but politics is not for you…and the only reason why Ivan Anderson didn’t get more votes is because he’s new to the constituency and had little time to campaign and no chicken n chicken feeding to give away to the uneducated and poor voters you targeted.
toosweettobeatIm in agreement with u shortbossxo….she did nothing….we want her to leave because Moneague and Barrett Hall need help mi not even ago talk about the communities up the clock…smh….we moving away from chicken or hand mi down….she need to do some work or leave….its the worse I have ever see southeast St Ann…not even the public bathroom not workimg
natdoc72@lisahannamp before leave lets us know where are the missing children? We still waiting because we thought you would have delivered them by now!


  1. sunday a come lisa guh pray fi ugly ones dem wah a hate yuh just fi yuh blessings ….. hotness is a gift mek it bun dem suh

  2. Lisa, Mama P not in power to protect as before. So please perform or leave. The people are prepared practice a very strict vegan diet. So the chicken and the feeding wont be necessary. Because on that u can’t stand not even thought of having any thing to do with meat.

  3. Evening Met, no man dis serious a man assigned to Richard Azan by Portia to be his right hand man died from heart attack this morning!!! Sometimes he carries Portia’s bag too lol! He is a man who gets most of the contracts at NWA as well and nuh share di money when people ask for help! Suh him tek it to heart to rass! Cuz him feel him aguh suffa unda LABOR GOV. :nohope dem claim him a Portia fam sah nuh know how true it is cuz dem oh so close!!! Me a wanda how shi feel??

  4. Maxfield him from as well sooo Portia have funeral arrangements to deal with! Cuz dem cloooooose baaad! Suh people have it to say either him do her bad deeds wi nuh kno or they r fam thats how close they are.

  5. This is ridiculous and its comments like these why I feel our people is so illiterate. How much do the people of st Ann expect Lisa to do when she only the minister of youth and culture? Yes she has a view but what the people looking for from her is too much. Make Lisa stay a my favorite MP that

    1. Her being the minister (in this case former minsiter) of youth and culture didnt have anything to do with what she did or didnt do for the people of st ann. HOWEVER, her role at member of parliment for SE st ann had a lot to do with what she was supposed to do. If you remember she had 2 government positions. MP and minister. As an MP she does have an obligation to serve her constituents

  6. Jamaica August event planner! :bikini: :ngakak
    That ministry fi get dismantled. Culture should fall in with tourism or education, youth should fall under a welfare division for children & seniors.
    She and babsy can go open a Independence Day event company 😀 😀

  7. The message is not biased and all you people that making comments not from st.Ann she not working and as the headline states work or leave

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