
Good Morning Met
You recently ran a story about South East St. Ann’s MP Lisa Hanna. I wish to offer some insight into this matter as I live and work in the said constituency.
Lisa Hanna has not done ANYTHING to improve the constituency of South East St. Ann. She sometimes visits the constituency on Thursdays and when she does that’s when she posts the pictures.
Ms. hanna’s constituency office is located in close proximity to the Claremont All Age, Golden Grove All Age and Ferncourt High Schools. While she sometimes visits Ferncourt High she has not done anything to help the schools in any great way. It is a known fact that she has expressed that the people of South East St Ann are beggars. Persons need help in the constituency- not financial help per se but a start to do something. There are many farmers in the constituency and its known that we have water problems especially in the Bensonton, Prickly Pole areas and the constituency has black tanks being stored at the RADA office in Claremont. The employees at RADA have been complaining that Ms. Hanna needs to give the tanks to the constituents. Persons are also complaining because it is said that the office workers are benefitting more than the constituents. In a little over a year one worker has built a massive house, bought a new car, built the biggest chicken coop, open a clothing store and travelled more times that can be counted. These are the things that have constituents disgruntled. Ms Hanna also has scant regard for the councillors in the constituency. The persons who are doing the fieldwork. The ones who are trying their best with the little that they have been given.
The constituents have lost confidence in Ms. Hanna and her office and she needs to go.


  1. Well, make sure unnu vote har out during the next election. Stop mek them trick unnu with oxtail and rice and peas.

    1. “She needs to go”. She ain’t going no where!! Why? Because you all are same people who complaining,are going to vote for her next election and put her back in that position that you all claim she’s not doing a good job at.

  2. In a little over a year one worker has built a massive house, bought a new car, built the biggest chicken coop, open a clothing store and travelled more times that can be counted.

    By implication, the sender is saying this worker stole millions of government funds. You know the person who sent this in is delusional. Looking at all the things she mentions, you know that we are talking many tens of millions here. How would an office worker get access to millions of government funds to accomplish the list above? Design/build massive house in one year? I guess this was sent in by one of the disgungled Councillors who is more than likely, looking to run for the MP seat.

    I agree with Lisa Hanna, you people are too beggy-beggy…all ways looking for handouts, while walking around thinking someone owes you something. Do you think an MP has total control of what is done in their constituency. There are 63 MP all fighting for scare resources. Everyone one claims there MP is not doing much to further their constituency.

  3. So a few people complaining about something Lisa have no control over,most likely a few women.
    Women are always hating on women.
    Lisa is most loved and is a very nice person.
    Ever seen your politicians climbing guava tree?
    Big up Lisa

    1. Unnu no have no sense ENO so wat she climb guava tree y she neva climb a macka tree now that would b impressive kmft

        1. But Met how she climbing a tree help the ppl dem if u ask me lisa is too fi the gram (Instagram) that is I don’t even agree with her having a open to the public social media page she need fi go do har work n tap teck picho kmft

          1. Lets face it, you are just a labourite and envious of Lisa’s looks. You are just devious. I suggest you go and climb a macka tree and show Lisa how to maneuver such a tree while at it. I hope some macka juk yuh. :cd

          2. U roofless dilapidated board shithouse I am not Laborite or what ever other party is there I lhave never voted in Jamaica 2) I would definitely settle for being a smart hammer than a dumbass nail so u n Lisa need to learn say MP is put there for a reason n that’s not to look just FUXXING pretty cause If Lisa did care bout har constituency she would repair ur ole RASS FOH

      1. Tawkchuet @June 22, 2015 at 1:22 pm.

        Did you sa you are a dumbass? I concur. Your inability to express yourself on an intellectual level, suggest that you are indeed a Labourite.

        I will be sending you two macka via email to juk yuh where it hurts the most. Can you guess where?

        1. Unnumbered love tell ppl bout intellectual if Lisa is soooooo smart y is it she’s unable to do the job she was put in place for well hear my dark ignorant ass here now go push the macka inna u muuma and u n Lisa use a burger super sized straw n suck till unnu locate the macka dem me is very dunce but smart enuff fi tell u how to locate 2 macka UNDA u MUUMA damn asshole bright bout u ago send me shit

    2. :bingung :bingung Well a guess if most people thinking the same way you do, we island more than doomed..

  4. Lisa disgusting and awful to the ppl n her constituency fi true. I have relatives who live there and u nuh waa hear them talk bout har. the roads are godawful too.

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