Mr Lucky British Got Rush At Mitchie Boo Party Saturday, Sandy Buckas How It Comes Because 2 months Ago Yuh Deh Pon Mitchie Boo Ig Live Diss Up Nicole And Short Boss Beg Friend With Mitchie Boo, & Look Yuh Good Baby Fada Got F*k Up At Mitchie House This Nice Eeeh, About Lucky British Mi Baby Fada Don’t Want Nicole, No One Don’t Want Lucky Yuh Baby Fada Run Like Gyal When South Man Move To Him, Yo Lucky Baby Mothers Must Feel SHAME Now Uno Feel Lucky Bad Man No Him A Punk, Him Chat Everything Every Woman & Man All Him Baby Mothers Him Chat, Charlotte Must Be Laughing Now God Don’t Sleep, Big Up Charlotte Good Gyal Freedom Is A
Freedom Charlotte Real Bbc Gyal Real Bbc Money Gyal Clean Heart Gyal
Not just now lucky chat people not just now him been a punk lol lucky waste man
If hm can chat Sandy him baby mada who wouldnt he chat
Wow wow wow
Lucky just bad pon him mouth and that’s just it
Lucky bad which part??? Don’t mek mi laugh a fool dat
Lucky a fool in prison man use to move to him everyone knows that from long time man move to lucky him gwaan like him bad & rich move ur bbc lucky
Did anyone of his frenemy defend it I bet not,too much hype and wannabe gangster . What goes around always comes back to haunt you.
So let mi get this straight, Lucky British went to Mitchie Boo birthday party, a group of man rush him, an he run, what’s the problem?? Who in there right mind is going to stand there an mek a group a people beat them wid no help smh, he lost the fight u never know he may jus surprise us an win the war, and b4 u cum at me I’m no fan of Lucky British, blessed weekend Pinky
Because lucky chat people so much act like him a bad man diss women and man good no one rate lucky him heart no clean look how him mek Charlotte go prison lucky a wicked person
My question is, why his he called Lucky British when he does not have a British passport. The Sovereign is to be protected at all cost and people like him and the rest of the ghetto fraternity are just taking up-space in England. Melissa Mitchie Boo is a another one. She should have been removed from England last week with the others. TAX evaders do upsets me.
No British book? I guess the laws in the uk is different why he hasn’t been deported as yet.
Mitchieboo is a big fool
Lets just wait they are all in for a big shock for 2021