Decima Nottingham, the man who was beaten by Claxton Bay residents who thought he was a thief, is calling on members of the public to think before they act.

Nottingham, 28, was on Thursday held and beaten by a group of residents who believed him to be a truck thief.

Police later revealed the truck had been reported stolen by a Barrackpore man about a year ago.

According to reports, the original owner of the vehicle, a dump truck, sold it to two different men. The first buyer is from Barrackpore and had no idea that his truck was sold to another man in Claxton Bay. The Barrackpore man even reported the truck stolen to police in 2016, but officers investigating the case had made no headway in finding it.

The Claxton Bay man put the vehicle up for sale recently and after it was purchased by a new owner, Nottingham’s friend was sent to collect it. Nottingham said he was asked by his friend to go with him to Claxton Bay so that he (Nottingham) could drive his friend’s car back home after they collected the truck.

During the beating, Nottingham suffered injuries to his head, face, right eye—which is now swollen shut—and his chest and back. His left knee was also damaged.

Recalling the brutal attack at his Carlsen Field home yesterday, Nottingham said: “My friend called me and asked if I could go with him. He said he was going Claxton Bay to collect a truck and he wanted me to drive his car back to Barrackpore.

“He told me to wait and I would drive behind him, but when he drove off and I was driving behind, I saw a white van speeding up behind me and they bounced my car and came out and started beating me and telling me we thiefing the truck.”

Nottingham said his heart hurt knowing the way he was treated by the residents.

“They beat me for real long—at a point in time I thought that was it—because I start to gasp for breath. It was real licks, kick on my chest, in my back and on my head, they had me rolling on the ground. I get about five cuff in my eye, my head was swollen,” he said.

“We are all human beings—they could have asked something first—they beat me like I was nothing.”

Nottingham said he works taxi to support his two children, ages seven and three, and sometimes finds other work.

“I was never prepared to go into a situation like this to get all this licks and face all this embarrassment with people saying I am a known truck thief.

“I have never been in this kind of thing before. I work taxi and I try to make a lil’ hustle here and there to take care of my family, I don’t be on no thiefing thing.”

His only hope now is that justice will be served.

“Random people were coming out of their cars and kicking me, it was like the whole village. They could have just held me and called the police if they believe I was thief, they didn’t give me a chance to explain myself.

“They have to get charged because at the end of the day I just want justice for myself.”

Police sources said yesterday that three of the villagers involved in the attack will be charged for the incident and are expected to be put on ID parade soon.


  1. Met Oui! Yu gone a cook out or you de pon Mummy and Aunty dutties? Yu quiet from day ooo

  2. The 3 from the white van should be sued fir damages and serve time because they instigated the event.

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