A love-triangle gone wrong was revealed last week when a man was brought before the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate Court for destroying the underwear of his “side chick”, who was also charged with stabbing the man’s spouse.

Mark Breory appeared in court on Thursday on a charge of malicious destruction of property and assault occasioning bodily harm, stemming from a dispute in which he reportedly assaulted his lover, Nadine Patterson.

But when Breory’s matter was mentioned, Patterson told the court that she did not wish to pursue the matter after Senior Resident Magistrate (RM) Judith Pusey noticed that they were both beaming with joy and asked them if they had reconciled.

Breory happily told the court that he was involved with Patterson and that they had made up.

“So what was destroyed for you?” RM Pusey asked Patterson.

“My panty,” she replied with a smile.

“Say no more,” the magistrate said, amidst laughter.

Both were told that they were free to go, and Breory quickly made his way through the door, but Patterson was detained as she was told that she had another matter on the court’s list.

But much to the court’s surprise, the complainant turned out to be Breory’s spouse, who indicated that the fight between her and Patterson occurred after she went to visit him and saw Patterson at the house.

“You and Mr Breory still together?” RM Pusey asked.

“Yes,” the woman replied.

But the magistrate told her, “Mr Breory was saying something different from what you are saying.”

She was then asked if she knew about the incident involving him and Patterson and she said she was aware and had seen Breory on the outside.

Calls were then made for Breory but they went unanswered.

The woman, in continuing her story, said that when she saw Patterson she asked Breory why he did not tell her to leave, but he did not.

The woman said she told Breory: “Mi a go gi unnu time.”

She said that she then went inside to collect her things and while she was there she saw Patterson and said to her: “You know you nuh easy.”

Breory’s spouse said she then asked him for a bag to put her things in, and he told her to go inside the kitchen. When she went there she saw Patterson, who attacked her with the knife and stabbed her.

Following that, the woman said Patterson told her: “A bae mek mi stab a gal.”

Patterson, in her defence, said that she was at the back of the house as she had gone there to smoke when she saw the woman coming.

Patterson said the woman, upon seeing her said: “Mi neva know say you still a come yah,” and she replied by saying: “Long time.”

Patterson said the woman then used a Heineken bottle to hit her and she used the knife, which she had in her hand, to stab her.

Patterson, however, denied that she had gloated about the woman’s injury.

“Mi neva seh a bae mek me stab you, mi seh a bae mi done get the f… already,” Patterson said, causing laughter inside the court.

The magistrate, however, missed Patterson’s assertion and based on the response of the court remarked: “Maybe it’s a good thing that I did not hear.”

The magistrate, before ordering Patterson to pay $30,000 or serve six months in prison, told the complainant that as a mature woman she should have left the house when she saw Patterson, whom she knew was involved with her spouse.

“Just walk away and don’t stir up trouble,” RM Pusey said.


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