Veteran US Senator John McCain, a onetime prisoner of war and the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, has been diagnosed with brain cancer, his office announced Wednesday.

The 80-year-old lawmaker underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye last week and tests “revealed that a primary brain tumour known as a glioblastoma was associated with the blood clot,” the Mayo Clinic said in a statement released by McCain’s office.

“The senator and his family are reviewing further treatment options,” the statement added, noting they may include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.


  1. Very sad that’s what kill ted Kennedy in a short time . I don’t wish that on anyone ‘ we hope he can pull tru .

  2. he survived 4 previous including a deadly form of melanoma, lets hope he pull through this one, if not, it will be very interesting times ahead, given the current turmoil in congress on hot button issues and legislations that are at the centerfold and that one or two moderate republican vote is the difference maker or the game changer, it would also be very interesting if there is a worst case scenario due to his health and there is a snap election for his seat given the current national referendum on “mango-man” and the ramifications on the “party of treason,” very interesting indeed, remember in 2009 when Mr. Kennedy(D-MA) got diagnosed, and scott clown (R-MA) won that seat in the snap election? at the time there was a national referendum on the then house speaker Nancy Pelosi, lets see if it happens on the flip this time around :travel

  3. Ms Met! I noticed for the past 2 months that you haven’t been informing the other metters, some of whom might be living in fear because of “copper-tone” that the circus tent is starting to cave in, see he is starting to diss his protoges, starting with the weasel, as the plot thickens, and as the evidence becomes more obvious by the day, and as the chief special counsel is closing in :travel
    “Dat Mi Seh” you better start making your plans from now to hitch a ride in the wheel well of that private jet on its one way flight to russia for asylum :ngakak

      1. Dem a mek him get whey with what Obama could only dream of getting away with so I have unplugged from the whole thing. Now McCain sick there will be no one fi talk dem mind

  4. I lost my dad and brother to Cancer,so I wish him and his family well. With that being said,I don’t understand why the call him a maverick when he is a republican in everyway and vote for all their policies. Devos,Sessions,Gorsich,trumpcare etc. A real maverick would go against his party if he disagrees with them.

      1. Follow the money indeed. Mi neva know a suh much contributions she mek to republican’t.Met,am with you i feel no matter what is uncovered chump will get away wid it,so mi tune out.

  5. Explains his strange behaviour at the last hearing. Anyhoo God naah sleep, lets see if Trump Care will work for him. Hopes he make a full recovery tho

  6. One of the most dangerous men on this planet to world peace… Only if you knuckle heads new the truth….

    Hopefully soon you knuckle heads will know the truth about that individual, and you will be in for a shock…

    Dat Mi Seh. …

  7. Sorry to hear, my mother to cancer, he has the best health care coverage that tax payers are paying for. A shoulda Trump get that diagnosis

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