No one knows how long it will take Voleta Wilson* to sleep without the help of medication after her two sons were slaughtered during a predawn gun attack that left the Havana Heights community in Clarendon shaking with fear since last September.

Javelle Lawrence, 20, and his younger brother, Romario Lawrence, 18, were shot dead by thugs who kicked in the door to their mother’s living room where they slept.

Romario, who relatives said complained of being tired the previous evening, was shot several times in his head and died in his sleep.

Javelle, an ailing sickle-cell patient, was interrogated by his attackers before he was peppered with bullets, his mother shivering in fear as her son moaned because of his injuries in the adjoining room.

“I’m living in fear and I even moved out of the house because I don’t know what is happening,” said Wilson, who broke down within seconds of opening the front door to premises which had remained closed since the incident.

“I don’t know what is coming next. I am not comfortable here,” said the grieving mother, repulsed by the ransacked room that still holds her two son’s beds, clothes and other belongings.

Wilson said her sons were on separate beds when their killers struck about 2 a.m. They went directly to Romario’s bedside and fired several shots into his head before interrogating his older brother who was a lighter sleeper because of his illness.

“I heard ‘police, bwoy, nuh move’, and by the time I got up to pull my room door, I heard the [first] shot dem,” said the mother.

The gunmen then walked back to Javelle’s bed where they asked his name before shooting him several times. Her older son’s dying moans still haunt her at nights, said Wilson.

WATCH: Cold fear … crime grips Clarendon mother


  1. Poor mama my heart goes out to her & the family. Will pray her strength to find some form of comfort. OMG crime & violence will be the downfall of Jamaica

  2. Is same my mother tell mi bout her community, by 6 o’clock is ghost down, not even stray dawg a walk road. Prayer meeting and Bible study nobody going again, not even taxi a run too late. Folks really being held hostage in certain places, what a days to live to see

  3. I just do not understand how people left, right and center just being murdered in JA, it’s just starting to be the it ting, because people just coming into people home and murdering dem, you think you being in your house that you are safe, no gate no steal keep these murderous bastards out… Lord help this poor woman find comfort and the answers that she seeks so she can live a somewhat normal life… It sounds to me that these men knock down the wrong door… People who can afford it or can seek help need to put bars on there doors and windows because that somewhat would help or give a likkle safety and peace of mind… Some houses in JA I couldn’t go live because I would be scared to stay in dem… My ex man sister him deh live wit, they building an addition and I’m sure they done now but when I was there I was scared to sleep stayed up until it was time fi mi to go to the airport…

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