6 thoughts on “MOTHER-IN-LAW ISSUES

  1. Den if u a nyam dirt..who d hell want to see dem boy pickny wid smaddy a nyam dirt..You are lacking some nutrients..dirt wa ppl spit cold inna dwag/puss/ rat shyt up..OMG..any well thinking mother would think that their son pick up some mentally challenged gal..go tek a washout bout u wa kill d oman n u inna d ppl dem space..u no see u mad gal..d oman no want no lowlife inna har family..

  2. That woman is neither your mother-in-law nor stepmother. Man family a JA barely treat lawful wife decent so I can only imagine how they doing girlfriends, worse if you under dem roof.

    Sorry you are pregnant with a man’s child whose mother doesn’t care for you. You need to ask yourself if you are contributing to the friction. Obviously, if you are under her roof then you need to go. Sometimes even someone’s natural odour can turn you off. You will never know why someone doesn’t like you. You can always sit her down and ask her if there is something you have done or said to offend her because you feel there is a void between you two. You never said what transpired so I am only guessing, maybe what happened a civil conversation won’t fix. If you under her roof or his and don’t feel welcomed then find your own space. Cause tension inna house is not a good thing, and if it so bad you feeling homicidal then you need to keep your distance.

  3. You will just have to speak up or leave. Did you move in with him and his mom? Se may feel like you are invading her space. As me say, either you smile and suck it up or leave. As for the pregnancy, do you really want to be stuck in that family for the rest of your life? Choose wisely. Next time choose an independent man, and not a mamas boy.

  4. It’s a medical condition called, pica. It happens a lot in pregnancy, with ppl experiencing high levels of stress, or children.

  5. Yes 7.11 – the reference to eating dirt it’s pica you are correct. Sender… it’s an iron deficiency. You need more iron in your diet. Try green bananas.

    As for wanting to murder people, that is clearly a Bigger issue. Perhaps it’s a result of the emotions of pregnancy hormones, but I’ve never heard any other Hormonal woman say that they feel like killing people.

    Sender, you’re feelings are clear so it’ doesn’t really matter what if and buts there are – you need to leave him and the mother and find somewhere else to live. One day she may provoke you so bad, you might loose control and end up spending your life in prison, blood on your hands and your baby will be taken away, one day asking you why.

    Think of your baby now, take yourself out of the negative situation before you hurt someone. No one will sympathise with you. They will only sympathise with the mother and the son if you do something so drastic. All u need to do is walk away

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