Nature’s best anti-ageing treatments
Ageing is an inevitable process that must occur as the clock ticks. However, the rapidity with which it happens can either be slowed down or catalysed by our habits. Most times however, we do the latter by living recklessly, damning the consequences of our lifestyle on the ageing process.
The mechanism of the ageing process is such that it is evident in the outward projection of wrinkles and lines. Our skin starts ageing from the late 20s but its effects become more apparent as get older. Collagen and elastin are the two major proteins that are the basis of cell structure which make skin elastic, supple and youthful. With time, these proteins start depleting leading to appearance of wrinkles, lines and deep furrows on face, forehead, neck and back of hands.
Who doesn’t want a youthful and younger looking skin? But unhealthy life style, stress, over dependence on processed and ready-to-eat foods, caffeine, alcohol and unhealthy habits like smoking, lack of exercise and pollution all contribute to skin aging and appearance of wrinkles.
However, there is good news and it is interred in the bosom of Mother Nature. Although several over-the-counter creams and beauty products are available in the market that help to treat skin ageing, it is best to opt for time tested home remedies that are not only effective, but also safe with no side effects.
Olive oil
Olive oil is one of the most effective natural oils that help in lightening wrinkles and fine lines and tightening sagging skin. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids that nourishes the skin because it is readily absorbed by the skin pores. Being loaded with vitamins A and E, it functions as a powerful antioxidant and helps in hydrating skin and maintaining its youthful suppleness and elasticity so that it appears younger for longer.
Aloe vera
The benefits of aloe vera for skin are numerous. It functions as an effective natural remedy for pimples and acne and reducing excessive oiliness of skin. Malic acid present in aloe vera gel improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles and fine lines- the most evident signs of skin ageing. Zinc present in the gel increases the youthfulness of skin by shrinking the pores whereas mucopolysaccharides – long chain sugar molecules present in the gel helps in retaining moisture and improves formation of collagen – the protein that forms the basis of cell structure and maintains skin elasticity.
Egg whites
Applying egg white mask is an easy and effective way of lightening wrinkles and fine lines. Spreading egg white on the wrinkled areas helps in stretching the skin and shrinking the open pores to give it a smoother, younger and youthful appearance. Being a rich source of protein, potassium, magnesium and riboflavin, it aids tissue repair, hydrates and moisturises skin and neutralises the damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress- two of the chief reasons for premature skin ageing.
Bananas are a readily available and cheap natural anti-ageing remedy. This fruit is loaded with skin benefitting nutrients such as potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E that makes it a complete remedy for all skin problems. It helps in hydrating and moisturising dry skin, improving collagen production, skin elasticity and suppleness and fighting the damage causing free radicals and oxidative stress to provide a flawless and younger looking skin and adds a healthy glow to it.
Honey is nature’s answer to all skin problems. It is the best nourishment for dry skin that helps in keeping skin hydrated by preventing moisture loss. It exfoliates skin to remove dead cells and promotes the regeneration of new cells which in turn lightens age spots, hyper pigmentation and scars. Vitamin B and potassium present in honey also helps in improving skin elasticity and suppleness.
Lemon juice
The natural bleaching property of lemon juice makes it a perfect natural remedy for removing tan and sunburn. Being a rich source of citric acid, it helps in exfoliating skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities and shrinking open pores to provide a smooth and younger appearance to skin. It tightens the tissues and increases skin elasticity to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It also helps in improving complexion and adding a healthy glow to skin.
Pineapple acts as an amazing natural remedy for improving digestion and treating digestive disorders. Pineapple juice is also effective for preventing premature ageing. Being loaded with antioxidants such as potassium and vitamin C, pineapple juice helps in neutralising the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress of cells thus preventing premature ageing of skin. It also helps in improving skin tone and correcting uneven skin tone, dark patches, age spots and hyper pigmentation.
The benefits of avocados for weight loss and improving health are well known. The rich creamy flesh of this fruit also helps in increasing the suppleness and youthfulness of skin by increasing elasticity. It is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin B, C, E, K, selenium, potassium, zinc, folate and beta carotene that has amazing benefits for skin. It acts as a nourishing moisturiser for excessive dry skin that also helps in repairing damaged cells and promotes the regeneration of new cells. The antioxidants and amino acids present in this exotic fruit flushes out toxins from skin and prevents premature skin ageing.


  1. I swear by Brewer’s Yeast if you do not have a yeast allergy, prone to yeast infections, and can handle the awful taste. First time you have it you will want to vomit, but stick with it and behold a transformation. Cayenne pepper is good too. I follow Dr. Christopher’s protocol of making a lemonade with grapefruit and honey and add cayenne pepper to it, the lemonade should be at room temperature.

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