Hi Miss Met,
This is the evil/demons that killed the girl in negril and buried her. He is said to be in the Bronx or possible anywhere in the United States right now. Please share so people can notify police if anyone see him . That’s his photo. That’s where he buried her in the house.

16 thoughts on “NEGRIL MURDERER’S FACE

  1. What this humanoid has done is one of the sickest, most inhumane, lowest of them all act one can ever think of doing to 3 people (they said that the deceased was in an early state of pregnancy); and some people in that community also said that him kill other people already, according to news sources. How can I not believe that when him picture above mek a statement without him not saying a word? A blow torch to this monster is the best way to solve things for this brute! Without a doubt, a situation like this one needs a barbaric approach when it comes to the death penalty.

  2. Anyone giving this demon sustenance and shelter MUST share in the misery of the victims last momemts. Asi

  3. That is a face, I’m ALMOST SURE I’ve seen and saw in The Bronx a little over a week ago! Heartless, cruel, barbaric is MIDLY describing this jankruh!

  4. R.i.p lil angel n young lady. Why would I play the hypocrite n not talk what’s bothering me!!??It bothers me how, why n where the young lady end up being with this monstrosity of an excuse to be human? ?

    She never knew this side of him?I get that ladies love bad boys n all but if there ever was a teaching/learning moment for our women about how critical their choice in men is n must be treated. …It is NOW!!

    Jungle justice must be his fate so please don’t leave it to the State!

    1. I been preaching for years on here that the most dangerous thing a woman will ever do in her life is loving the wrong man. I have played my broken record year in year out that every woman should seek wisdom and the spirit of discernment before they​ say yes to any relationship with anyone.

      I never knew this young lady nor her child and my heart aches for what they went through. What inspired this creature to treat them like that? I can only think she must have known some secret thing he did and did this to make sure it would never get out. She probably knew of some murder or molestation he committed and did this to her.

      1. Wow!!that is deep deep all you’ve put forward! !I can only hope your on point message gets through to someone before it’s too late as in this case!!

        Nuff nuff respect. .no correction. .MAXIMUM RESPECT TO U!

      2. You are so right about that but it applies to anyone who you allow in your life. You constantly have to do a checkup on all of our relationships as we all change. some for better and some for worse.

        Until he is captured, anyone he finds himself around is in danger, including the same person(s)who maybe harbouring him.

  5. I agree with amon@4:45. Some of us women who are in relationships with these low lives better take heed. i went home to visit one holiday and this known gum man from my area bout him like. One dirty look i give him,him never darken my doorway again. They need to be shunned.

  6. I hope they use the same gun that is in the picture to kill him, brazen. Mi nuh know nuh real bad man weh a pose wid 1 gun much less 2. They r monsters, mi pray seh a next man riddle his body with bullets. 2 wrongs don’t make a right but I would feel better knowing that he suffered like his victims

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