1. Go request the autopsy from his family since you are so freaking interested in his cause of death. You dickhead, people die in their sleep all the freaking time. Stress can cause that. Fool, what if he had a heart attack? There. People like you ARE SICK.

    1. If she does its hush hush cause no one is talking about it…if she does have it I plee the blood of Jesus against Coronavirus in her body. And speedy recovery for her

  1. “They all have it” ????

    Sender, don’t make so such a broad statement without backing it up. For examoke: Apple have it? Yankee Michelle have it? Iron back have it? Jicon have it? Robbaz have it? Kim Possible have it? Rag dolly have it? Sweets have it? Dougue Platinum have it? You get me drift.

    Hi MET, YartdieT, Marie, Anon2, REAL and all who fi get hailup.

    Genuine, hope all is well with you.

    1. I’m multi tasking, so excuse the typos. My workload is heavy due to the absence of external and internal peeps.
      Big up Healthcare, food and liquor processors/distributors, Law Enforcement & Security Forces at home and abroad…and the folks that cause internet to keep on working.

      1. Well fi show unno how dunce as fcuk the stalkers are ,pree the downvotes!!!Sistagirl PP a big up some Real life Heroes n Foundation Metters and Sickos find Sumpn fi downvote bout that!!!Like seriously unno tek the tings so personal that unno butthurt bout even positivity!!???

        All a who downvote positive posts n comments guh suck unno mumma till infinity n beyond …enough of unno sick fuckery fi follow up ppl n fi no good reason,suck unno mumma again n agen!!

        1. :peluk.

          “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” Heney Ward Beecher

        2. @ yardielovethug there is other things for me to suck unlike you who rather the SHIT PIT OLD CROSSES.

          1. There ARE* not is other thingS…the way you’re uniquely dunce af u really meant shit pit and wanted to call me old crosses!!…But again you’re so dunce af yuh lump it all up with what you’re familiar with when u look in the mirror…a Shit pit old crassis!!!

            Signed Sarge in charge
            To correct and serve
            Grammar police

    2. Maximum big ups Sistagirl PP, I hope all is well with Genuine too!!My mind run pon Sketel Bam ,Bammy hope yuh n Needleyey101 good too!

    3. Which IRON BACK? Angela Striker? If so, is that the reason why her son went to Florida to get away from her? How comes coolie Andrea never broadcast it?

      1. lol you a tell we wha we neva know lolol

        I was making a point and mentioned her to the sender who say all the dancehall regular dem have Corona.
        Big up yu self lol and stay safe

  2. Big up all.. sender listen we don’t do open floor over here.. we need full confrontation in times like this so we can individually pray for ppl. Anyway ppl please remember my health depends on you and your health depends on me please, please please stay at home… LORD WE ASK THAT GRACE n MERCY be applied IJN Amen.

    1. A hairdresser lady name winsome from Bx. Her mom passed this mrng…not sure if it’s from Coronavirus. May her soul rip

      1. Mega flexx , isn’t that Jr Flexx.. aka Reeco Suave… them did flush him out a while back… Big ups to the real MegaFlexx Jr.flexx .. gone but never forgotten

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