22 thoughts on “NINJAMAN GET LIFE

  1. Sigh. Hopefully the family of the victim feels a little better. I’d there any credit for the time that he had previously served while awaiting trial before being released? Alkaline- please take note of where badness and gun lands you.

  2. GOOD…..badness nuh pay. Him and Kartel can do a calob now that he has all this free time on his hand.

    The only way some of these high price lawyers can win cases is to leak the witness name to their client and witness end up dead before trial. The moment the witness enter the courtroom, Ninjaman ketch a heart attack cuz he knows his fate was sealed. Good riddance to another dancehall murderer.

  3. Eventhough me rejoice in the verdict, I also weep to know that this man was handed an opportunity to help our nation youth. Unu get up and “advocate” ghetto life, yet unu (1/2 dead kartel)a de predators of the ghettos/poor communities.

    Ninjaman, you were given MANY chances in this life time. You did things that were just as deprave, chance xome you way again to atone..look how you buy out a simple, domestic conflict and gone behind walls to live like a mongrel dawg?!

    Hey Met :kiss

    1. How the hell you know he did not pull the trigger. The witness said someone fired through the fence/gate and Ninjaman fired at him (and miss)..

      At any rate, if you are equally culpable if you were with a group of thugs at the scene of a crime. Whether you pull the trigger is immaterial.

  4. Damned, that life sentence make my heart skipped a bit. The situation that leads to the victim death was so juvenile. Ninja didn’t set an example for his son. Instead of talking to his son, he went with him and killed that man over foolishness. It’s his a shame to see him going to prison at his age.

  5. I’m forced to think wat kind of father kills someone in front of his child no matter the child’s age so imagine the other “works” them do together!!???!!! It’s a harsh sentence but nowhere close to the murder of that man n the pain his family felt smh Ninja sorry but u chose this bredda smh

  6. Another celeb I wanted to see rehabilitated, can’t believe this is the end for him. I never really saw him as a bad man, just a drug addict. I hope the family of the young man killed find solace during this time. No winners here, just losses.

  7. Sad. But if he is guilty of the crime then justice has been served. A my artiste still. But to be fair when he accepted Christ and started being called brother Desmond, he should have stayed on that path. Who knows how great an impact he could have made on the lives of so many youngsters with his Christian testimony. As Tawkcheut said, it speaks volume when a father encourage and assist his child to do wrongs instead of “train up a child in the way he should go. so when he is old he will not depart from it..”.
    Maybe he did with all the badman lyrics.

  8. Really sad, going to prison for the rest of your life over foolishness, a simple thing turn into a man losing his life and life imprisonment. All who a run dung BADMANSHIP OPEN unno eyes and c that it leads nowhere, prison, death and bad blessings a guh follow unno. I’ve seen it 2 many times

  9. Rude boy don’t listen to those songs bad man nuh live too long .. gun man business only pay police and dead house …

  10. Rockapee u finally gone a prison fi the lady murder over pen… ninja man is no saint ask the ppl dem a marl rd ,everything rockapee do ninja is apart of it.Ninja tek him money buy guns and give rockapee and him gang to fight war… The ppl dem a marl rd say a him pay man to kill him own nephew over gun that Ian get miss up when him did get lock up..

  11. The only way to resolve a simple conflict in Jamaica is by killing.It is time to bring back capital punishment and maybe that might instill a little fear in some of these criminals.

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