First tings first Caz me knw how unuh tan ova yah! Not a soul is hating, so breathe!!! Me tink Shanzi need fi chill and show Nino some respect. She need fi understand har self and learn how fi chat to the man. A swear Nino did prefer dey a Sandz more than have dis likkle gal a boy him up!!! Shanzi full time you talk to the yute wid respect or a dat u saw u mada doing to ur dad, so u tink it right??? Nino don?t look happy at all!!!! More time the Breda dung ina him phone

sender ur man probably a beat u and treat u worst
him look like him bout fi touch 40.
Ugly mouth Shanice need fi go sidung. U can see sey goodie don’t use to a ting. Trynna be like Rush.
Shazi and Rush are NOT in the same class..
Shanzi party yes but she just completed her bachelors degree, lives on her own, pay bills and making alot of strides for her age.
Yes Shazi is childish in most ways but NOT when it comes to making that $$$.
Shanzi not out here hoeing it Rush just for the hype.
Trying to be like Rush ?? Gal you too funny.
I have done business with both of these ladies and let me tell how BIG of a difference theses ladies r.
Shanzi is always smiling and in good spirits, polite and chill.
Rush always trying to be seen and doing the most… cant imagine how she would behave if she cute and have har good good car and apt and little $$$
Ja woulda haffi run …. lol lol
Move yuh rass, who wants to be like Rush, at least Shanice have her own man and have a legitimate job, Rush is a prostitute, selling herself for trips and food. Rush trick unu because unu red eye and easily impressed. Rush nuh used to nutten either, if shi never a sell har front fi dem trip deh she would be right here in JA trying to get a rich man to see her, none here wanted her so she had to go and sell herself to married men, black and white and only God knows what she have to do to these men.
Honestly i dont think shes being disrespect to him; i just think shes immature periodttt.
I personally dont know these 2 but i follow Shanzi on IG; she seems like a happy, stress free, hustling type little girl.(Im referring to her as little girl because seems soooo childish and sophomoric. Shanzi speaks like a high schooler; i have to remind myself that she just completed university..
Overtime i guess she will act mature; until then Nino/ Nemo will have to deal.
A true Shanzi talk like she slow and immature fi real..
She kool though; not the hype type. She low key always smiling and enjoying herself.
I wouldn’t say that Nino is unhappy; he just always seems annoyed with her…
95% of her videos he just seems to be over her little immature remarks and just on his phone.
Shanzi speaks like a high school kid; watched her interview and her little IG posts she not nature at all….
A bare little girls Nino date; from Shamalee to Manada to now Shanzi…
lets just run past the fact that Shanzi is immature and callow….
Nino/ Nemo teeth look like shark teeth… Why him nuh go fix him teeth them…… No man saw a video he posted the other day never know a so him teeth them fucked up……
Sender Lowe them. These two don’t match at all, they just got together because of the social media hype. Nino likes his girls neat and petite with a pretty face. Why him go pick up this elephant body and predator face gal I don’t know.
You too damn wicked….. Shanzi is not an ugly girl.
Shanzi is not the prettiest thing on this planet but she sure not ugly.
Plus the gal body look good, natural and all. Always the big slob, donkey face throwing shade at other ppl…
A muss one of NINO one night stand this airing out her feelings…Leave the damn ppl them alone pig!!
Rose go away, and get a life.
Elephant Body and Predator face gyal. :ngakak
A Nuh Lie Senda she have a very bad controlling, attitude, she talk to him any how.and mi Nuh see why she have to behave that dirty way. She’s not going to change Senda because that’s the way how she grow.her mom Rose spoil her.the only reason why mi spirit take nino is because him and my man share the same birthday October 7, when nino did deh with shameless. Me never use to look at him but me like him a little now. Because he is not as arrogant as miss shanzi. About 2 Months ago she & nino was planning to go to theestatesja & she when live on her IG & She was driving. & if you hear how she was behaving. & she said to nino why you don’t drive.all the while you want me drive in traffic, & nino Ask her what what yuh planned fi do with your life when yuh reach 30 yrs old.& she said to nino F**k You!! If Nino Left her I dnt knw who, else is going to put up with her attitude..# shame!
Her attitude towards him stinks not denying that!
But i cant comprehend why ppl always calling her ugly? I personally have gone on her page, looked through alottttt of her pics… still cant see why shes being called ugly.
This girl is not ugly…. unuh too rass wicked and awful1
She nuh ready childish longtime
She is very disrespectful to him. he will walk soon. You need to have respect in relationship, its vital
I must say sender you are right, I been watching this “baecation” and Nino nuh look happy 1 bit, mi affi a wonder if a Shanzi forced him to go car that’s not the Nino social media knows his facial expression tells it all. And FYI I’m a fan of Shanzi so no hate here
Suh a how she talk tuh him? Senda yuh couldn’t get video??? Anyways looks deceiving.
From looking at their snaps and even in public sometimes Nino look so disgusted by her and she’s always trying to shut him up which I find very rude, but to ea is own. Very immature indeed.
Cause why you talking to the man like that he’s human too respect goes both ways
I agree with the sender,the way she talk to him is very disrespectful.
This Nino guy isn’t a prize for those up top making him out to be this stud. Him don’t have one muscle fi ah wear him tee shirt suh plus him lips look like somebody with drinking problem. Oh please, NEXT
Everything is not about people hating on you etc. shanzi can go and sit down now. A d ugliest gal Nino ever dey wid. Unuh eva look pon har side way. Ugliest ting eva!!! She need fi show d man some respect man. Deal wid him like some cayliss boy.
MYbe she act that way bcuz she is bitter about something he did to her that we the public doesn’t know about. Let’s not judge I treated my ex the same way bcuz he had hurt me and I forgave him but I was just angry and bitter in the relationship
Someone said he a Libra :hammer Only a Libra woman can handle a Libra man..thats my very superstitious belief :angel
If you forgave him you would not harbour any resentment so you did not forgive him. Forgiving is letting go of the hurt completely where it does not affect you any more.
She has buff teeth…no neck & face has a weird shape so her peripheral will be a bit off. Her skin is nice though
Shanzi I hope you are reading this. The people are saying your man is a clown and u speak to him disrespectful. That is YOUR fault and something YOU need to work on because men are about ego and i’m Sure u don’t want that perception out there. Work on how you speak to him especially in public, u’re a woman now so stop this glorifying ‘crazy’ behavior and learn to have a mature respectful relationship or you going to lose him and every sensible man who dates you.
Compare this vacation to when nino went with his boys to Canada. When he was in Canada he went live every second. Him even video the ants them to how happy he was. You can tell here on this vacation that he isnt happy and that he doesnt like the way she speaks down to him.
She stress him fi true , if she call and dont get him , she nah stop call and everything she vex , trust me , if she and him bex she act like she gonna kill herself. Think he doesnt want that on his mind , but him really look unhappy around her. Unless he is drunk him act a fool . And laugh like ediat .
AGREED!!!! I’m sure his frenz mock him about it. But he loves her more than how she loves him, so she thinks she has the right to be rude to him. Only shows how under developed she is. They won’t last too long tho!