HMID Please. Good night.
I can say this life really unfair. I’m a 25 year old single mother that basically had to lock up my room down by place and sleeping on the outskirt of my baby father mother place where he lives just so I can ensure my kids are being taken care of the real way because it will cost me extra where I live to travel with both girls for school then go work and plus find baby sitter and I don’t really trust people. I was recently fired from my work place of 1 year where someone let me get fired I won’t get in details about that but just to show you how people badmind for no valid reason.
My baby father don’t want work him just want stay home and live off his mother and live a carefree life. Because I just started working it’s so rough to send my kids to school and buy snacks and juice plus send myself to work until I start making some good money again. But I know God never fails because I got fired and God provided me with 2 jobs in the same week. I’m doing 1 now & will start the next one soon.
I say all of this to say when you think you’re having a rough patch just stop to think someone else out there is having a much worster day. Right now I want to just break down and cry because I’m in pain a doctor told me I might have gall stones and I have to be a rough gal right now because every money I get I have to ensure the girls are good. Don’t ever give up on GOD as he’s a wonderful God he’s awesome trust me. Keep me and my girls in your prayers please
Since him naaa duh shit an yuh dung a him mumma wid him…suh yuh still a geem free pussy den eeh… If you are, den dis tory dus got worster :ngakak a weak mi cyaah badda.
thank you sender! God is blessing you right now! Don’t stop!