Hello Met,

Rich Rush truly has no shame, can you believe that she posted this on IG and Twitter? I think people reported it to IG because it’s not there anymore but it’s still on twitter. This girl has zero class or shame, but anything for views and likes. Rich Rush I want to ask you something, what did people working 9to5 do to you? Every chance you get you disrespect people doing their honest work, not everybody’s cut out to be an escort and to have men piss and shit all over them. You keep disrespecting people but who is supporting your business and who do you think would want to book anything through your company, nuh di same 9 to 5 persons?

Because I’m 100% sure so rich person would patronize your business. That’s why I don’t understand how anybody would support you when you continually diss them, I wouldn’t spend a dollar of my money with you, that’s why your business is already becoming stagnant because the persons who would support you are turned off by your disgusting attitude and most of your followers are from the ghetto, the few persons that booked with you are your friends. Why do you have to put others down to build yourself up?

You are competing with no one but yourself, you are trying so hard to get uptowns attention but they are not looking, you are not rich and you are not living a luxurious life, you are like a forced ripe child  who learned about sex too early. You lack the peace of mind of the truly humble and that’s why you behave this way, you are not happy, happy people don’t have to try so hard to prove to the world that they are happy. You constantly  put other people down to feel better about yourself, you are UGLY on the inside as well as the outside.

17 thoughts on “NOTICE RUSH LOOKING

  1. I get my cat ate in the tropics, nah nt your tropics, the one with a 12 hrs time difference. yes we on diff time boo, catch up.

    The vacation you wish you were on but you already used up your sick days. Bye hoe, cant relate.

    Some of yall are miserable and cant stand to see ppl happy and being their true self cuz your true self is stuck behind a fake page hiding from your Boss and coworkers lol. Cant post what you truly want without your coworkers telling Mr. Clarke. Cant relate.

    Lol imagine thinking I care. Honey chile I am my own boss, I answer to no one. The freedom to do what I want when I want without any fear of being fired or get in trouble at work is the best feeling. Thank GOD.

    This is what she wrote after persons complained about the pic on IG, how can you post something so vulgar online? And you better pray that you are with this man forever and that you don’t have to have a boss or do a 9 to 5 since it’s so beneath you when it’s the same 9 to 5 people buying your shit. Not even the Kardasians are so hype and you don’t even have 0.1% of their wealth, you never see them talking about people with 9 to 5 like that because they know that is the people that made them wealthy but because you are Jeff Bezos sister you continually curse the people that support you.

    You are 22, so you better make sure that apetimin will sell forever because that travel business is going nowhere because no rich person will book any vacation with you and most of your followers are poor or 9 to 5 and they see how you curse them all the time. See IG already cracking down on apetimin pages because they say it’s damaging to people’s health. You just cannot be humble no matter what and that’s a sign of mental illness.

  2. Bad to bad, me rate rich rush’s ambition and hussle ethics however… i must agree with this sender, her attitude HAS GOT TO CHANGE in order for a serious successful business. She has ALOT of potential but the way she be little people and quick fi talk down on people is beyond discouraging. Rushel i like you, please take the above constructive criticism and adjust your attitude.

  3. Anonymous up ah top. You seh uh don’t care but write the longest thesis statement ever. Dunceisha uh personality disorders sidung pon uh like di frontal. Mek sure your retirement accounts from Whoring put dun and stack… well ignorant fi DunceWhore With Confidence. Go 1side SewagePussy

    1. If you had read with understanding you would have realized that anon was just repeating what rush wrote on her Twitter.

  4. The whore nuh have no future in business. She a talk bout she a live her truth. The truth is you’re a whore and you fail to admit it. Bitch Bye. Rush nah cut nuh dash!!!!

  5. I honestly cya bash her for her likkle hussle di takkin married man is anada story but atleast she traveling and have that to show and advertise for her company… gyal like Kasi mi woulda expect fi ah do these travelings and open up a business from it…i say this to say,,,a nuff gyal we see a tek rich man and nahh invest in themselves making a business …now mi nuh know if rush have it in her plans fi scam nuhbody..but atlease she a do something and get something outa it…cya seh di same fi dreaming of laur

  6. I took like Richrush. She has potential to be an international influencer because she is interesting unlike some of the other popular persons on IG. I get her point that she can do whatever she likes as she is her own boss but I’m sure she could attract MAJOR international brands if she would fix her attitude and image and clean up her language. Unless she only wants to be Jamaican IG big and sell apetamin forever. For all her acting like she is so smart she should be thinking bigger.

  7. Kmt the amount of travel businesses in Jamaica it no funny. What she a do not unique and seeing that she has so much competition she better humble her trashy self. Please read carefully Anon at the top is just highlighting what Rich Rush posted.

  8. Rush is a ghetto superstar, she appeal to them because she’s from there and they think she is living a rich life because they don’t know any better but people like us who knows what wealth and money looks like knows that rush is a broke bitch trying to act rich. How can you call yourself a business woman but yet you post a pic online with a married man eating your cat while you are naked and then you put that same pic as you personal pic on IG, now which decent person would book with you when they see that? Who is your target audience? Because your followers can’t afford to support you, so who in their right mind would spend their hard earned money with a person like you? You and your man have zero sex appeal so that pic is just plain disgusting. I just hope you are not doing anything illegal with that man, you are a lost little girl.

  9. Just 22 and already have so much mileage on that cat, when you reach 30 you will have no use. Thank God for my 9 to 5, at least I’m not using my tongue as a wash rag for a man dirty ass just to go on trips to take pictures. I wouldn’t drink a cup of water from Rush, nasty little girl, yuh and yuh married man sick johncrow stomach.

  10. The aim in life for everyone should be to experience success while simultaneously maintaining your INTEGRITY! It amazes me at just how arrogant a lot of low-level Jamaican women can become when they simply stumble upon the right dyck to suck or puzzy to nyam, which then (and only then) enables them to experience basic shyt they’re not used too. Is prostituting yourself to a dog smelling white man worth having extra stamps in your passport? Is turning your mouth into a cum dispenser worth it so you can hype on people via social media? Being a glorified prostitute doesn’t give you the green light to be condescending to hard work people with regular jobs, because at the end of the day, I’m sure most of those “employees” you’re trying to malign, punch-out from work with their INTEGRITY, what about you. #CockBreath

  11. Me hate how tha gal ya hype miss stuff chicken you need to tell customers apetamin no good for them put all me fren pon blast bout she want your man you stink like and too hype

  12. Well since she mentioned God…I thank GOD that I’m a well raised, educated, hardworking, CLASSY independent woman with integrity and class. Oh yeah I’m a woman with a REAL career! Ms rush, I too go on many vacations a year with my lovely hubby….oh and he’s MINE! No need to hide my hubbies face boo DWL…I don’t need to suck no dry up balls to go on a vacation for some likes boo…I make my OWN money and book my own vacations!

    Oh and i just put a down payment on a lovely home that I just bought! How about you miss RICH rush?! Rich my ass! DWL! It’s called assests and investments…oh and I just bought my lovely home with my little “9-5 career job” LMAO

    On a postive note: shoutout to all my independent, educated, classy women with integrity and ambition!


    Ms. Paralegal ( lawyer in training )

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