Good morning everyone…there is so much information coming in everyday that I can only say to myself that it is what God wants . There should be no covering on anything, and every question should be answered. I will have part 1 ready for Monday but I want to take the time to remind the women..including myself…………..not to feed the sharks………. we meet them and we know that they are bad……….yet we tell ourselves that they are not as bad as we initially thought and then we begin feeding them…
Omar did not take Simone’s body to the hospital, he took her to the morgue..someone who was not born in Jamaica…Let us as women stop feeding men who will do nothing more than consume us.


  1. AMEN! They all have the same profile too. OMar’s insecurity was that he was a dunce and so he picked beautiful intelligent women with heart. Thanks Met! Keep up the awesome work!

  2. U know what’s really hurtful he’s so hateful who drives their wife’s body to the morgue this man is a heartless featherless John crow smh and I’m sure he couldn’t have hidden this from her she must have known the kind of man he is smh

    1. Tawkcheut there’s something called a soul tie. She may have known or had an idea who her hubby was. But, there was a soul tie.

      1. I no longer believe in soul ties. The only person that can tie our soul is God. I now believe in situations where satan sends a person into our lives to disrupt and malign our destinies. Spiritual covenants are in place and thats why sometimes we pray and fast for the person to go and the person wont go..covenant breaks covenant

        1. Met, we can agree to disagree here. However, when one has sex you become one. Hence soul tie. Demons are entered or invited by various forms or agreement. Either by dreams. Sex etc…

          1. No disagreement im just saying I dont believe in it anymore thats all. Spiritual growth will show u differently once u allow it to happen. no biggie..
            Prostitutes sleep with many men daily and some are not tied to one customer necessarily but i know enough now about demons to know that some of them look to enter and stay just to hold u back..

          1. Ive seen demons come out and talk how the send men to women to bring them down. We just have to make sure we are aware and of our spiritual gates and make sure we are our own custodians ..As pastor says…Jesus did say only some demons come out by prayer and fasting and even in genesis when God did a tear down altars…………under spiritual law and legality…… offerings had to be made and blood had to be shed before an altar to God put up…which show us that certain tings..u haffi mek exchange fi rid a dem..those are called covenants ..I cant listen to regular pastors anymore..they cant feed me spiritually .

  3. What is really telling is the fact that the younger son of Angela is similar to sir Colly. Only god knows what he witnessed as a child and then lose his mom in such a way. Ladies please please please be careful who you expose your children to and how you deal with situations in your home, it has lasting effects. Sorry for the overload of comments but this case, Neverson and the other lady in NY that kill her Jamaican husband for insurance. That is a next case u need fi do Met! She a sex off the man mate downstairs while him upstairs a tek care a di pickney.

    1. The next one after this one I think I want to do is Waldy..since it fresh. If mi a go do the insurance woman mi would have to search fi months and try get ppl close to the situation..some people born evil o

          1. The son name is actually “ELIJAH AGUIAR CONLIFFE”. Can’t seem to find out who her other child is. Elijah was the only person to claim the $600K.

    2. ..and the other lady in NY that kill her Jamaican husband for insurance. That is a next case u need fi do Met! She a sex off the man mate downstairs while him upstairs a tek care a di pickney.

      Where have you been “Original Dotty”? She was featured on this site a number of times, so no need to revisit that episode again. Search this site and you will see the threads.

      Ladies please please please be careful who you expose your children to and how you deal with situations in your home, it has lasting effects.

      @Original Dotty, you are wasting your breath with such warning. Women with “needs” (whether sexual or financial) will always pick up men and bring them into their home and around their kids without the proper background check or even when they know their criminal/deviant background, still bring them in contact with their children. Bottomline; they don’t care! There is this guy I know who spend the major part of his life in state prison, unemployed, became homeless for a while, only to find out recently that he is now living with a woman with her two very young kids. The guy is a crack addict and alcoholic, yet this woman bring him into her home, around her very young kids (less than 5-years old).

      1. ok so that lady clearly has emotional and mental issues nand may possibly be an adict herself. Goes back to what I have been saying, orgasms and mental illness is a deadly combination. It is sad that you feel like anyone is wasting their breath advocating for women to be mindful of their kids and who they take into their life…sad indeed.

  4. So true about us meeting the devil’s children sometimes and yet we stay. It is easy for those on the outside to judge but when you are involved with a true sociopath or narcissist it takes only God himself to break you free. I had the misfortune of dating a narcissist and I remember days when I would be in the devaluation phase and thought it was my out and so would use the time to pray and ask God to let IT stay away from me, and in the midst of my prayers IT would call and I would go right back. I hated myself for being the fool but I could not find the courage to walk away. Ever heard of gaslighting? Well I dated the best at it, how IT twisted up my mind. I was loyal to the devil. In hindsight, I also kept myself prisoner by providing the environment IT needed to thrive. I was loyal and private and never told a soul what I was going through; maybe it was also fear, maybe guilt, maybe shame, or doubt that anyone would believe me over IT, this seemingly paragon of virtue and goodness, or any combination thereof, but irrespective of the reason (s), the fact remains that I didn’t tell anyone even though I had a very strong support system. IT relied on these qualities to “shut me up” and keep me quiet. God eventually delivered me because truth be told I couldn’t have delivered myself from IT and today I am HAPPY and will NEVER make the same mistake. I am however sorry for IT’s next victim because she has NO idea what she signed up for. To this very day I have a very deep seated fear of IT because the world sees one side but I’ve seen the other and it is dark as hell. IT can be vindictive, is a pathological liar and can be ruthless by any slights, real or imagined. Unfortunately because of IT’s charm people tend to believe IT but how WRONG they are about IT. Ladies be careful and be wise. LEAVE at the earliest inkling that something is off -don’t wait to verify because when you’ve invested knowingly or unknowingly with the devil there is always and ONLY hell to pay.

    1. I’m a survivor of narcissistic abuse and everyday I’m grateful to got for rescuing me. Many of these men are narcs. They have no love for anyone but themselves. met maybe you should do a post about this personality disorder to enlighten others who may not be aware what these negative signs they may be seeing in their partners is. NARCISSISM PERSONALITY DISORDER IS A GIFT FROM SATAN. STAY WOKE ABOUT THIS!

    2. One of the obvious signs of a sociopath or narcissist is a person who is obsessed with his body and always working out. Omar look the part and wouldn’t be surprise if he was abusing steroids, which have some serious side effects.

  5. Met, how do we know when it’s a man or shark ? We have to pray and ask God for divine guidance. The word of God says, lean not on thine own understanding and he will direct our paths. Also, we should pray that even when God is directing us and revealing he gives us strength to leave. There is something called soul ties. It’s real. It is cut by fasting and prayer.

  6. All I can say is, if this woman had to die for many others to wake up, then her life will not go in vain. Too many see the signs and turn a blind eye to these predators. I know it’s hard when children are involved but I will never stay with a disrespectful, abusive in whatever form, constantly cheating man, never.

  7. Met, if I had a thousand arms I couldnt hug you tightly enough. I appreciate what you wrote. As women at times we see signs and ignore them and justify it that the person isnt so bad. Secondly we realise that we made a mistake but we stay because we fear ridicule and we do not it to seem that we cant hold nuh man.

    If Omar had any love or good will in him towards Simone, he would have taken her to the hospital. Even when shi dead mek doctors sei if dem can resuscitate her. I weep more and more with each shred of information that is coming forth. Simone, had no chance. Money was his love and he would stop at nothing to get his love.

  8. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF???? Dis need a a 20/20, Dateline, 48 hrs type investigative report. Jah know star, disyah story ave more twist-n-turn dan life itself.

  9. My God, Met him never even as much as like her? Him murder her in a most brutal way, and dash her lifeless body to the morgue. When a man can treat you like that, proved that in her life with him, she must felt his hostility towards her, Simone at some point must have realized that this demon have a real hatred for her, this couldn’t be hidden, she must have known, trust me, no one can tell me anything different, cause I refuse to listen, or believe. As you say , the signs were there, she choose to live with it, and ignore it, hoping he would be the person he portrayed himself to be when she first met him. That person disappeared long, long, ago, the monster was out, I am so sorry for the children, this is too hard for them. OmG.

    1. She allegedly told people “I know him want to kill me”. Those are strong, powerful words so she must have felt his hatred towards her. People gonna cuss me for saying this but; Simone gave her life away. The minute she signed that life insurance it was over. And she knew it.

  10. Hi Met thanks for this post. Sometimes women go through some deep seated abuse that no one is aware of. We often see the signs and ignore them because for one reason or another we want to be in a relationship or want someone to cling to. My heart goes out to their family and to that of the taxi driver who also was married with children.

  11. @ Met Elijah Aguiar of Megladon Protective Chauffeur Services her other son is a holistic chef out of the hype and limelight

  12. to di morgue????really how him know ded house,, who pronounce her dead the more mi look a the more mi angry how this bajan dwwwg come come a exhault pon jcan ppl,,, is it maybe she think him better than jcan men? how her killers were so accurate an the ones that came for dem did such a shoddy job him a US citizen why nutten never provided fi him a the guest house, why the man dem never have a pair a clarks fi him, dutty bajan jankro

    1. Maddareaddyyyy! Lololol

      We own mek dem comfortable. Me is team justice fi Angela Aguiar and anyone else this demon hurt. My gut instincts say his current victim wasn’t in the dark about him and his antics.

      I have some parasites getting upset with my PATRIOTIC stand and no yield in how me throw corn 😀 but Simone condone his crap.

      Timeline from Aguiar’s publicized death too close in regards to their relationship.

      AND you can’t tell me she neva know Andre Hampden/Neverson, (another well publized case/wanted man in America), wasn’t a wanted man since 2002, yet her husband and him so close while in her homeland and her home(s).

      Andre known fi killing 3, demon tied to 3 and Simone death carry 3…she, andre and the taxi man. The universe well align pon dis one yah.

  13. @Anon1:36 I haven’t been here for a while so much so someone began using my moniker…, but because when I start fass bout the Neverson yute mi see that lady case that killed her husband along with the flight attendant whose boyfriend killed her and then his wife was petitioning the court for him to artificially inseminate her while in prison and one whole barrage of others. It all boils down to the mental health and insecurity of people. Who feels it knows it. When you feel down and an individual gives you good penis and moral support we get blinded I suppose.

  14. I feel so sorry for Simone and what she went thru. To be sleeping with the enemy for al these years it’s like the entire marriage was a lie.

  15. him took her to the morgue??????? no sah ……this story have more twist and turns than fern gully ,,, but the news said they were both taken to hospital and pronounced dead….so how that????

  16. Met you in the front for Journalist of the Year. Abka who? Step your game up Abka! :ngakaks :ngakaks :ngakaks :ngakaks

  17. Is he a doctor? Who is him to pronounce her dead. Not even CNAs are allowed to pronounce a patient dead much less dis devil . Nurse and doctors pronounce death, at least in the u.s. as a husband his first reaction should be the wellbeing of his wife. How to resuscitate her.

  18. @Anon4:54, His criminal record and arrests are similar. Domestic violence and stalking just like Colly and his biological father. With Angela she had a type and her relationships seem to end in court or violently. Again I feel it for her, young single mother of two working etc.
    @Met I sent it to [email protected]

  19. @PP yea we will get to that part. We haffi start with what is at hand. Sometime we have to start at the end to get the whole story,trust me Met a sort it out. The difference between Aguiar and Simone is that there is documentation of her abusive relationships and when you check the background of her exes they all have had run ins with the law including her domestic violence cases against them while Simone has nothing on record which doesn’t mean she didn’t experience some f**ked up relationship which mentally disabled her good judgement. In no way am I saying these women deserved this, remember people only just got into social media and really started using internet to investigate people in the last 6 years or so. Also remember the power of good sex and insecurity,warning signs and red flags are always ignored when backs are being blown out and orgasms have no intermission. #Neverforget

  20. PP gal come mek mi shake your hands gal, only me and you see through the nine inches wall, hayyyy, karma is a bitch, it takes it time to creep up on you, but it eventually does. Hmmmm! Let me hold me peace, and watch everything played out. Team Angella. 10 years being married to this demon, and I should believe you knew nothing about the other woman that died, and his evil associates! (Andre) Huh! Well let God be the judge of everything, but I just find all of this strange, one thing for sure history have a way of repeating it self. Tom drunk, but Tom nuh fool.

    1. :hammer Bam, me can’t see it no other way yah. The wall of deception and tory thick fi true :cd

      None a de teller of tales ago tell JMG/Met the andre part because they were aiding and abetting an international fugitive for years!

      Any gyal/boi whey did a house, feed, chauffer and copulate wid him fi suffa!

      Me a wait fi see if broward county ago fi de demon, so Elijah and him sibling can seek the death penalty. Simone murder, the extradition and being in the company of a #15 wanted man would show that demon have zero redeeming qualities and should be fried.

  21. Jamaica Constabulary @JamaicaConstab
    #Update: Omar Collymore, 35-years-old, has been charged with the murder of his wife, Simone Campbell Collymore and Winston Walters. More details soon.

  22. Sad! This demon was going to kill her no matter what she did. He’s clearly a psychopath, all the signs are there….promiscuous, liar, scheming, manipulative, controlling and lacking in empathy. With all her money, this woman probably saw the signs but felt powerless to find a way out of the situation. To us, it may sound quite easy to do but with these kind of people, they will try to isolate and turn even your own friends and family against you.

    1. Betta she did turn the tables pon him. Beat no insurance neva de pon him though :hammer

      She could have collected 3 ways! $15k fi colleymore in angella’s muder, and $25k fi turn in andre..or collect insurance pon demon boi and use up 1/2 a box a kleenex to play widow .




  24. No sah!!I say the same thing she had to know something her parents are not idiots thier street people how come they never know about his friend association to all of these killungs….Who got them the Jamaica passport link??? Who got them”TRN to open buisness in Jamaica….Who bought the houses or buisness in Jamaica….. No man something not right…May her soul R.I.P..Only her family knows the truth

    1. Do you really think parents have much control over an adult daughter or the adult child is amenable to listen to their parents when the are “so-in-love”? Looking at it from the outside, Simone was blinded by the eye-candy on her arm and I don’t think she care zero about what her parents thought. She paid the ultimate price with her live for ignoring the VERY obvious signs and as our parents always say, if you can’t listen then you will feel.

  25. When the story was first highlighted, I was saddened by the news. Young wife and business brutally murdered. However as information started forth coming I started wondering how much Simone knew, condone or otherwise turned a blind eye. PP, Sketelbam and Marie have asked some serious questions. Like PP said, there is no way I would take it that something didnt sit well with her regarding Andre. I also find it difficult to believe that she didnt know the source of Omar’s wealth. It is alleged that he said it was from a motor vehicle..The logic questions would be, what accident? What happened? There was no evidence of any such evidence yet she bought that story.

    Hearing about the wanton disrespect with women is not surprising to, that was different from what Money Mike does. However, I find it hard that as a woman of substance and good family connection she stayed and taken the disrespect. She stayed knowing that his hands aren’t clean. She stayed knowing that he had a double-murderer for a friend, that she allowed to be also around her children.

    This is by now way an attack on Simone, but instead its a lesson to us as women, we have to be careful of the things we tolerate. We have to set boundaries irrespective of how much we think we are in love. Simone’s love was not returned, instead she was murdered by the person she said for better or worse to.

  26. Met may not agree with me here, but the bible said it, the spiritual world is far real than the real world. Everything is spiritual before it was manifested.

    Simone, lovely girl however I see some psychologists in here, not bashing anyone, but as women we have all been dickmatized once. Sex is a spiritual thing. Soul ties are real. ALOT of women would want to leave a relationship but there’s a soul tie that was formed through sex. Research soul ties.

    1. Morning, Ephesians 6:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
      12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.
      I dont think you understand what Im saying at all. I never said the spiritual world isnt real, if anything I moved it up by saying we are not fighting soul ties , but we are fighting demonic entities that have attached themselves through whatever means. The bible never said anything about our soul being tied because our soul belongs only to God, it cannot be sold nor can it attach itself to anyone. What we are fighting are demonic entities that have attached themselves to us and those entities send individuals in our lives to hold us back an keep us in a certain place. In fact , saying the soul is tied is giving those entities energy to be bigger than what they are. As I said earlier, I have seen demons come out of people and say they send men or women into a person’s life to take things from them…finances , their sanity etc…Yes those demons enter by way of fornication because demons need rights to do what they do they cant just enter an innocent person like that..Pretty much they have to get permission. Spiritual growth is a good thing, it makes you life easier when you truly walk the road of getting to know God and the spiritual world

      1. Why the same person who our soul is tied to isnt tied to another human being? Its because we are not fighting a soul tie we are fighting a demon that has entered through a decision we made that isnt of God and that demon is using that person’s physical body to defeat us. I too prayed about this in a regard and got results but after a while demons will return..You have to pray and covenant with God n keep that covenant to get results

        1. :siul just the word alone wrong. Soul tie a some succubus ting. Obara did do a post when we had tyoe of referrence come up here- a while back.

          Self help spiritual books can be dangerous.

  27. @PP yuh nuh far off, believe that. This saga has many tunnels and winding roads. Lots of arrests on both sides, spanning from 1994. Remember Florida used to be the wild wild west of shady real estate dealings and drug trade. Please note both women were involved in real estate to some extent. WE can speculate she knew about Andre but at what point though? Is that why she ultimately got killed? Is that why Angela got killed? Because they started piecing things together and found out Neverson is wanted? Also where is Neverson? No sign of him both on local and US law enforcement sites. I do believe law enforcement is working to find out about the passports being issued because like I said LOADS of uptown “New Jamaicans” and SHAKING in their boots because they have committed crimes in the US and live lavishly here in Jamaica. @ Maria who seh dem neva know? There is always more than meets the eye. As I said before NO MOVIE COULDN’T WRITE SO!

    1. I have some info about what simone knew …… will shock many but will try to get it out by wednesday. It is a lot of info and I want to make sure everything gets out there…Im trying to find out where omar knew andre from because he is more than 10 years older than him……..but his mother was a hoe so ppl a wonder if he was her man……..I dont think so though because her body never up to par for andre

      1. Has anyone seen this guy in the past 10 years? Guy in back of police truck is at most 30 years old. No such thing as him being Neverson. This guy in another country breathing a sigh of relief because we Jamaican are clearly dumb! The next man a young yute Who is Jamaican and red skin and balding seems to be taking the heat off of him. Look at pictures and watch video again.

        1. Have you seen this guy in the past 10 years is really the question, you campaign a go hard man. If it was an “innocent’ person from Jamaica, why no family member not lamenting about wrong place wrong time? Not even in the Jamaican grapevine? Why all no no mention? If it was not Andre? You sound like you have loads of info we need to know…

    2. Observer put andre 2014 story pan front page..I have a nice pic wid him in miss leeanna place a gwine push it out tuesday..dem woman yah too dreadful

      1. A notice google show articles on the fugitive almost every year or two.

        Colleymore best/bess pops right up too from 2008 to 2016.

        The Florida neighbor sheverybe having a damn BBQ every Saturday fi de whole year. Hope he become a character witness to how his neighborS were (the ‘S’ is deliberate).

        Wonder if the fugitive was the one who came to the door and told him demon soon come, but had him standing there for nearly 1/2 hr.

    3. Dwrl pon de power of sex. Yes sex does that when you’re in the infatuation stage of a relationship, but it wears off.

      Demonic sex partners (base on what Met wrote and thatstage of infatuation) cost me time,emotional energy.

  28. Just looking at this omar guy. There is some type developmental discord. Him look slow. No emotion or personality. Just empty. Look like him disconnected from his own dam body.dont look like somebody who can hold an intelligent conversation. A wonder how him talk? Probably use him d@#k to connect with these women.

  29. Them can’t tell me nothing, them did know every dam thing, them even honor the last name by burying her with it, how can they explain that now. It took Simone death, to bring out the real mystery of Angella death, the same knife, that stick the sheep, turn around and kill the goat, so how them suddenly know how wicked Collymore was, some how mi not buying into no of the innocence, the only innocent people in all of this is Angella, and all the children involved, I am sticking to my belief on the matter, 90% chances of we the skeptics are right, again like I said before this bring out the real truth of how Angella died. Marie you touched some crucial points here, how did these criminals ( Very notoriously wanted in the USA)that were not born in Jamaica acquired these documents, and found safe haven in our country, if it weren’t the help from Jamaicans, them can’t fool me, I might sound cold, but a better them save them arguments, because sensible people is not going to buy it, mi deh a road too long, fi them come run a marathon round my brains. Miss Lee Ann she very lucky, because she was definitely going to be victim #3

    1. I dont think simone believed omar killed angela.. not even angel’s children wanted to believe he did …he was better to angela than he was to simone

      1. More false speculation. Angela was a crooked mortgage broker who preyed on folks with those predatory loans. She couldn’t stand next to the likes of Simone. She had numerous complaints filed against her on the better business bureau as well as to the state of florida. The bwoy just had a whoring problem like lots of the women posting in this chat’s men, sons,grand sons etc. People throwing stones on individuals like none of you women never tek bun’ or give bun’ before. Collymore is where he needs to be, Simone is where she should be and Leanna is next up to get hers.

        1. Simone is where she should be? I do not have a dime to pay any lawyer to respond to a subpoena so mi a ask u kindly please nuh go no further..There are others who will listen to u so take up your talk with them…

        2. YET you ONLY been to Florida on vacation and just happen to drive pass NW 2nd where Angella died?!!!!

          Yes Missa/Ms/Mrs cunt, keep on typing!

  30. How did they get Jamaican documents? The key is PICA. Anything is possible once you have the right connections and cash. Sad but true…

    1. At this juncture…STOP trying to taint the agency because no proof no out there of that passport. Even so, go ask Simone and har husband and all who been harboring hampde-neverson how him was able to be at ease in the country.

      Ask the U.S. how him beat the biometrics screening in Canada (the systems suppose to be interfaced from 2002) and still beat it to cross over to MURDER 2 women and Leave again.

      Then again, he look like the type to hitch hike through the nothern territories bordering U.S. and Canada. Btw, he has Canadian ties- another out of many.


      How andre hampden neverson, able to loan 20k to the sister him murdered. Apparently money was never his problem before the deportation.


      Neverson is reported to have snuck into Trinidad on numerous occassions…NOBODY KNOW FROM WHAT PORT.

      Some of you VERY gullable and have zero integrity, so unu belive the worst when it comes to Jamaica (Patriotic till me dead). Unu need fi tell police or JMG which part him did live so dem can go raid the place and tell unu how much cash and travel documents dem find plus kick him gyal inna har pussc fi a harbor a man who can kill him BABYMOTHER and BLOOD SISTER.

  31. This andre story is absolute rubbish. You guys are a bunch of irrational cunts with no reason to be using social media other than spreading rumours. That andre fella was no friend of Collymore. Look closer at his pictures. He’s about 230lbs. The guy in the back of police van is much younger and under 150lbs. All red skin balding yute dem favor? Nah sah. Just a bag of fake news. I’m a bigger man and never felt the need to even comment until now. Collymore did the crime and him must pay. Let him burn in hell but this other rambling is fool. The Neverson fella isn’t the yute I was introduced to. Look closer at the video and the pictures. I’ve parred with dem in Kingston and dat red yute is a yardy and about 30 years old. I read something yesterday about simone calling cab to transport cocaine? Dem buy over $7 million USD with of goods a year from China and California and she is moving cocaine? MET screen some of these post before letting speculation run ramped. Simone’s family come from the street but have made a fortune doing what is right and legit. There’s no reason for her do do anything illegal. She was highly educated with an MBA from Nova University with a keen business sense. Anyone who truly knew her knew that she had a heart of gold and was the purest kindest person ever. Her only mistake was to stay involved with Collymore. Next thing is the post about this Agular woman dying months before Collymore wedded Simone. Are you guys really so dumb? Aguilar died In ‘08 and simone and Collymore married in 2010. Clean 2 years later. Simone knew about her but in America with all the technology and investigation Collymore was never charged and the area for which it happened I’ve driven by when on vacation is a haven of derelic and homeless vagrants. Collymore appeared as a fine yute just run the streets and chase Gyal but was harmless beyond that point. At Tracks and Records we had a conversation and he reasons well though he appeared articulate yet narcissistic. The f**ker clearly did arrange Simone’s murder and he has to pay. The Gyal LeAnna McGregor Run and left Jamaica knowing she’s an accomplice to these murders and feel she’s good in Pembroke Pines under her mother’s roof and her fathers high security clearance with in Jamaica. I will post more on McGregor directly to MET via email.

    1. Two quick things………The police confirmed who the ”red man” is…two simeone married in may 2010 and was exactly 9 months pregnant then……….yes aguiar died in 08 but simone was with him before she died..

      1. MET the police confirmed that the red man was Neverson? LOL negative. If that was the case the US would have had him in cuffs. No one knows where neverson is at could be any where but I doubt jamaica. The red man is a young man of early 30s and isn’t neverson re check the video and the pics. All he was is a friend that gave the wrong person a ride that day. As innocent as could be. Wrong place wrong time.

      2. mumz add the firewood slowly 😀

        Anonymous whey mention the myspace link…how that go in full? Come back here, please.

        Met, you see the $10 transaction pon de florida house? Law wranglings…

          1. Simone Campbell and Omar Collymore
            Get more info on homeowner, Their contact info, photos, criminal records & more »
            Last Purchase Price:

            $10 (2012)

          2. When the house was purchased on 3/26/2012, the house was only in Simone’s name. On 6/20/2012, there was a warranty deed done add Omar name (Collymoore) and on 7/13/2012 a Corrective warranty deed was done to correct the spelling of Omar last name (Collymore). The nominal $10 amount is use AS THE “cONSIDERATION” since it attracts a very small fee ($0.70) at recording of the documents (Doc Stamp). The two later transaction was only $10.00, since it wasn’t an outright sale. Omar was on the Mortgage from day one, not the property though.

    2. :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak

      You too old to be such a cunt yu damn self!

      Is a damn picture of a man in the back of a van you use to determine who Hampden is…ok. Guess biometrics no good again.

      So you vacation and drive through N.W. 2nd and see how derelict it is…wonder if yu big pussc friend collymore never did see that too when him did a plan Angella’s murder!

      You here to defend simone and cast collymore as a good youth just because you “par” wid dem and dem buy container a chinyman phuckry come dump in Jamaica and yu had the pleasure to deem a man articulate from a conversation a bolt place. Yet we a cunts over here?! :ngakaka

      Wha de inna dark MUSS COME TO LIGHT!

      Seems like McGreagor need to put some plan into action cause ia like you just come to pass in the news say unu gunning fi har! Go SYM and hold back offa de gyal family .

      Mi as of TODAY, offically a cast the same light pon simone like whey unu a cast pon Leeann as far as Angella Aguiar is concern!

        1. Dah one yah JUST interact wid colleymore! That’s why it come yah a bawl out de gyal and har family whereabouts!

          Met, from the other day me no see girl as complicit.

          She more witness to something she neva bright enough to see coming. Some a de anin dem a plant or bitta betty dem.

          Dem younga heads love 3 somes so me nu buy into the fact simine know de “matie” dem.

          The post wid de neighbor done say she submissive. This man cunt yah come from the shotup scheme.

          Yes missa joncrow fake news yu me a chat

        2. Strong, strong possibility. De a central a ansa pon a batty phone.

          Him need fi know that anything happen to Leanna him ago rub that charge too!

          The evidence right here 2xs.

  32. When people give the opinions if it is not in sync with what some people think, they bully you and make it seem you are hateful or stupid. We are all giving our 2 cents on this matter.

    I would like for us (especially as women) to ponder this. We beat up on Ven, Dolly and Kwasi or whatever his name is. Ven and Dolly go between the same guy. He was never married to either woman. Yet we want to hold them at a high standard of behaviour. No disrespect to Ven and Dolly but those two women are super dunce and both seem like they can barely read or write, in my opinion. Then on the other hand, we have Money Man Mike and he has two very public relationships a part from his wife that everyone knows of. In this situation, the women are intelligent, one is even a lawyer. I have seen numerous arguments that they have low self-esteem, why do they stay etc. We read here that Omar introduced his side chicks to his wife. Yet when we question why she stayed, we are made to seem that we shouldnt question it.

    One of the reasons that Omar & Andre could have gotten so immersed in our culture is that people rely on us to not to ask questions and woe be unto those that ask. You are met with the usual yu bad mine, yu a hater, are you a psychologist. Anyways,Met, PP, Sketelbam and Marie, you are dishing out so very useful eye opener. This might be some lessons for us.

      1. Listen stop beat up unu fingers! Her family(her bro) and other relatives dem out partying with certain words in in caps! Kmt all a dem mix up!

  33. MET that’s a negative she was not with him when Angela died. Your facts aren’t facts. He met her the following year from a mutual friend who they worked with. Red man was obviously not this neverson creep. There’s 2 parts to a story the truth and a lie. They did get married but at the court house and then had a huge wedding in jamaica years later.

    1. I stand by what I said based on what I saw on his myspace and what I was told. Being with him when angela died makes her no less of a person or a victim

    2. The only job omar held it was simone who got it for him at kaplan. He couldnt have gotten a job there on his own based on his background checks and was working there as a security so dont come here and think ure talking to someone who dont know nothing about what going down

      1. And he got the job because florida police was on his case and he had to pay lawyers and look like he was a good upstanding citizen. Dont come here come talk what u dont know. SIMONE GOT THAT JOB FOR HIM

        1. He didn’t know simone them. She didn’t get him a job. Double check your sources please. As you said earlier people are reading this and taking everything said as factual. How about you call up her sister Kesh or someone close to her rather than speculate?

  34. Red guy in back of the police truck is a fellow Jamaican. From Kingston born and raised so the andre talk and the culture stuff is pure rubbish. Eye openers? Cakkling Hen chatter more like it. Next thing that will come out is that Collymore was possessed by an extraterrestrial who made him think so wicked. Before you know it everyone a road will run with that f**kery. A real eye opener is to speak to someone who knows whats going on. If you guys are so lucky then wait for the news. Anyone could portray any thing and any person using social media which clearly doesn’t make it true. Sit back and let the facts play out in court.

    1. The fellow jamaica u know has no name but u are shedding light eh? A lot of times when one tries to throw a bone its to allow another dog to pass. we good

  35. Mi nah blog yessideh or todeh………a years mi a blog. Uno can fool some people but uno cannot fool me…………if u ever know what im tempted to u tell u ie si……

    1. Aunty! Pure hypings agwaan like dem Lowe key celebrating not saying they shouldn’t still! But dem mix up! One day IMA send u an email if this saga still continues! From the latest phone and clothes store dat she and Omar opened in clock tower is in relation to the one weh have the phone place in Brooklyn supermarket to the ants on the ground! Dem all under one umbrella with the phone thing in Jamaica! All a dem duuuurty! Das y all the males in her family and males frens and Omar close cause of dealings! Dem duuuutty! She ddnt deserved death! Even if is her relatives and her spouse dabbling she is mixed with dirt! Cleanliness is next to Godliness! Dirty money for lavish lifestyle just to wash shoes and their watches with champaignes at parties!

      1. Yes a so one a girl tell mi..and the man him used to boast bout how him have warehouses but….for money people simone and di sister dem did simple..the men maybe did hype but dem do di surgery dem and low key

        1. The males are super HYPE! To tell the honest and clear truth? Simone and her siblings are simple and humble! Its her relatives that are hype then she guh married one hype man so u know how DAT guh!? He wasn’t the man God molded for her! All a dem under the umbrella operates a clothing store with a phone business within aaaall a dem! Have to add cold play under the umbrella! Ramdial shooting should be an eye opener that another death like his wud have taken place! After all people like “them” are no different from the ones we call dregs of society! They only look more decent so we can’t tell they are mixed up until their untimely deaths everything unveils! Even after ramdials deaths a business man in montegobay was gunned down in the same fashion! he was also the uncle of Simones’s named brand last name friend in Jamaica! Naa call name but ye!

    2. Maybe I’m wrong, but fakenews101 is clearly trying to get us to believe Neverson isn’t in Jamaica. She said she was introduced to him, but fail to say at what location. I wonder what is Fakenews101 motives? Did Fakenews101 say that Simone is where she is supposed to be….dead?

  36. Marie a wanda if all the business were in Simone’s name since she is the Jamaican and would theerfore have no difficulty in getting the necessary documentation to open the business. Hence the John Crow knew that if they were to be divorced he would not stand to gain as much as if she was dead and he inherited the life insurance. Mek sense. Which boils down to greed on to of greed.

  37. IN following up with this drama filled saga, it seems to me Neveraon called the shot and did all the murders.. Omar was his little pawn bitch, he used Omar to lure all these women to their death.. Neverson must have had a Real Estae transaction with Amgella that went bad so he premeditated her murder. Wow Evil people. If I were Leann I would go in some witness protection .. See fake news a tell har seh she next deh.. Girl don’ t make him come for you like he did his sis and girlfriend. As you see he has nothing to live for and is not scared.. LeAnne girl, did you not hold up ur end of the Scheme or is you a lets out dem secretts? I’m scared and I don’t even know these people..

  38. Neverson up a top a comment out raasss, come off a Met site with your fake news, this ain’t psychology 101, you cant friend we and trick we like how you do the other woman dem. If no one is here reading I know Lee-Ann is, girl, why you go into the ppl dem life and u know the man married? All if a in name only u should tell the man fi wait till him divorce him can come look you, and that bitmoji that you put up shows that you are an evil wicked bitch. Simone is better off that you right now, she is at rest, nothing cant trouble her now. You, on the other hand, are up shit creek without a paddle. Best thing fi do a turn yourself in and become a state witness. Everybody a talk bout your dirty deeds.

  39. @Fakenews, pace yourself. YOU a go way too hard none of us are in a position to say who out of the two deserves death regardless of what has been done. However, punishment should be just. Now you sound like you have something against Angela, it sound super personal. Neverson ages very well let me tell ya, cause if you follow the timeline of the pictures he STILL looked very good for his age at the time they were taken. And when you zoom in that footage of the individual you can see the uncanny resemblance. a so Andre salt that all his travel timelines and locations and sightings match with Omar so? Not saying its impossible but highly unlikely. The blogger that had send they were going to check ANdre’s “girl” i.g. she nuh return all now cause I want to know if that Gisel lady is the one. Everybody love gym and fitness and mentally unfit and inna shambles with this crew. Also birds of a feather flock todamngedda so I am sure the same mortgage and shady real estate dealings were going on in early 2000’s with Miss Angie were happening up until January 2017. Met weh di picha dem deh?

  40. From the looks of this. Simone was leaving for good and they feared she was going to give up Neverson. The partners in crime was not having that . That is why dem make sure to carry har to the Morgue.. Neverson th FISH hated Simone because he knew she was not going to let him go scotch free. Think about it who kills somebody with 21 bullets unless they had a personal vendetta or dislike for them. Them 2 FISH was the devil anywhere they landed.. I’m bet you all them missing young girls and unsolved murders had their name written all over it..probably lured some of his victims to their death.. He muss be drinking their blood to stay youth full

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