1. Is everybody want to go to a foreign country. Move yuh BBC a yuh a di dunce and even if you go there that information gathered is for security purpose. Weh we have trn fah ? in the USA your social security number is given at birth and does not require your footprint or fingerprint get away dam idiot.
      Why is this mandatory ? Why ?

      1. In the states you get nothing done without a state ID. The ID # is nit only local, but it’s registered in a national database manned by the national police aka The FBI and NSA.

        Social Security #s start with the hospital/demographic of birth. Immigrants get ones from a different batch.

        The information is only for security purpose. It’s for the overall functions of a nation, same as a census.

  1. If you are going to be against something, then the onus is on you to bring forth salient points to back up your point of view. Emotions and feelings don’t get things done. Please resubmit your post with your logical points showing why the proposed national ID system is a bad idea for the nation and individual Jamaicans alike, because you have not stated anything in this post that anyone can take into consideration.

    1. True. I read what was written and all i read was an emotional outburst with no substance. I am still trying to find out if jamaica have a new id card

  2. Mar 2, 2015 ยท Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” That quote often comes up in the context of new technology and concerns about government surveillance.

    It’s not the fact of the national ID and it’s benefits that are being questioned. It is the invasion of privacy that is the problem. Just humor me for an instance. They proposed a national ID in the US that is less invasive and the Americans the (Patriots) are totally against a government being so intrusive. That is taking power from the people and gathering way too much information.

    Having your finger print on your driver’s license? That’s perfectly fine with your face to match. Keeping track of where you live and who lives at your residence also great. But do you understand that with every bill passed by the government they also have the right to amend said Bill and add what they want?

    Why is it the government needs all the information about you? Name, date of birth, maritial status, how many dependents, where you work, driver’s license, Trn, passport number all fine to prevent fraudulent activities but your retina information, your toe print, palm print, blood type, and the list goes on and on. Now go and do a research on good old YouTube about Aaron Russo’s , America: Freedom to Fascism that director that was in Hollywood and walked away. Watch his video that he did and stated David Rockefeller and them people wanting to tag every human on this planet to tax the daylight out of us. To enslave the entire Global community for the elites. Also that the elites are the only ones that can govern us.

    Also go and Google universal basic income, (no it is not welfare of foodstamp) look it up and youtube and see what the critics are saying. They intend in the future to give people a basic pay. The AIs artificial intelligence are taking over human jobs and soon jobs that can be done by machines will put many out of work. Self checkout are getting rid of cashiers. Ordering food on a tablet at restaurants are getting rid of some waitstaff. They are trying to tag us all for their purpose. Not to fight crime. As corrupted as law enforcement have shown themselves to be do you really want them with your dna to “fight” crime when they can use that same information to implicate innocent people?

    Before you condemn everyone who is against this thing please I implore you, go and research Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Rex 81 and I can go on and on. This is bigger than you guys can even imagine. Crazy thing is they will not stop until all humanity is tagged. Let me explain something else. Humor me again…

    I met this guy from Venezuela last year riding in a Uber. He had been in the states for only two years. I asked him about what I saw on TV about the food shortage in his country and if it was fabrication of the news media. I asked because my mother in the 80’s use to work in Venezuela her and my grandmother and they flourished back then. My mom taught English my grandmother a housekeeper. He explained that back then the economy wash strong, but not anymore. He said the news were not fabricating, they were not telling how bad it really is then he gives me a scenario.

    This same ID card was issued their country not long ago… when the food went scarce, the supermarket systems were used as a tracker. His wife and himself would stand in line outside the supermarket for hours to get groceries and pamper for their 3 young children. Based on your household size they decided how much food he was allowed to buy. He was only allowed one week’s worth that is the limit. His wife tried to go back because they ran out of stuff and she was denied that purchase why? The system alerted the cashier that her husband, of the same household already made their weekly allotted purchase. No not a movie I got it from a man, who lived in a country going through turmoil him and his family fled and sought refuge in American. This ID will be used to control more than Jamaica bargined for. I have heard people calling everyone that is against this dunce and stupid… you all will live to eat your words before your kids start having children that is how close we are in finding out what the elites are up to. Sound argument? Dunce? You better start researching for yourselves…

    Again watch Aaron Russo America: Freedom to Fascism

    What does that documentary about America have to do with Jamaica you might ask? Everything my friend. America is the world superpower at the moment. And whatever affects the American shores it causes a ripple effect everywhere.

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