Children crying, boiling in the hot sun…Its not a good look at all

0 thoughts on “PICA OFFICE CHAOS

  1. This shows us how the powers that be who are in charge are very incompetent . One of the things that are inevitable are fee hikes. However, you do not notify the Citizens one week in advance, that’s where they drop the ball. It’s very difficult for those who have a to renue more than one passport, so wherever they are going to find the money, they’re going to find in order to avoid the new fee. How could they not know chaos may arise due to the short notice? And on top of that they were only taking 1,000 application a day. I think they extend the date to June 1.

  2. Good Morning Met/Metters
    I’m upset watching this. Put the window of informing the ppl aside (i’ll pretend it’s not the government’s fault) why couldn’t they have formed a line on a 1st come 1st serve basis. It only makes sense, y should I get there say 8am and expect to be seen b4 the person who was waiting 2hrs prior? Cho man.

  3. I too, strongly disagree with the 1 week notice that PICA gave the Jamaican citizens. However, I think the reason why they did that is because they know that no matter how times hard, and no matter how expensive the thing is, Jamaicans still find a way to buy it, or get it, (whatever it is that they want) regardless of how long or short the notice is.

    1. Mi never know seh fee can raise up to so much one time with so little notice and dem extend it only for a few days..Portia desperate

  4. When I saw the heading with Choas I was like wtf but now I see it was a typo of chaos. Anyway the Jamaican people them too fool fool. Rushing to get passports that 70% of them will never travel on instead of bypassing the system until there is a review of prices.

  5. Di bwoy eena di curtain or bed sheet shirt a gwan extra and a push di ppl dem suh.

    Mi sorry but when passport prices were going up here they did give the ppl good notice same way. And di passport office is an all day affair same way, you go di per-screening where dem meck sure your documents and pichas in order, once them pass you, you get you ticket and you go into the general office go sit and wait fi hours till u numba called.

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