15 thoughts on “PNP SIDE-CHICK

  1. Sigh. I was i such a relationship for almost 4 years. Even though he wasn’t married, I thought I was the only one as I was the main chick, going to his family and him knowing my family..only to find out that his ‘woman’s was overseas and I was the ‘presentable face’ because I came from uptown and was well educated with strict family..found out he was a don and a druggist..wanted to leave because he fooled me for 3 and a half years ( how could I been so fool? My parents were strict and I could not sleep out, only go out on weekends and had to look about school and work during the week so I only see him on weekends to go out and come right back home after the part so for 3 years I had no idea of his lifestlye…just knew the places he took me were questionable and I would not be caught dead after dark much less by myself..let’s just say I had a pretty sheltered uptown girl life)

    Anyways I found out he was a don both in Jamaica and abroad..I got scared and tried to leave but he threatened to kill me..I only got away because I got accepted into university abroad..when I left for the airport I never looked back! Cut all ties and changed everything!!!! I never looked back! This may be your only way out if you fear for your life..sell the business and move where he can’t get a hold of you!! Do it quietly if you really want to get away! I am so glad I did!!! Would be that or my body somewhere!

    1. At least you feel bad about his act of betrayal. What goes around comes around. So many women die because of this kind of entanglement. Please pray and see if you can find a family member who lives in another Parish. If your life is in danger, you need to move from where you are. Also change your number and let no one in the community know you are planning to leave or when you leave. All the best.

  2. Forgive yourself and move on. Everyone has had low points in life. There are still worse things to be, so try to move on from it. Every major hospital has a mental illness floor, you can go speak with a psychiatrist or therapist if you cannot afford private therapy. You can also use self-help books to help you heal your self-esteem and self-worth. Investing in your mental health and healing is an act of self-love.

    I feel deep down what may bother you most is the type of sex you participated in and ‘have nothing to show for’. I think this is where your deep feelings of remorse are coming from. You don’t have to do everything a man wants especially one who is not your husband. Riske activities like anal sex is something you should reserve for a deeper commitment. Even oral sex without a condom outside of a monogamous union is something that is unsafe, and I do not feel you were the only woman he was messing around with outside of his wife. Deep down you don’t sound like you enjoy being used like that. And the fact that he wanted to pawn you off to his friends to be used tells me that he is a man of very low character, and you realized how he viewed as a commodity. Assess your life and commit to a certain personal standard for yourself. You can recreate your life and become the woman of dignity that deep down I sense that you want to be. Don’t settle going forward, don’t get caught up in soul stealing liaisons like the one above. Get some counseling and move on from the past. Do not give yourself a life sentence because of your past. You are free to start over, so get up, dust yourself off, and start over.

  3. I am now fearful that he may try to kill me as he is linked to an infamous don and he was charged with a crime in the past.

    If the send is in fear of her life, why would she divulge some much detail about the husband? Anyone who is affiliated with the PNP and/or its hierarchy, cad easily pinpoint out who this individual is. Maybe, just maybe, it is the wife that sent this in or the side chick is really dumb.

  4. Yuh really Mek him go in a yuh rear end?Bet him can’t go to him wife wid dat?Yuh lower yuh self and have nothing to show.You knew he was married can’t be sympathetic to you.

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