It appears to be the body of a young woman who is deceased and the body thrown into the canal near St. Johns Road in Spanish Town


10 thoughts on “POLICE CHECK OUT DIS DEH

  1. Waiting to hear that this was another under age girl who got pregnant by her adult boyfriend so he killed her to avoid going to prison..I know it’s impossible to tell what really happened from the pic but that girl looks pregnant, not because her stomach and breast looks swollen but because she has a pronounced linea nigra down the middle of her stomach..the dead speaks volumes so whoever killed this girl and think because dem dump har inna water dem get weh..long run short ketch

    1. Mi Nuh know wah kinda job yuh do but special victims needs yuh.. no mi luv yuh fi do Betta how yuh get so much… She looks like a drowning victim.

  2. I hope is not the young lady, who was left in taxi, that the woman jumped out of with her two children. Met, you carried the story a couple days ago. RIP dear.

  3. RIP…I thought the same thing. That it’s the girl from in the taxi. So sad to see someone life taken from them at such a early stage.

  4. spoke with the parent that jumped out of the taxi with her 2 kids and she confirmed that it is the girl she saw.

  5. A Prayer for Judging the Wicked

    1 Why do you stand far away, LORD?

    Why do you hide in times of distress?

    2The wicked one arrogantly pursues the afflicted,b

    who are trapped in the schemes he devises.

    3For the wicked one boasts about his own desire;

    he blesses the greedy

    and despises the LORD.

    4With haughty arrogance, the wicked thinks,

    “God will not seek justice.”

    He always presumes “There is no God.”

    5Their ways always seem prosperous.

    Your judgments are on high,

    far away from them.

    They scoff at all their enemies.

    6They say to themselves,

    “We will not be moved throughout all time,

    and we will not experience adversity.”

    7Their mouth is full of curses, lies, and oppression,

    their tongues spread trouble and iniquity.

    8They wait in ambush in the villages,

    they kill the innocent in secret.

    9Their eyes secretly watch the helpless,

    lying in wait like a lion in his den.

    They lie in wait to catch the afflicted.

    They catch the afflicted when they pull him into their net.

    10The victims is crushed,

    and he sinks down;

    the helpless fall by their might.

    11The wicked say to themselves,

    “God has forgotten,

    he has hidden his face,

    he will never see it.”

    12Rise up, LORD!

    Raise your hand, God.

    Don’t forget the afflicted!

    13Why do the wicked despise God

    and say to themselves, “God will not seek justice.”?h

    14But you do see!

    You take note of trouble and grief

    in order to take the matter into your own hand.

    The helpless one commits himself to you;

    you have been the orphan’s helper.

    15Break the arm of the wicked and evil man;

    so that when you seek out his wickedness

    you will find it no more.

    16The LORD is king forever and ever;

    nations will perish from his land.

    17LORD, you heard the desire of the afflicted;

    you will strengthen them,

    you will listen carefully,

    18to do justice for the orphan and the oppressed,

    so that men of the earth may cause terror no more.

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