Police try to take away this man (in pictures below )vehicle and the man lay down under his bus with his daughter,even at one point beside it and tell the police that him very serious seh him not moving nor is he leaving his bus and his daughter the same. This is in Montego Bay.

So you bring your daughter to danger? I dont care weh unno wan sey, this is dangerous for a child. Why are taking this man vehicle… not registered? no insurance? Whats the reason. Ridiculous. Kids should do kids things.
anonymous shut u come catcher please
For real @boochie..him know seh the police nah drive over dem..and if that the case because of no ins, no drivers license, and such do you think he would lay down under the car..police nuh fair a jummaica.. And of it’s his lovely hood of course she fi lay down to with her fathers right..