Popcaan hood big black and boring him f**k out seriously him want charge up him cant stay even two min jada dgreat seh that bitches just want fame and boring f**k nun brave enough fi seh him boring but i do it big yes but him f**k out iteasy fi dead him need fi tek care of him body him too young fi have that problem
you know seh this bad and da gal ya bad to lol…#waitingforthecomments
It sad when young boy pickney hood soft and cannot stand up fi one minute. Lwad go drink some roots. Some a unuh kids think unuh can done punny but mark my words, it will mek unuh run down. Too much jucking wid different women will make you hood soft and cannot get up. you hood root dead. Popcaan go cool off and give you body a rest Dude.
Sometimes di big ones just big and dead. There ain’t enuf blood flow fi keep it up. Mi hate wen a buddy show up but fail fi show off.
That is why fore play is important before sex cause if it nuh stand at attention, he has lost my attention..mi gone clear :travel
Yaaaasssss Yep. Foreplay is foremost.
Mi ah tell yuh!…if not, he can “fore” get about it :ngakak
Yuh knoe seh ah nuh lie :ngakak……but yuh bad still :ngakak
Mi nuh nuh where near bad like ah yuh :peluk :peluk :peluk :peluk :ngakak
No Yeppy….mi haffi disagree wid yuh pon dah one yere
:ngakak. Yuh bad suh til :ngakak Ah mussi das why Imi lub yuh suh :peluk :peluk
Di love is mutual wid buff love a respect mummy cause we both retarded ah love laugh…ah jus suh di ting set mumma :ngakak, :peluk :peluk :peluk :peluk :peluk
*nuff* love
Same suh Mums :ngakak :ngakak
Oh lord lol
Him need some good food fi strengthen the big ole half dead hood, nothing more disgusting than a big hood that lack, stamina and performance. Kmt.
Senda maybe u just nuh turn him on
Exactly my point
No matter how big, if the blood flow is good it will get hard. That mean there is an Underlying health problem why the flow is poor. Get medical attention fast.
Popcaan yo popdung!
Me swear seh whoever wrote this probably get one f**k cuz him Neva care bout har !!!! Lmaoooooo dwlllllllllll mi bodiiii woiiii I can’t bother poppy u fi do betta all wen u no want f**k di gal !
Wow too bad his having that problem and like someone already said he is too young to be having that problem but then again you never know now a days, symptoms and problems sometimes just fall pon you and you didn’t even know it.
Pink wall mic tattooed on his forearm, cute…
Popcaan di lady seh yuh tiger get tame right after it get wild :ngakak. Popcaan yuh need likkle roots man. Guh outta coronation market an seek out Miss Josephine fi di “dead man gitup tanup” roots. :ngakak
Dwrl nooooo stop.
Yawdy wah do yuh? Who im fi guh tuh? If I laff tinite!
As much as Pappy a mi awtiste him lifestyle is too outdere..Dis is wah too much ravin cause. Di heavy jinking, heavy ganja smoking, and di constant whoring muss ketch up to you one day. All tings in moderation. All him cuteness gawn since him teck up dis lifetstyle. Ugly up dem owna self now hood dead..kmt. At least you talent is still dere.
This is the second time I hear this don’t know Ifit true but short men fi tear up sheet kmt
maybe a just she dont give him inspiration
Yo know a no caan alone have this problem, mi cuz a deal with a young ting mi mean real young boy just turn 22 and she ever a complain seh it show up in the beginning but then it soft out pan har…lol she seh it have good size and long a just that a the problem
Maybe the boy is a little too young and inexperienced and a have anxiety issues. A lot of young men will have these issues. If you have male friends they can tell you about their younger days and how they would react to older women or even women in general. Some of them even find excuses to run from it. In these cases, usually nothing nuh wrong with them, just anxiety.
The Metters recommend Black Ants Poppy (it r ere i hear it too).
Met u sure him nah get kick back from this? Look like him have part ownership fi try like the lady pups top point out seh hi tat
Met u sure him nah get kick back from this? Look like him have part ownership fi tru… like the lady up top point out him tattoo identical to JMG logo fi tru.
part ownership of where?
My girl, it’s obviously ah figure of speech…who nuh si seh di mic pan him forearm similar tuh that of JMG’s??…why some ah unu suh rawse nuff ah dunce?? :cd …
Di man love music suh him get ah mic tattoo pan him forearm..it nuh mean seh him have nuh proprietorship inna JMG…I just happen tuh notice seh it fava fiwi JMG mic, that’s all…btw, sorry fe call yuh dunce, but your comment was really stupid as all hell…
Wah dem sey papi pap dung DWL
Him need fi go saawt out him CENTER-SOFT-LACK-OF-ATTENTION-BUDDY..Anuh di first this statment mek bout POPPI…POPPI DI GAL DEM SAY U BUDDI NEED CARE AND SORTING OUT, CAUSE 2 MIN NAH GO CUT IT NUH CARE HOW IT BIG-BLACK-AND-STRANG…WAIEEEEEE…Poppi u need fi duh betta star chaaaaa!!!! :mahongintip :mahongintip
A hear dis before from a young little gal down a country but a said its lie , poor ting burn out big hood mr softy for 2015 .
Poppy pop dung fi she cus she nah get the right f**k tsk tsk
Poppy blood pressure low. If I laugh!
Before mi even read the comments…… This is sooooooooo true mi hear the same from too many friends in Jamaica. Dem too young fi dem buddy so dead and can’t last more than two minutes. Most girls are with these men/ boys because dem a artist, bad man or dancehall celebrities. REAL TALK
While it may be true that some of these young men cannot have a firm erection, this girl ever stopped to think that maybe Popcaan just wasn’t all that turned on by her? If a man is really attracted to you, you don’t have to do anything for him to have a firm erection but if him not naturally attracted to you like that, you haffi do nuff fi get him in the mood and maybe even then, he still won’t be at his best.
And note to sender, you sound like a real dunce. Maybe you shoulda mek Popcaan send you back to school because you are in need of an education obviously. Popcaan nuh bright either but I wouldn’t be surprised if he just wasn’t turned on by you.
To the young men in Jamaica, oonu need fi take care of oonu bodies and drinking roots is not it. Eat good food and be active and stop smoke up this bag a weed.
Exactly !
Unuh please stop put my name into mix up please am jada dgreat the real jada dgreat and i hate ppl a mix me they bin doing this for yrs now some ppl who use to claim to be my friends yes popcaan and i use to date fr bout 08 but ten yrs now we do 2-3 yrs on and off together but me would never go this extra mile to diss anybody son mi have nuff bro to and mi wouldnt want gal a show them up so popcaan no have non a them problem deh fi sure me cant even keep up wid him him have more energy more than me real talk so anybody who a tell lie pon the youth fi find something do and lef my name out of it popcaan goodenuff in the bedroom and out the bedroom overall have a good perdonally , all who want find me instagram @jadadgreat or youtube jada dgreat or jada dgreat design anything me say me can back it me no hide under fake profile
Stop mix up mi name mi a the real jada dgreat find me on instagram jada dgreat ,youtube jada dgreat or jada dgreat diy
Fr 08 mi did a link wid popcaan i never have no bedroom issue wid hik i couldnt even keep up wid him pop dung weh unuh stop mix mi name and stop tell lie pon the youth dont hide under fake profile either and dont use me name to do it ppl know where to find me and anything me chat mi can back it leave poppy alone and leave my name out of it and stop tell lie on the youth .