
“… Renewal was not about discarding people who have given their life to the movement. It is not about throwing out our party’s elders and stalwarts. Renewal must involve looking at where we went wrong and correcting the problems. In all of this, we must put the interest of the party and our country ahead of our personal ambition … ,” said Simpson Miller in her address.

Taking a swipe at dissenters, she added: “Renewal is harnessing the best of our Comrades, old and young, to propel our party forward, and to contribute to Jamaica’s growth and development. I have always supported renewal. In fact, many of the loudest voices for renewal were brought in by me. I will not allow the PNP to be destroyed by those who have not taken the time to learn its best traditions and principles.”

6 thoughts on “PORTIA SEH RENEWAL

  1. They all backed down n she remains unchallenged.Even a few persons who were clamouring for her Departure end up sign her nomination sighh.

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