
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller did not mince words today as she sent a strong message to child molesters while speaking at the People’s National Party’s 77th annual conference at the National Arena in Kingston.

She was adamant and insisted that the law will not spare child molesters.

“Yuh better stop it now, I going to see to it that you get the full penalty of the law if you rape a child…,” Simpson Miller said in an obviously impassioned plea.

She said that once a child has been raped, it scars that child for life. She also used herself as an example, to say that had she been raped while growing up in her St Catherine community, she would not be the woman she is today.

“I am saying, take it from Portia today, I don’t care who you are, stop it! Don’t do it!” Simpson Miller charged as she pledged to stand up for the children of Jamaica.

“Stop it demons! You are demons!” Simpson Miller continued.

She also said she is going to ensure that the full weight of the law is used to protect children.

“I am going to come to court and look in your eyes,” Simpson Miller said in her message to child molesters.

She also called on communities to rise up and protect children.

0 thoughts on “PORTIA , VICTIM OF ABUSE

  1. I am PROUD of Madam Prime Minister Miller’s sharing of her own childhood ordeal with the public. Her revelation show that we can continue to strive as victims, and no matter where life takes us we MUST fight against that wrong…

    Marie, big up yu self.

      1. Darn! You know I read that blindly… 😀 that ONE word eluded me. Me still a continue fi rant cause this ISh is serious and people tek it fi joke

        Love you Fam , thanks

    1. Thanks again Real for the correction :kiss . You know me only mean good.

      I was so in awe by her speech that I missed one…so correction is in order. Enough of the face saving.


      I’D like to say thanks to that nasty politician for getting busted cause it help to drive the PM on this issue of sexual abuse.

    2. Hey PP…the title said that she is a victim of abuse so don’t feel no way……the time has come for change…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I am overjoyed with this speech and I have no doubt that she has been following the recent cases. It’s not the offender alone that they need to prosecute. Every single person who is aware of the abuse and remains silent should be charged as well. In my eyes, they are sicker than the offender. They need to understand that the reaction of loved ones close to the child is so important for a positive recovery…mi affi big up Portia…that speech long over due…

  2. Well I hope she is not doing this for votes only …this is serious. I remember how she said she would support that other lifestyle for votes.

    1. lol…”Come one, come all” 😀 The best moments fi that was Clovis cartoons 😀

      You know that the one we focus pon over here was the launch for that commitment speech, but Lucretia know sey up a country full a dem so she have fi follow through pon that one promise. We neva buy into the ‘love poor people’ ting cause we renk up a we likkle district de and know lucretia and poverty no friend 😀 😀 😀 40 years and town nu catch on to that yet :travel


  3. I heard the town criers (motor vehicle with the speaker on top) blaring “Vote for Portia” passing through my community last sunday. I hope that was not the motivational factor behind this speech. Either way she is lending her voice to a very critical issue, its high time more stringent measures are put in place to stem that epidemic of child abuse that is spreading like a virus. Madam Portia I hope you keep your word & present yourself in court to face these molesters & ensure that drastic actions are taken against them. I will be reading the papers & watching the news to see if you will stand by your word.

  4. I think there is something seriously wrong with this woman’s brain. She sounded incoherent. Since she wasn’t proposing any new laws, she should have outlined how she intended to ensure that the existing laws were enforced. Calling people demons and telling them she’ll come to court and look them in the eyes, is not a plan. Ffs! She needs to retire and save some face. She is a disgrace to Jamaica.

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