Integrity Commission To Probe Market Me, Health Ministry Dealings
The Integrity Commission has taken an interest in the controversy involving the Ministry of Health and Wellness and marketing firm Market Me Consulting Limited, setting the stage for a major probe into the ministry’s dealing with the company.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source at the State’s corruption watchdog agency told The Sunday Gleaner that there was a “small” initial briefing internally as the issue erupted, sending Health and Wellness Minister Dr Christopher Tufton on the defensive about more than $40 million worth of contracts awarded to Market Me.
Market Me is the company behind the Jamaica Moves physical fitness campaign, which is being promoted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness to bring awareness to the impact of non-communicable diseases and get Jamaicans, through a number of initiatives, to take steps to reduce the risk of contracting them.
The health ministry is undertaking an internal review of the process which led to the contract being awarded to Market Me, the newspaper understands.
Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Dunstan Bryan, yesterday refused to confirm the review, but indicated to The Sunday Gleaner that the ministry will issue a statement on the situation tomorrow.
It has been revealed that the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) had rejected the renewal of a multimillion-dollar contract to the company. But that decision was reversed following a successful lobby by the ministry.
Companies Office of Jamaica records show that Market Me was incorporated on February 20, 2013, with Lyndsey McDonnough and Kristina Kerr as directors.
Both are listed as marketing specialists.
The company initially made an unsolicited proposal to the ministry in 2016 for a contract valued at $15.9 million, which was approved.
In May 2019, the ministry wanted to extend the contract, but the procurement authority objected, noting that there was no evidence that value for money had been achieved from the first contract and Market Me had not met the minimum required score in the bid document.
But the permanent secretary led a ministry team that lobbied for a reversal. It was argued then that going to open market would have disrupted the Jamaica Moves programme, which was officially launched in April 2017.
The ministry officials – Permanent Secretary Bryan; Dr Simone Spence, acting director of health promotion and protection; and Trudy Brennan, acting director of procurement – argued further that the ministry was desirous of maintaining the look and feel of the programme as it had seen “positive results” coming from the campaign led by Market Me.
The PPC reversed its decision after the ministry reduced the contract period from two years to one.
However, the commission advised the ministry to put in place appropriate measures to ensure the project was put to tender before the contract period expired.
That renewed contract was worth $38.9 million.
But there are more questions regarding the unsolicited bid submitted by Market Me to the health ministry.
It has also been revealed that there had been a plan for a social media campaign aimed at getting Jamaicans ‘moving’ from 2013 in the ministry, three years before Market Me approached the Tufton-led ministry in 2016.
Sources have also revealed that Market Me had been awarded a number of contracts relating to other projects, other than the Jamaica Moves initiative, by the health ministry, “totalling millions of dollars”.
At a press conference last week, Tufton did not directly answer whether he had a close affiliation with any of the principals of Market Me.
“Yes, I have a great relationship with Market Me. I think they are an amazing company. They have delivered very effectively during my tenure as minister, and I have no difficulty in saying they work hard, and I enjoyed working with them,” Tufton responded.
Meanwhile, McDonnough, speaking on behalf of Market Me, declined to comment on the contract award process.
“On the instructions of my lawyer,” she told The Sunday Gleaner, “I currently have no comment. At the appropriate time, Market Me Consulting Limited will release a formal statement.”
Civil society advocate Carol Narcisse pointed out that the Government of Jamaica Procurement Handbook 1.2 noted that “An unsolicited proposal may be considered if it (a) demonstrates a unique and innovative concept, or demonstrates a unique capability of the contract; (b) offers a concept or service not otherwise available in Government”.
Narcisse further pointed out that the handbook said an unsolicited proposal may be considered if it does not resemble the substance of a recent, current, or pending competitive tender.
The health ministry has long had a capacity problem to implement large-scale health campaigns, a former senior official at the ministry told The Sunday Gleaner.
The official, who did not want to be identified in the story but has worked for more than a decade in the public health service, said it was usually the case that the ministry would outsource large campaigns.
However, those campaigns are usually not through unsolicited proposals, the official added.
Opposition Spokesman on Health Dr Morais Guy has also questioned whether the existence of multiple contracts between Market Me and the Ministry of Health and Wellness should trigger an investigation to ascertain whether Tufton used his position as the portfolio minister to steer, or influence – in part or whole – the contracts awarded to Market Me.
He said, if the claims were true, “it will amount to cronyism, nepotism, and the abuse of public office, which would then necessitate an immediate investigation by either the Integrity Commission or the Auditor General’s Department”.
Meanwhile, McDonnough, speaking on behalf of Market Me, declined to comment on the contract award process.
Jus gonna drink my bissy tea and wait. :siul
(Will this one stick, Jamaica, or get BUY OUT like everything else including public land and roads? :siul )
I ask my ancestors to intervene in this one ☝️. I am asking please find them guilty for the large contract that was given by her man. I am asking Tufton to be resigned once found guilty. No he’s didn’t combat COVID on his own the lower level people tell him what to do. The ones with the education in medicine and pandemic outbreak . Don’t be fool sheep . If they are not found guilty please sir up the people spirit to fight for better economic for the people. Today is new moon going to do a moon ritual for these people.
All things done in the dark must come to light.
Which is RIGHT!!
If there are any dirty dealings here, let them all be revealed, sick and tired of corruption, while we word hard and slave to get our little bit a money them a tief out our tax payer moneys, a drive big car, live in big house, go a big restaurant! CROOKS This is not right! Enough is ENOUGH . JUSTICE!!!!
U mean while they turn their noses up at everyone else and revel at how their children attend the best schools yaddy yaddy yadda. This system bias and BUY ASS and colorism needs to stop.
and to think this pussyhole a complain say money nuh deh fi expand hospitals and buy more medication and bed, meanwhile him put millions inna gyal company thru di gyal a skin out her pussy. so many people died because hospitals lack the basic necessities and this pussy ya squander MOH fi get few cum. PPL dead fi Tufton get pussy. Jamaica is crazy
I think that is one of the most disheartening aspects of all of this. Areas that are in desperate need went without so that he could line the pockets of his girlfriend. In some of these hospitals the patients have to be fighting off rats, and the ministry claims that they dont have the money to fix things. People should have recognized the red flags from the beginning though. A country like Jamaica is spending money on exercise campaigns when their medical system/facilities are in shambles. Jamaican people dont need to see commercials about exercise when most are forced to exercise because of their socioeconomic status.
It’s getting HOT in here!
Her dad is in Govt so I wouldn’t have any expectation..
Her dad in government and her mother allegedly did rob up Hi Lo supermarket money. Look like di family set lean. Time will reveal.
a lie, what the hell!
i like Tufton, however if he is found guilty i hope they will take action. mark u if i had a fried with a compnay that i could help i would help too, but they need to give others person a chance too, if him did use 2/3 compnaies plus hers it wouldn’t be so bad but to use her company alone, nah mi nuh agree to it. as humans we will look out for our one another but this has gone too far. As minister it nuh mean them fi use them authority doing the wrong things, mi like mr tufton and his work espceially with covid, but sir mi sorry we have to make example out a uno when uno mess up. we a nuh fool fool voters now that think like 12th century people we are milliniels, generation Z and we nuh play, we nuh loyal to no damm party, we vote for who making a change.
The end result won’t be what we all would wanted! nepotism and cronyism yes! but for the matter to graduate to the level we would want, there would have to be blatant proof that he is/was DIRECTLY and EXPLICITLY the facilitator which I doubt unless he is as “dunce” as Ruel Reid(the irony given his former title), the system would have to depend heavily on testimony from individuals whitin the ministry and i wouldn’t wager on that one! a blogger mentioned something that is very crucial in a previous post on pink wall relating to this same matter and it seems everyone missed it! the blogger highlighted that he is using that very said company as a “front,” would never doubt that blogger considering how those elected officials are, however if that can be proven as part of a wider investigation then that would be something, with very important questions, one such would be IS HE STEALING FROM THE MINISTRY USING THE “CONTRACT” PROCESS AND THE MENTIONED COMPANY AS THE VEHICLE? 2. IS MS LADY A “KNOWING” CO-CONSPIRATOR? 3.IS HE USING THE COMPANY FOR OTHER NAFARIOUS DEEDS UNRELATING TO THE GOVT. THAT IS OFF THE RADAR? OR ABOUT TO? the blogger mentioned that he was using the company to “hide,” from who? wife? THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT as its a common practice by conservatives? don’t know! just asking these questions :travel. wonder who can dig deep enough to uncover the truth? then we would be talking :thumbup
I’ve seen this play time and time again.. I bet after all this Mr T buddy nuh good enough for this girl anymore . There is nothing sweet about D*** when it full up ah problem and stress and embarrassment. Ooman like sweet joy stick without negative vibes and unnecessary entanglements be it entanglements with the law, police, the mob , wife, ex wife etc :rate
Every government contract awarded in Jamaica, whether solicited or unsolicited, is awarded to a family, friend or crony. That is how it’s always been and that is how it will always be. Jamaica is too small for it to be otherwise, they need to dash weh that handbook and all other handbooks regarding ethical governance because it’s all a waste of paper. Therefore, what the taxpayers should demand is value for money. If your family, friend or crony gets paid for a service, then they need to bring it. I’m not saying I support the system, just being realistic about how things stand and what we can realistically hope to get from these unethical people that we choose to lead.
We cannot concede to the system thats already in place and go along with the status quo. Corruption, nepotism and cronyism are going to be hard to get rid of, but it has to be fought. If not, whats the point of telling poor Jamaican kids to get an education so that they can get a good job? Behavior like this is why the country cant prosper and we continue to have a small upper class. Its frustrating to see so many people kill themselves to go through university only to still be poor. This is a large reason why. No one can get a foot in the door because all the seats are already assigned.
Look at the happy couple…..disgraceful and this corruption is happening across every single ministry department and agency. Come a tek taxpayers billions and a mind u gyal dem. While the tax payers on an individual level most don’t have a $50,000 in savings. Fuck outta here…prison dem fi go! Bout not my business it is very much our business when you as our PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS steal our money fi keep up your adulterous lifestyle!!!!
What Tufton need to remember is, the people elected him to represent them and also expects him to make diligent decision on their behalf. He is not more important than the citizens because he works for them and just like they voted him in, they can vote him out. So stop being arrogant.
What a way dem look coupled up disgraceful and this corruption is happening across every single ministry department and agency. Come a tek taxpayers billions and a mind u gyal dem While the tax payers on an individual level most don’t have a $50,000 in savings Fuck outta here prison dem fi go! Bout not my business it is very much our business when you as our PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS steal our money fi keep up your adulterous lifestyle!!!!
Awww look at the happy couple :-0
disgraceful and this corruption is happening across every single ministry department and agency. Come a tek taxpayers billions and a mind u gyal dem. While the tax payers on an individual level most don’t have a $50,000 in savings. Fuck outta here…prison dem fi go! Bout not my business it is very much our business when you as our PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS steal our money fi keep up your adulterous lifestyle!!!! The PS needs to go to and the director of procurement
This money could have helped the hospitals by buying equipments and refurbishing. Corruption is the order of the day and the Prime Minister sanction it. Him being a young guy I am so disappointed in him, I expected him to try and bring the country forward instead he and his cabinet brings disgrace on the country with the rampant corruption. He comes out and address the people telling them what they want to hear knowing that it’s all lies that’s coming from his mouth, in other words he’s using petty psychology on them and most falls for it possible out of desperation for wanting better.. He’s just like pinnocchio .
When did the “unsolicited” proposal come in to the MOHW…before or after she became a member of the G2K? And if it was after, it would mean that she has some contact with the Minister whether directly or indirectly? This makes me question whether the bid was truly unsolicited in the first instance.
It’s a sad affair!
It’s no wonder things are not improving for the lower class.
People should not be fooled by these thieves/MP.
Be wise with your votes!