Dear Met,
I am writing to tell you about michael the man that owns micnad fashion in halfway tree who is a bis*xual and a freak, his lover name is ricky who sells downtown pearnel charles arcade, last year michael ketch ricky with another man and burn up the other man with acid, right now michael have to a pay off the man that he burn up so the man dont lock him up, them recruit the tatoo artist that name lord (IP) who is gay and everybody a portmore knows. (IP) married to a girl name iam female boss who she is a proper fr*ak. Marrying the girl is just for cover as him, ricky and michael a f**k each other. Also dougie platinum and michael,ricky and lord iprince a big friend.
Hello senda is 2017 now batty man can get exposed cause it nuh look like we can stop dem again suh send on him pic.
Which Ricky? The one dung town or up town? Just asking for clarification. (I don’t know where “Downtown Pearnel Charles arcade” is located).