The Senate Voted Against Keeping Heathcare Coverage For Contraceptives.

Senate took the first step toward dismantling the Affordable Care Act. As part of the proceeding, Democratic senators introduced a series of amendments, most of which were designed to spotlight highly popular provisions of the #ACA that will be lost if the law is repealed. Republicans voted them all down. The action was mostly political theater, but it was a discouraging glimpse at the state of GOP thinking on health care.

Voting on the amendments lasted almost seven hours. One of the many amendments Republicans struck down was one in support of requiring insurance companies to cover the cost of contraceptives. If that measure is reflected in the bill that eventually repeals Obamacare (we are still some distance from that), it would leave 55 million women without no-co-pay birth control.

According to Politico’s Dan Diamond, the Senate also voted against an amendment that would support maintaining a preexisting-conditions protection for health insurance, a provision of Obamacare that affects tens of millions of Americans. And remember that before the Affordable Care Act passed, many insurance companies considered pregnancy to be a preexisting condition.

The rollback is exactly what senators such as Kirsten Gillibrand feared when Obamacare first came under threat. “If my colleagues destroy the Affordable Care Act, it will have real, direct, and painful consequences for millions of American women and their families,” Gillibrand said during a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday. Gillibrand’s amendment, which sought to preserve still more protections for women under the ACA, was voted down.

As New York’s Ed Kilgore pointed out, GOP senators also declined to vote in support of protecting Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and rural hospitals. Democrats reportedly tracked the votes of each Republican senator, possibly recording the information to use against them in upcoming campaigns.
Meanwhile, several Democrats voiced their objections before casting their “no” votes, but they were quickly silenced by the gavel.


  1. And you are now watching the downfall of the “American Empire” I just want to see how long it takes until the people fight back.

  2. can never fathom why/how people vote for them, voting for them is like voting against your own betterment, just like I was watching this short documentary about the conservative south and they profiled this rickety town in mississippi,the most conservative state in the union, they’re still VERY bitter against the liberal north because of the civil war and how Ulysses Grant from new york leveled the south with total war, destroying slavery and cotton, the staple of their so called economy, they were interviewing this man in the town, the man had no front teeth and his was there lambasting president obama about how much obamacare is a bad thing and bad for america, the interviewer ask him to identify all the negatives in obamacare he could’nt answer, the interviewer ask him since he is so poor that he cannot even afford a medical checkup out of his pocket let alone health insurance don’t he need some type of healthcare coverage thats efficient to poor people like him,he scratches his head for a brief minute then said he is ENTITLED to it(ooook-then).

    1. Caan believe seh a man wid no teet a cuss free healthcare. Man been living in di backwoods so long him nuh realize seh living widdout teet is abnormal.

      I told my friend in Cali long time ago, she is AA. I told her anytime Obama come out of power money going to run wild in the US and business gwine boom, they going to do it to meck it show like is Obama was holding up progress, when a dem did a block everything him tried to achieve. But him legacy will stand cause him teck DAT country from a wrecked state and bring it back. Ppl can own houses again and get wuck. Trump taking over a country where everything fixed and working and going to act like him come been and wuck miracles. Him followers already treat him like him is di messiah, but providence have summen in store fi him bumbo.

  3. Oh dear! Republican females going to start dead or start littering the bushes wid abandon babies.


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