Afta Russian get up and seh how people did a try limit him and him buy Lambo and Rolls Royce fi almost half million…Di sed people dem tun roun bus it up seh a lease di vehicle lease…Why uno love hype pan people fi nothing? Russian yuh haffi have at least 10m ina di bank fi consider such an asset…not even house but big cyar? Russian dem seh is a lease and yuh neva haffi do that cause no one was hating on you.


  1. Most of these celebrities lease their vehicles. There is nothing wrong with it. Payments still have to be made on it.

    1. Sender you don’t knw anything most people lease cars and write them off as business expense especially the US so nothing is wrong with that the car still has its value and it’s not cheap to own one of those Vehicles regardless if it’s a lease those cars are probably $2,000 a month or better and he does have an extremely nice modern contemporary Mansion here in Florida I’m not sure what he owns in Jamaica the kid Talent you can’t take that from him

  2. Nobody hating on him, not a soul. I would go as far and seh him is not on anybody’s mind, cause when mi on Instagram I have never thought to go on his page for any reasons. I doubt 50 Jamaican ppl outside of the music industry really think bout Russian or wondering what him up to.

  3. Idk why Russian keep a try portray dis rags to riches, an dis ppl hating on him story, wen ppl done know him is trust fund baby, keep a act like him mek dis shitload a money out a music, yea some a yuh riddim was picked up by a few big acts but ur hype is more dan wat it is, nothing is wrong wid you a bawn inna money, u shud be happy fi dat appreciate di foundation yuh parent set fi yuh an live dat truth.

  4. Isn’t that the norm for people who want the latest thing to lease. Because after a year or two people will say a old car that. So lease and always have a new car to keep up the image.

    the disgrace would be if the payments not being made and it was being repo’

    1. It all depends on perspective and how you will be using the vehicle. Remember that there is a mile restriction on leases and if you go over, you will be penalized. So if you intend to rack up the miles, a lease wouldn’t make much financial sense.

      I always tell people that there is no wrong or right but more so what are your priorities.

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