Sean Paul donated $1 million to Shaggy for his work with the Bustamante Hospital for Children. “Every year I’ve been at Shaggy, I’ve either been there and worked and performed… So this year, since I wasn’t going to perform, I just did that. Each one teach one. You see it,” he said. Sean Paul — who was unable to attend the show — made the pledge at the ScotiaBank tent, through booking agency Headline Entertainment. The donation was made during the charity concert on the lawns of Jamaica House in St Andrew, last Saturday.



  1. Good afternoon Met hope your well and enjoy your day. Is there more to this story then meet’s the eye… If not then please excuse my curiosity Mr Paul my mother said I’m fass ,but there is something that doesn’t sit well with me with Mr Paul, just can’t put my finger on it….. I hope the money goes to where it’s most needed…. But I’m not very hopeful of that… Coming of topic…. You know living in England I see all these schools that partner up with other schools in other countries. I would love to help facilitate something like that with a school in Jamaica. I think all of the school children in both schools would benefit and would also find it interesting . But Coming from Jamaica and never living there it’s hard to know and understand the true politic’s of the country that believe it or not I call home. Tv and news papers write and transmit what the editor wants them to put out. Which is often something to do with their own personal agenda. Not just in Jamaica but in most countries. So not to sure how much credence i can lend to it…. But is there anybody out there that often have the feeling of we should be doing more to aid that beautiful Ireland but wouldn’t know how or where to start? And thinking if you do will someone come and try and take the piss. As the older I’m getting the less tolerance I’m having. Lol enjoy your day pep’s

  2. Thanks for donating Sean Paul, If everyone who had something to say donated 1 dollar we could do great things for these children. You see that’s the beauty of giving you do it from the heart!

  3. Country 10:46, I too live in the UK and I often thinking about creating a charity forbchildren who live inner cities and deprived areas. I was thinking about starting from the area that I grew up in, I left the country 6 years after finish high school, I’m in final year at uni but I do get a sense of fear actually when I think about eventually starting a charity. The one I have in mind is actual community focus and sometimes people inner city Kingston become envious for nothing (I can comprehend it) that is my only issues that would prevent me from doing so yea I do get the sense that people would try take a piss. The Sean Paul situation I get the same feeling like u big up yuh self shaggy because most artist do even try help the community weh dem come from dem think seh a likkle “back to school treat or Christmas treat” can help these people I’m thinking long term.

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