Met just let all the fan them know that this friday
I will be unleashing on these Philly whore with all true story mainly about Tracey white,miss slimthicking,teamnosleep_2
So stay tune
Story will be sent in Thursday so people can see it friday
Y’all going to be surprise what these b*tches been doing and acting nice.
Met yuh caption a beat me like how joe Jackson beat the black off Michael Jackson :ngakak :batabig :malu :sup2: :repost2
In all fairness though the philly ppl who keep sending een ish bout the same set of ppl always have lil hype n suspense to di ting hence this prelude.Dem much different from the same ole shyt di may pen issa playpen ppl always a send een …afta mi nuh bias!
Hurry up!!! mi nuh even know dem but dash out everyting an send pics tuh please.
Waits patiently
lol waiting patiently
We still waiting