Sumbody pls tell dis (Edited) she nuh look Gud swear sai she ah di hottest & cyan even show fi ar brown dutty teeth living off di government and sleeping with one bag ah man SHE TALKS THE MOST SHYT ABOUT JA PEOPLE BUT ALWAYS WANT TO BE AROUND US GO PAR WITH YUH SPANISH PEOPLE DEM GAL..

Ugly bad! Shi don’t even born dat ugly, ah she mek ‘arself ugly! Yuck!
She look dirty
Greasy like oil!
She is ugly ugly bad. she stinks. she is a bum bitch that don’t have any money. she a thief. she go f**k Africans for money. no class or status but she swears she is the shit. Mi dislike this piece of shit. Feed her the dogs and don’t let her in your party.