Warning To All Shoplifters

A new form of loss prevention is about to be imposed on all major department stores including Macy’s, Sears, JCP, Kohl’s, Michael’s, DSW, Sephora, H&M, Target, Ulta, American Eagle, Hollister, Forever 21, Express.. and at least 20 more. This new form of security will prevent 99% of shoplifting from happening and will be fully implemented in the above stores no later than June of 2015. If you like shoplifting, get it all done now! This revolutionary new method of security is 500X more effective than traditional tags. Unless you’re asking for a criminal record, don’t try to shoplift again once this technology becomes implemented. Scientists from the University of San Diego (March 2015) have patented an infrared spray which can be applied very lightly on any sort of merchandise (usually no bigger than a square inch of surface area). It’s completely invisible to the human eye and doesn’t smell weird or feel funny. If you picked a shirt up and examined it, you wouldn’t be able to tell where the shirt was sprayed. Anyway, these stores will also be installing new security cameras which partner with the Smart Ink. The camera “sees” the coloring generated by the ink with its smart technology, and will even be able to track movements of individuals in the future. The infrared vision will allow the camera to “see” the unpaid item no matter how well it is concealed on a person. Bulky sweaters, large purses, baby strollers, or sleeves will be seen through very easily by these cameras. When a person pays for their purchase, the store camera and software will automatically stop tracing your movements and therefore sound no alarms when you walk out. The thing is that all major department stores have already signed with Smart Ink.


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